IKISIRI Tasinifu hii ilijikita katika kujadili matumizi ya sadfa katika riwaya pendwa za Kiswahili. Sadfa ni hali ya utukiaji wa matukio kwa wakati mmoja, aghalabu kwa namna inayoshangaza au inayoashiria bahati (Wamitila, 2003). Utumiaji wa mbinu hii katika kuibua matukio husababisha riwaya, hususani riwaya pendwa, kuonekana kuwa na matukio yasiyokuwa na mantiki katika utokeaji wake. Utafiti huu ulifanyika ili kubainisha athari za matumizi ya sadfa katika riwaya pendwa kwa kuchunguza vijenzi ...
Abstract This study was done with the purpose of establishing how Islam is portrayed in two Ghanaian newspapers – Daily Graphic and Daily Guide. A quantitative content analysis approach was employed to analyse 172 news stories on Islam published in the two newspapers in 2013, 2014 and the first half of 2015. The study established seven story themes of which religion emerged the highest with 27.3 percent. The theme that recorded the least was violence with 4.1 percent. The study also reveal...
ABSTRACT This study is a result of an investigation done in order to do an analysis of written language on vehicles in Tanzania, particularly daladala sayings in Mwanza region. The force behind conducting this study is different attitudes among people in the society towards car inscriptions/slogan. The study employed descriptive research design where data was collected through observation, interview and Focus Group Discusion (FGD). Informants were obtained through simple random sampling techn...
ABSTRACT Globally, about 7.7 million children under five years died in 2010. In Ghana, the under-five mortality rate is estimated at 72 deaths per 1000 live births in 2012 according to UNICEF. Although there has been a decline in under-five mortality in Ghana, substantial progress is required to achieve the Millennium Development Goal 4 by reducing child mortality by 2015. Several interventions have been put in place to ensure child survival. The study aimed at examining the relationship bet...
ABSTRACT This study examined the contributions of Microfinance Institutions to changing poor people‘s economic status, focusing on Basic Resources across Communities (BRAC) in Dodoma Municipality The objectives of the study were: to examine the roles of BRAC in changing poor people‘s economic status. To analyze the challenges facing BRAC in loans delivery systems to its clients. To assess the direct and indirect costs that BRAC clients incur when accessing Microfinance services. The study...
ABSTRACT The concept of local content has gain worldwide acknowledgement as the debate as to whether indigenes and indigenous business is worthwhile protecting. Local content provides a significant framework in driving the development of Ghana and increase the influx of foreign investment. Therefore, this study sought to provide a comprehensive assessment of local content policy and its significance for FDI in the oil and gas industry in Ghana. It employed a random sampling qualitative meth...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating Matengo lexical change in Mbinga district. It was guided by three specific objectives namely: to explore the extent of Matengo lexical change; to examine the linguistic factors for Matengo lexical change and to determine non-linguistic factors contributing to Matengo lexical change in Mbinga district. The study used assimilation theory centring on the ideas of Gordon (1964) as one of the sociologists. Gordon devised the theory into seven stages which...
IKISIRI Utafiti huu unahusu matumizi ya ujaala katika ushairi wa Kiswahili: Ulinganisho wa diwani za Mathias Mnyampala na Amri Abedi Kaluta. Ujaala ni falsafa ambayo hutawala na kuongoza maisha ya binadamu (Ponera, 2014). Falsafa ya ujaala katika ushairi wa Kiswahili haijatafitiwa vya kutosha hivyo, kuwanyima fursa wasomaji na watunzi wa kazi za fasihi na kutoelewa dhana ya ujaala. Hii imemsukuma mtafiti kuchunguza matumizi ya falsafa ya ujaala katika ushairi wa Kiswahili. Kwa kiasi kikubwa, ...
IKISIRI Tasinifu hii ni matokeo ya utafiti uliochunguza Dhima ya Taswira katika Nyimbo za Muziki wa Kizazi Kipya: Mifano kutoka kwa Nasibu Abdul (Diamond Platinum) na Mrisho Mpoto (Mjomba). Utafiti huu uliongozwa na malengo matatu mahsusi ambayo ni kubainisha taswira zinazojitokeza katika nyimbo za waimbaji teule, kujadili dhima ya taswira katika nyimbo za waimbaji teule na kutathmini athari za taswira katika nyimbo za waimbaji teule. Nadharia iliyotumika katika utafiti huu ni semiotiki kupit...
ABSTRACT The study focused on the clove production in Zanzibar. The main objective of the study was to assess the role of the Zanzibar State Trading Corporation (ZSTC) in clove production. The specific objectives were to examine the quality of services provided by the Zanzibar States Trading Corporation (ZSTC), to identify challenges facing clove farmers, to examine (ZSTC) assistance to clove growers/farmers in the effort of increasing clove production, to identify reasons for (ZSTC) to remai...
ABSTRACT The major purpose of this study was to examine language and gender stereotype in Kiswahili print media in Tanzania as portrayed in gutter newspapers and posters. Specifically, the study examines the linguistic features used to portray gender stereotypes in gutter press and posters, causes of language that portray stereotypes and the impacts of the language that portray stereotypes to the readership. The data were collected through documentary review whereby 56 newspapers with 174 hea...
ABSTRACT The study aimed at assessing how teacher-student interaction structures classroom language. The study was carried out in ward secondary schools in Mbeya City Council. The researcher chose Mbeya city council‘s ward secondary schools randomly to represent all wards secondary schools in Mbeya and Tanzania in general because all classroom‘s teaching lessons do share common interactional features under the umbrella of Tanzania Educational National Policy of 1995. The study employed ca...
IKISIRI Utafiti huu ulikuwa na lengo la kuchunguza hadithi za watoto, kwa kuangalia jinsi hadithi hizo zilivyoathiriwa na maendeleo ya sasa ya sayansi na teknolojia. Hususan, kwa kuchunguza mifano ya hadithi za ngano kutoka Wilaya ya Micheweni Zanzibar. Utafiti ulibaini kwamba, sifa nyingi za Fasihi Simulizi zimebadilika au zimo katika mabadiliko makubwa. Hasa hasa katika kipindi hiki cha kukua na kuimarika kwa sayansi na teknolojia. Ikiwa hivyo ndivyo, basi ni dhahiri kwamba Fasihi Simulizi ...
ABSTRACT This study mainly focused on assessing the viability of conflict resolution methods, particularly mediation method, in the Tanzania-Malawi border dispute. The study was conducted in Kyela district in Mbeya region of Tanzania and it followed a cross-sectional research design. A total number of 100 respondents were involved in the study whereby methods such as fieldwork survey, interviews, focused group discussions and documentary review were employed during data collection. The analys...
IKISIRI Utafiti huu ulihusu Korasi katika Tamthiliya ya Kiswahili: Mifano toka Tamthiliya Teule za Ebrahim Hussein, Emmanuel Mbogo, na Frowin Nyoni. Dhana ya korasi imetumiwa ikimaanisha matendo, fikra au maneno ya kisanaa ayatoayo mtu au kikundi cha watu katika kitendo cha kisanaa kwa njia ya uimbaji, uradidi, nathari na kuambatana na vitendo. Matumizi ya mbinu hii ya korasi hayajatafitiwa wala kuhakikiwa vya kutosha katika Fasihi ya Kiswahili. Hali hii inakifanya kipengele hiki kutojulikana...