Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Effect Of Processing On Crude Fat And Beta-Carotene Content In Three Sweet Potato Varieties

ABSTRACT Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is one of the crops being considered for the diversification of the staple diet to enhance food security in Zimbabwe in the face of climate change and economic challenges. One of the hurdles preventing adoption of sweet potato as a staple food is its short shelf-life. There has been a call to explore means of preserving sweet potato hence increasing its shelf-life and one method of preservation is processing sweet potato into flour. However, this metho...

A Study of Government Policy on The Implementation of Corporal Punishment in Selected Secondary Schools in mutare Urbarn.

ABSTRACT  How discipline has been modeled and maintained through corporal punishment among pupils in schools is a controversial issue in the implementation of legal polices from the government. Corporal punishment remains ideal and the order of the day in any academic institution and it had remained an option in the teaching and learning profession and or endeavour. The study focused on the government policy on the implementation of corporal punishment in schools in Mutare urban. The study w...

Warehouse Distribution System

ABSTRACT This documentation gives in detail how the designer introduced, planned, analyzed, designed and implemented the warehouse distribution management system at TMPnP (Thomas Miekles, Pick and Pay) supermarkets. The designer clearly explained the problem which the organization had that is of using the traditional system in managing their warehouse department. By using the traditional system it gave them disadvantages in recording goods and services received and also monitoring the moveme...

A Secure Framework For Cloud-Based Computing Service Adoption In The Namibian Government Sector

ABSTRACT  The term cloud computing is derived from the cloud diagram on the network that represented the Internet for years until a variety of services emerged that allowed computing resources to be accessed over the Internet. The technology extends existing IT capabilities without spending much on new information technology (IT) infrastructure, training new staff and software licence. Case studies from the United States, Europe, Africa and Asia governments’ spectacle cloud adoption servic...

An Evaluation Of The Locations Of Intercity Luxurious Bus Terminals In Metropolitan Lagos

ABSTRACT This study attempts an empirical evaluation of the location of inter city luxurious bus terminals in Metropolitan Lagos. The impacts of these locations in the areas of delays, congestion and pollution were the main foci of this work. Logistic S-shaped curve was used to evaluate the growth pattern of the luxurious bus firms in Metropolitan Lagos. The delays at the terminals were evaluated through direct measurement from the field. The Post-Hoc Test and Least Significance Difference we...

Chemical Potential Of A Binary System Of Helium Isotopes At Tempera Tures Between 0 K And 5 K

ABSTRACT A study of the two stable isotopes of helium at low temperature was done using statistical mechanics approach. It was assumed that pairs of ~He - iH e were formed creating a new particle in the mixture. Such a mixture exhibits quantum effects at temperatures close to 0 K. A model of pair interaction was used. The partition function of the mixture was used in establishing the chemical potential of the mixture. The case of a particle in a cube of known volume was used. An expression of...

An Enhanced Clustering Analysis Based On Glowworm Swarm Optimization

Abstract Data clustering has always been an important aspect of data mining. Extracting clusters from data could be very difficult especially when the features are large and the classes not clearly partitioned, hence the need for high-quality clustering techniques. The major shortcoming of various clustering techniques is that the number of clusters must be stated before the clustering starts. A recent successful work in clustering is the Clustering analysis based on Glowworm Swarm Optimizati...

Molecular Systematics And DNA Barcoding Of African Sapindaceae

ABSTRACT Sapindaceae Jussieu is a family of flowering plants in the order Sapindales. They exist as trees and shrubs, and tendril-bearing vines with about 140-150 genera and 1400-2000 species worldwide. Sapindaceae is economically, medicinally and aesthetically useful. This aims of this research are to carry out systematic study on African Sapindaceae and generate DNA barcodes for each species with a view to sharing the DNA barcode sequence in a public database. The taxonomy of the family wa...

Zrp Real Time Geographical Mapping System

ABSTRACT The research project was centred on developing the ZRP Real-Time geographic mapping System to address the issue of transit management in the organisation. With this understanding, the researcher concentrated on ways to improve transit management for ZRP staff to and from work. The system management to quickly view activities of their buses as well as ZRP staff to request bus locations and Estimated Times of arrival in real-time. To have a detailed understanding: interviews were cond...

Microbial And Physicochemical Parameters Of River Kuywa Water In Bungoma County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Water contamination is one of the major causes of water borne diseases worldwide. In Kenya, approximately 43% of people lack access to potable water due to human contamination. Physicochemical and biological factors influence microbial community and quality of water. Residents in Bungoma County depend on river Kuywa water for domestic and agricultural use. The river water is currently experiencing contamination due to human activities such as farming and disposal of industrial and do...

Application Of Discrete And Continous Time Models In Valuation Of Credit Insurance For Asset-Based Lending Companies

ABSTRACT Asset-based lending companies and other loan providers are exposed to risk of loan defaults by borrowers. To reduce this risk, these companies acquire credit insurance. Thus when the borrower defaults in payment, the insurance company covers a percentage of the outstanding balance which generates a way to lessen and spread credit risk that the lender incurs. Therefore there are a number of methods put in place such as frequency-serverity and hazard rate models used to value credit in...

Diversity And Biological Control Potential Of Haloalkaliphilic Fungi From Lake Magadi, Kenya

ABSTRACT Fungi are eukaryotic microorganisms that have simple multicellular or unicellular cell structures. They are distributed in terrestrial soils, forests, aquatic habitats and in extreme environments with high ambient salts, temperature, pH and pressure. Fungi from extreme environments are potential sources of novel biocatalysts for example antimicrobial agents that can help solve the rising cases of drug resistance. However, the diversity of fungi recovered and described from less studi...

Preparation And Properties Of Long Afterglow Caal2o4 Phosphors Activated By Rare Earth Metal Ions

Abstract This work comprises of several aspects of calcium-aluminate phosphor activated with rare earth metal ions i.e. (CaAl2O4:Eu2+, Nd3+, and Dy3+). In particular the luminescent and structural properties of the long afterglow CaAl2O4:Eu2+,Nd3+,Dy3+ phosphors prepared by urea-nitrate solution-combustion method were investigated. The solution-combustion method is more efficient because phosphors with high efficiency were obtained at low temperature (500 oC) in a very short period of time (5...

Effect Of Physicochemical Factors And Dyke On Conservation Of Oreochromis Esculentus And Oreochromis Variabilis In Lake Kanyaboli, Kenya

ABSTRACT Lake Victoria witnessed mass extinction of native fish species that coincided with introductions of Lates niloticus and Oreochromis niloticus about five decades ago. Small populations of O. esculentus and O. variabilis that are locally extinct in L. Victoria are found in Lake Kanyaboli, a satellite lake of L. Victoria. L. Kanyaboli thus has potential to serve as a refugium where cichlid relics are protected from the invasive L. niloticus. However, the status and thus factors that may...

Arima Model For Forecasting Of Monthly Rainfall And Temperature In The Lake Victoria Basin

Abstract Economic activities in Lake Victoria Basin such as agriculture, sh- ing, mining and transportation depend's heavily on the climatic conditions of the Lake and its Basin. Global climatic change caused by Greenhouse Gas emission (GHG) has resulted in a disruptive and erratic weather pattern for these economic activities. This unpre- dictable weather variations is responsible for loss of life and destruc- tion of property. The primary cause of this negative impact is lack of a reliable ...

4366 - 4380 Of 8880 Results