ABSTRACT In recent years, ad-hoc wireless networks have experienced an increase in popularity and usage due to their flexibility and the ability to provide connectivity from anywhere, at any time. Ad-hoc wireless network provides mobile communications to nodes in situations where the participating nodes are not in need of existing network infrastructure. The detection of malicious nodes is hard to achieve due to its dynamic nature of nodes mobility, lack of infrastructure and the nature o...
ABSTRACT E-Government is regarded as an important tool to help governments meet their goals. The theory of New Public Management arguably motivated the use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) in government with the idea of improving service delivery. However, e-Government use by citizens remains low. On the other hand, government’s vision of an inclusive e-Government has to still yield results, as many citizens are still not using the available e-government services. This chall...
ABSTRACT Hydro-geophysical study of Mbano and environs, Southeastern Nigeria was carried out with the objective of estimating aquifer hydraulic parameters from resistivity data. Thirty-six (36) vertical electrical resistivity (VES) sounding data using the Schlumberger array were acquired with a maximum current electrode spread of 1000m using the ABEM Terrameter SAS 4000. Out of the thirty-six (36) VES soundings, fourteen (14) parametric soundings were carried out at the locations of existin...
ABSTRACT The determination of the components of stress on a pipe made of either linearly elastic or non-linearly elastic material and subjected to internal fluid pressure is of immense benefit to engineers. Chung et al [2] worked on a class of non-linearly elastic type with some degree of success. This work seeks an improvement on [2]. It will do this by obtaining such components of stress in a form that engineers will find easy to use. Towards obtaining the required components, the r...
ABSTRACT The protective and antioxidant properties of Aqueous Anti-ulcer Drug (AQAUD) against Aspirin-induced gastric ulcers in albino rats were investigated. In this study, thirty male albino rats were divided into five groups. Rats in group I served as normal control and received food and water. Animals in group II received food and water in addition to aspirin 400mg/kg.b.wt orally on the 14th day. Rats in groups III, IV and V received “AQAUD” 250mg/kg.b.wt, 500mg/kg.b.wt and Omeprazo...
ABSTRACT T h e Oil Palm T r u n k ( O P T ) fib e r w a s p r e t r e a t e d , using T e t r a o x o s ulp h a t e ( vi) a cid H 2 SO 4 , H y d r o c hlo ric a cid H Cl, a n d Trioxonitrate (v) acid HNO 3 , at temperature of 80 o C, and residence time varying from 15 to 45 minutes, and acid concentration between 1 - 2 . 5 % . I t w a s f o u n d t h a t t h e o p tim u m a cid c o n c e n t r a tio n a n d residence time for highest sugar yield, was 1% w/w and 30minutes for the three ac...
ABSTRACT The study Online Hotel Reservation System is the design of an electronically driven system that will enable travelers to book hotel from anywhere in the world at their convenience. This is prompted by the fact that the cost of booking a hotel accommodation is becoming increasingly high with low information of where one can get a good hotel. The main objective in this study is to design a website that is user friendly, has a secured payment system and can provide information to...
ABSTRACT The oil of the raw seeds of Livistona chinensis (Chinese fan palm) was extracted and its physico-chemical properties evaluated. The proximate composition and the anti-nutrients present in the pulp, raw seed, blanched (4, 6, and 8 minutes), cooked (20, 40 and 60 minutes) and the roasted (1100C for 5, 10 and 15 minutes) seeds were determined. An acute toxicity study was also carried out on the seed during which albino rats were differently fed the raw and also the cooked and roasted ...
ABSTRACT: In this study, the synthesis of crystalline dodecylguanidine free base and its spectroscopic characterization in nonpolar environments are described. IR as well as 1 H and 15N NMR spectra of the free base dissolved in aprotic solvents are substantially different from the previously reported spectra of arginine, or other monoalkylguanidinium compounds, at high hydroxide concentrations. The current results provide improved modelling for the spectroscopic signals that would be expecte...
ABSTRACT In computing studies, students learn a number of computing aspects, one of them being computer programming. Computer programming can be taught in different approaches and in different languages. Each approach or language has its own strengths and weaknesses. The discussion on this research was based on determining the language that has more features for providing a gentle learning curve to a first time learner. This research was conducted through an experimental approach whereby par...
ABSTRACT This study tests the patient appointments waiting time by using computer simulation which was carried out at the Iringa Referral Hospital (IRH). The study is triggered by the fact that in most Tanzania public hospitals like IRH, patients queue for a long time to get services. Basically, such situation leads to poor quality of service that leaves many patients unsatisfied. The study analyzed four experiments and critically evaluated appointments queuing model. Three models used to fo...
ABSTRACT This dissertation provides general review of Partial Differential Equations. The Finite Difference Method which uses Taylor’s Theorem for solving Partial Differential Equations and Solution of elliptic partial differential equations, it also introduces the concepts of convergence, consistency and stability of finite difference scheme, Finite Difference Method (FDM) involving direct method and Iterative method like Gauss Seidel or Gauss Seidel with Successive Over Relaxation are ap...
ABSTRACT The study of existence results on two point boundary value problems by fixed point methods, monotone iterative techniques, matching solution techniques and integral boundary conditions has been put in place in order to provide a broad understanding to the existence of two point boundary value problems by fixed point methods, monotone iterative techniques and solution matching techniques. The two point boundary value problem for ordinary differential equation has an important role i...
Abstract Sulphuric acid is a backbone of chemical industry, agriculture and energy sectors. Tanzania has potential sources of producing its own sulphuric acid. The three most common methods: contact process, wet process and lead chamber process of producing sulphuric acid are reviewed. A modified lead chamber method can be a preferred method of producing the mineral acid by using local available raw materials according to Tanzania environment. Among of raw materials, pyrites from Samena area...
ABSTRACT The new exact solutions for the charged anisotropic stellar object were found by using Einstein-Maxwell field equations. In this study, the metric function, linear equation of state, and a new choice of the measure of anisotropy were used to formulate new quark star models. The field equations were transformed by adopting Bannerji and Durgapal transformation variables. The general differential equation governing the model was generated with the help of Einstein field equations, and ...