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Medical & Health Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Satisfaction Levels With Maternity Services Among Postnatal Women Attending Public Hospitals In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Globally, the rate of maternal mortality is unacceptably on the rise. A considerable number of women are dying from pregnancy or child birth related complications across the world. Many initiatives have been intensified on policy intervention to curb the high cases of maternal mortality. Delivery in unhygienic conditions without the assistance of a skilled birth attendant may lead to adverse health outcomes. Maternal mortality rates in Kenya remain high at 362 per 100,000 live birth...

Environmental And Demographic Factors Influencing Drug And Substance Abuse Among Secondary School Students In Kisumu Town East, Kenya

ABSTRACT Drug abuse is a major public health problem among the youth worldwide especially in developing countries. The accessibility, affordability, and consumption of abused drugs by the youths have attracted great concern among public health personnel. The impact of drug abuse in human health and well-being is substantial and its contribution ranges from medical, social, family, legal and economic problems which are created by its uncontrolled use. Thus, drug abuse-related problems among th...

Assessing The National School Health Policy On The Status Of Water, Hygiene And Sanitation In Primary Schools Of Sabatia, Vihiga County, Kenya

Abstract School Health began in Kenya in 1960‟s as an initiative of UNESCO and FAO as an intervention tool to encourage attendance and reduce malnutrition in school-going children. The introduction of free, Universal Primary Education (UPE) in 2003 increased pupil enrolment from 5.9 to over 7.8 million thus overstretching water, hygiene and sanitation facilities hence necessitating for a policy. In 2009, the Kenya Government developed the National School-based health program with its policy...

Assessment Of Community Based Water Supply, Consumption, Utilization And Perceived Sustainability: A Case Of Rironi Self-Help Water Project, Kiambu County Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to assess the influence of demography, water consumption level, water supply and water utilization on perception of CBWR sustainability at Rironi Self Help Water Project (SHWP) in Kiambu County, Kenya. The study objectives were: to determine the influence of demographic characteristics of project members on perception of CBWR sustainability, to establish the influence of water supply on perception of CBWR sustainability, to establish the influence of wate...

Prevalence And Risk Factors For Trachoma Infection Among Children Aged 1-9 Years Old In Oldonyonyokie Location, Magadi Division, Kajiado County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Trachoma is one of the water-related infectious diseases that affects the eyes and manifests itself in impoverished, rural areas with little access to clean safe water and proper sanitation that disproportionately afflicts women and children in poor communities. It is a bacterial disease caused by Chlamydia trachomatis that is highly infectious and can spread through an infected person’s hands or clothing or transmitted by flies that have been in contact with discharge or nose of a...

Occurrence And Management Of Puerperal Sepsis Amongst Women Of Reproductive Age (15-49) Attending Two Hospitals In Nandi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Puerperal sepsis is a major cause of maternal morbidity and mortality and is usually within the first 42 days after child birth/pregnancy termination. It is a common pregnancy-related condition, which could eventually lead to obstetric shock or even death. Studies have shown that puerperal sepsis is the second cause of maternal morbidity and mortality in the resource poor countries. One‘s susceptibility to developing an infection is related to such factors as cesarean section, exte...

Effect Of Selected Endophytic Fungi And Resistant Tomato Cultivars On Meloidogyne Spp. In The Coastal Region, Kenya

ABSTRACT Tomato production in Kenya, especially in the coastal region has remained low due to pests and diseases attack especially Meloidogyne spp. (root-knot nematodes) which is a serious threat. A study was therefore conducted in the coastal region of Kenya with the aim of sourcing for endophytic fungi (EF) which could be used alongside moderately resistant tomato cultivars to manage Meloidogyne spp. Pathogenecity test of these isolates was carried out in the screenhouse using cv. Cal J. In...

Implementation Of Total Quality Management At Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The terms Total Quality Management and Continuous Quality Improvement are no longer used to show high class or feel good attitude but are practices put in place to gain an edge in the business, and have become woven into the very fabric of hospital operations. The role of Total Quality Management in a firm is to ensure integration of firms operations and processes to achieve clients’ satisfaction and meet organizational objective. This study sought to examine critical attributes fo...

Effect Of Umbilical Cord Clamping Time On Nutrition Status Of Infants: A Randomized-controlled Trial In Longisa Hospital, Bomet County, Kenya

Although most studies document the benefit of delaying umbilical cord clamping in relation to improved haemoglobin levels, few of those studies have been done in low resource settings. Standard routine practice in most facilities is generally clamping umblical cord in less than 60 seconds. This study therefore sought to establish the effects of umbilical cord clamping time on infant nutritional status at 6 months at Longisa County Referral Hospital through randomized controlled trial des...

Modern Contraception Utilization Among Adolescent Girls In Ntcheu District, Malawi

ABSTRACT The World Health Organization (WHO, 2018) defines adolescents as individuals in the 10-19 years age group. Every year estimated 21million girls aged 15-19 years, and 2.5 million girls under 15 years become pregnant and approximately 3.9 million girls aged 15-19 years undergo unsafe abortion every year. Despite the high sexual activity by the Malawian adolescents which is rated at 51 percent, there is low utilization of modern contraception. Failure to utilize the modern contraceptio...

Knowledge, Perceptions And Practice Of Nurses On Surveillance Of Adverse Events Following Childhood Immunization In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Although vaccines currently approved for routine childhood immunization are safe and effective, frequent Adverse Events Following Immunization often cause ill health and sometimes loss of public trust in immunization programs. Nurses are essential in AEFI surveillance. During the pre-licensure clinical trials, serious adverse events with low occurrence frequency go undetected due to limited number of enrolled subjects. In Nairobi County, only one Adverse Event Following Immunization ...

To Determine Hygiene And Microbial Contamination Of Minimally Processed Fruits As Street Foods In Central Ward, Nairobi County

ABSTRACT Despite numerous benefits of minimally processed fruits vended as street foods, it has been recognized that they can be a source of foodborne illnesses that can majorly result from poor hygiene practices and unsanitary conditions at fruit vending points. The main objective of the study was to assess the hygiene status and microbial contamination in fruit vending businesses in Nairobi central ward. The study was cross sectional with analytical component and through purposive sampling...

Evaluation Of Enriched Rapid Diagnostic Method For Detection Of Vibrio Cholerae And Antibiotic Susceptibility Patterns Of Serotypes In Juba, South Sudan

ABSTRACT The global cholera burden is not precisely known since many of the cases lack proper investigation and documentation systems. More importantly, the situation is exacerbated by defective epidemiological surveillance as well as inadequate diagnostic procedures. Isolation of Vibrio cholerae is critical for disease outbreak confirmation. Rapid diagnostic testing of fecal specimens, on basis of lipopolysaccharide detection of V. cholerae O1 or O139 sub-types may enhance early outbreak de...

Impact Of Human Population On Land Degradation In Former Lugari District, Kakamega County, Kenya

The increase in human population has put tremendous pressure on natural resources. In Kenya, the growing human population is associated with an increase in developmental needs thus posing a threat to the land resource. This problem has been noted in the high potential areas of the country which support a large population seeking to fully exploit the land resources for their livelihoods and welfare. In Lugari district, human population has been increasing over the years and people have c...

Risk Factors Influencing Typhoid Fever Occurrence Among The Adults In Maina Slum, Nyahururu Municipality, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Typhoid is a disease of public health importance which affects people of all walks of lives in urban, per-urban and rural areas. Water borne diseases, typhoid included kill about five million babies annually and make one sixth of the world population ill. It is estimated that globally about 17 million cases of typhoid fever occur annually causing 600,000 deaths. Typhoid fever is still common in the developing world, where it affects about 12.5 million persons each year. In Kenya the ...

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