Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Stellar Models With Generalized Pressure Anisotropy

Abstract . New models for a charged anisotropic star in general relativity are found. We consider a linear equation of state consistent with a strange quark star. In our models a new form of measure of anisotropy is formulated; our choice is a generalization of other pressure anisotropies found in the past by other researchers. Our results generalize quark star models obtained from the Einstein-Maxwell equations. Well-known particular charged models are also regained. We indicate that relativ...

Interpretation Of Aeromagnetic and Landsatetm+ Data Over Part Of The Younger Granite Complex, Nigeria: Implication For Geothermal Exploration...

ABSTRACT  Structural interpretation of Younger Granite complex of northern Nigeria using aeromagnetic and Landsat imagery was carried out to determine the depth to the magnetic basement, delineate the basement morphology and relief, delineate the structural features associated with the basin and to infer the influence of such structures on mineralization in the study area. Also, this study is aimed at determining the geothermal potentials of the area. The application of directional edge...

Investigation Of Geo-environmental Hazards And Reclamation Of Abandoned Borrow Pits, South - Eastern, Nigeria

 ABSTRACT  Geo-environmental hazards associated with active and abandoned borrow pits are on the increase following rising trend in road construction. This situation presents a major challenge to Citizens, Environmentalists and Governments. Several highway failures have been directly linked to the action of erosion initiated by active or abandoned borrow pits situated close to roads. This study investigated environmental hazards and reclamation requirements associated with abandoned borrow ...

Cloud Computing Framework For Resource Sharing Among Tanzanian Higher Learning Institutions

ABSTRACT Higher Learning Institutions worldwide have been depending highly on Information Technology for their business requirements and service delivery. They need substantial investment for procuring and maintaining software as well as hardware. Due to the growing needs and financial crisis, universities are facing challenges in acquiring high-performance computing facilities to support not only advanced analysis but also scientific researches. This study intended to develop a cloud comput...

ICT Usage Readiness for Private and Public Secondary Schools in Tanzania, a Case of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT The use of ICT in education has been proved to be a key milestone in improving the learning process in different levels of education. To tap this opportunity, the government of Tanzania has implemented a number of projects aimed at introducing and using ICT in different levels of education. There have been similar initiatives in the private institutions as well. However, such initiatives have been facing different challenges particularly on the readiness of using ICT for education f...

Contributions To The Theory Of Parastrophs And Derivatives Of Loops

ABSTRACT This Thesis investigates the nature of the parastrophs and derivatives of loops both of Bol-Moufang (Extra, Moufang, Central loops) and non Bol-Moufang (Conjugacy Closed loops) type in general. Extra loops is the case study. By using Fenyves (1968, 1969) definition of Extra loops and the results of Goodaire and Robinson (1982, 1990), this work shows that the parastrophs and derivatives of an Extra loop exist. Taking into consideration Ken Kunen (1996) results, it has been establishe...

Biosystematic Studies In The Genus Euphorbia L. In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Euphorbia L. is a genus of the family Euphorbiaceae. Some of the species are culturally, economically and medicinally valuable. The taxonomy of the genus was re-evaluated using classical and experimental approaches to unravel the complex inter-relationships and problems of identification existing within the genus. Herbarium studies, natural population sampling, ecological observation, experimental cultivation, morphological and anatomical characterization were some of the study appr...

Bioactivity Of Extracts Of Some Nigerian Plants On Insect Pests Of Stored Grains

Abstract Responses to structured questionnaires administered to farmers and housewives in southwestern part of Nigeria revealed that 39 plant species were in use for various purposes in the expressed belief that they possessed bioactive properties.

Availability Of Information Resources For Research Output: Perception Of Academic Staff Members In Nigerian Federal Universities

Abstract The volume of information resources potentially available in the globe is massive; hence it becomes necessary to examine available information resources for academics research activity in the academia. This study, therefore, examined the perception of academics on availability of information resources for research productivity in federal universities in Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was adopted. The Multistage sampling technique was used to select 1,057 academic staff ...

Auto Antibodies And Immunological Correlates As Indicators Of Infertility In Some Euthyroid Nigerian Women

Abstract This study was carried out to determine the serum auto-antibody levels as primary markers and immunological correlates

Application Of Liquid Filters To Photothermal-Photoquantum Solar Energy Conversion

Abstract This thesis discusses the development, design, fabrication and testing of spectrally selective beamsplitting absorption filters which can decouple quantum and thermal convertors to improve conversion of the total solar spectrum to useful energy.

An Investigation Of Some Factors Influencing The Pathogenicity Of Neisseria Meningitidis

Abstract The nasopharyngeal carriage rate of Neisseria meningitides among 639 school children

An Investigation Of Π-Complexes From Disubstituted Acetylenes And Copper (I) Compounds

ABSTRACT 1-bromo-3-methylbut-1-yn-3-ol, 1-bromo-3-methypent-1-yn-3-ol, 4-hydroxy-4-methyhex-2-yn-nitrile, 1-chloro-3-mrthylpent-1-yn-3-ol, 1-chloro-3-methybut-1-yn-3-ol, 4-methylhex-2-yn-4-ol, 4-methylhexa-2, 3-dienenitrile and 4-methoxy-4-methylhex-2.yn were separately prepared and then each of them was used as the disubstituted acetylene for complexation with copper(I), cyanide, copper(I) bromide and copper(I) chloride respectively in dimethyl form amide (d.m.f) and then in dimethyl sulphid...

Comparison of First order predicate logic fuzzy logic and non-monotonic logic as knowledge representation methodology


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