Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Molecular Studies On Microsporidia Species And Their Prevalence In Lagos, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Microsporidia cases due to Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Encephalitozoon intestinalis are emerging opportunistic infections associated with a wide range of clinical syndromes in humans. A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of microsporidia spores, Cryptosporidium oocyst and other enteric intestinal parasites from faeces of HIV-positive individuals (with and without diarrhoea) attending the HIV/AIDS Clinics and from HIV-negative individuals and animal sample...

Modelling Of Maternal Health Care Services Using Multinomial Logistic Regression

ABSTRACT Several methods which have been adopted to analyze multi-category data yields unsatisfactory results because of strict assumptions regarding normality, linearity, and homoscedasticity. As a result, Multinomial logistic regression is considered as an alternative because it does not assume normality, linearity, or homoscedasticity (Hosmer & Lemeshow, (2000)). The study attempted to use Maximum likelihood estimation and predicted probability to model Maternal Health Care Services data b...

Model Assisted Estimation in Adaptive Sampling

Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures Acknowledgement Chapter One Introduction Background Information Statement of Problems Purpose and Objective of Study Outline Chapter Two - Estimators in Adaptive Cluster Sampling Introduction Ordinary Estimators in Adaptive Sampling The Improved Estimators Forms of Adaptive Sampling Frame Free Adaptive Designs Sampling Without Replacement of Clusters Chapter Three - Model Assisted Adaptive Cluster Sampling Introduction Proposed Model Assist...

Expert Radio System For Zimbabwe Broadcasting Holdings

i ABSTRACT This study sought to craft an Expert Radios System for Zimbabwe Broadcasting Holdings. The researcher‟s problem statement indicated that Zimbabwe Broadcasting Holdings is engaged in two media services namely television and radio broadcasting services, and the processes involved in their radio broadcasting was mainly through analogy radio signals. As technology evolves, the equipment currently in use becomes obsolete and makes it hard to keep maintaining available infrastructure t...

An Investigation Into The Effectiveness Of Teacher Turnover In The Subject Of Geography: A Case Study Of Kutama Day High School

TABLE OF CONTENTS Dedication ……………………………………………………………………………………..i Declaration ……………………………………………………………………………………ii Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………….…iii Acknowledgements ……………………………………………………………………………iv Table of contents………………�...

Zimplats Safety Health Environment Quality (Sheq) – Behavior Based Initiative (Bbi) Monitoring And Tracking System

i Abstract The main aim of the research was to develop a Safety Health Environmental and Quality (SHEQ) and Behaviour Based Initiative (BBI) monitoring and tracking system which creates a culture of safety awareness and accountability and an atmosphere of trust involving more worker involvement. A background study of the organisation was carried out as well as a comprehensive problem definition was deduced. The proposed system was developed using PHP programing language and MySQL database. Th...

Occurence And Distribution Of Pathogenic Viruses And Fungi In Sweet Potato Varieties In Gweru

ABSTRACT Viruses and fungi are the major threat to sweet potato production because they reduce yield by up to 90% thereby threatening food security. A study was carried out to identify pathogenic viruses and fungi affecting sweet potato and to determine their distribution across varieties and sites in Gweru. A total of 28 samples belonging to five different sweet potato varieties were collected from nine sites in Gweru. Plants were screened for viruses using two methods namely direct observat...

Ipv6– Network Security In Polytechnic Of Namibia Network

Abstract Increasing demand for IP addresses on the IPv4 address space made the introduction of a new addressing scheme with more addresses inevitable. IPv6 was designed to address the issue of small address space in IPv4. In addition to increasing the address space IPv6 is presumably supposed to increase the security of networks. However, does IPv6 really improve network security? Based on the IPv6 design, it can be argued that IPv6 does improve network security to some extent. IPv6 was desig...

The Efficacy Of Prognostic Risk Factors In Classifying Malaria Patients Using Discriminant Analysis: A Case Study Of Sanyati Hospital

ABSTRACT Malaria is endemic in Sanyati, accounting to approximately 3000 patients both outpatient attendance and admissions diagnosed of the disease yearly and 15% of all hospital deaths. The research analyzed the efficacy of prognostic risk factors in classifying malaria patients into low and high risk groups using discriminant analysis: a case study of Sanyati Baptist Hospital. Secondary data was extracted from the inpatient morbidity and mortality register available in the information depa...

Prevalence And Factors Associated With Continual Opioid Use Among Patients Attending Methadone Clinic At Mwananyamala Hospital, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

A B S T R A C T Trends of continual drug use while under treatment have been reported worldwide. This paper assesses opioid use among patients receiving treatment in a methadone clinic for opioid addiction. A total of 126 urine samples were analyzed using LC–MS/FTMS. About 16% of patients were found to have a high prevalence level of opioids use. Prevalence level was significantly associated with the duration of treatment (p= 0.0121) and age (p =0.0328). About 125/126 patients were found t...

Efect of Nano-SiO2, Nano-TiO2 and Nano-Al2O3 Addition on Fluid Loss in Oil-Well Cement Slurry

Abstract  In this article, incorporation of nano-SiO2 (NS), nano-TiO2 (NT) and nano-Al2O3 (NA) particles and their binary and ternary blends on water fltration in oil-well cement slurry was examined. The nanoparticle contents were chosen at proportions corresponding to 1, 2, 3 and 4% based on the weight of cement. The experimental specimens were tested at three various temperatures of 70, 80 and 90 °C using a gas pressure of 1000 psi. The quantity of water fltrate collected was measured in ...

Setting Up A Learning Practice Base Transceiver Station (Bts) At Msu Main Campus.

ABSTRACT The evolution of technologies in the cellular wireless communication from first generation (1G) to LTE has taken a giant step that other sectors of the industry, social, academia to name but a few, especially in the developing world are struggling to cope. Some countries in the third world are still using 1G and 2G equipment, three or four steps behind LTE, which is more than a quarter of a century lag. The need for engineering students to have hands-on experience on equipment and ma...

Msu Online Clearance System For Graduating Student

ABSTRACT The project outlines and gives support for the Online Clearance System for Graduating Student which was developed as a final year Project at the Midlands State University. The system has been developed for Midlands State University and it is a web based to cater for technological rapid changes. The research was guided by seven objectives; to develop a platform that facilitate information exchange between the clearance information units (the Library, Student Accounts and Departmental)...

Gladercom Freight (Pvt) Ltd Consignment Tracking System

ABSTRACT The Gladercom Freight Consignment Tracking System is a web based progressive application that allows consigners to book and pay for shipment, and track it till it reaches consignee’s’ destination. The consigner gains access to the system by using login details received via email. The administrator is responsible for viewing paid consignment that is awaiting delivery, drivers that have not been assigned delivery duties and assigning those drivers to deliver consignment. The driver...

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