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Medical & Health Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Determination of Antidotal and Protective Properties of Elaeis Oleifem Frult Extract in Orally Organophosphate Poisoned Albino Rats

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. i DEDI CA TI 0 N ................................................................................................................................ i i A C K N 0 W LEDG EM ENT ............................................................................................................. iii TA 8 LE 0 F C 0 NTENT ...............

Factors Contributing to the Prevalence of Unplanned Pregnacies Among Female Universty Students at Kampala International University western Campus, Ishaka busheny

ABSTRACT Background: Unplanned pregnancies among university students is an important public health issue in both developed and developing countries because of its negative association with social, psychological and health outcomes for both mothers and the children. The rate of unplanned pregnancies among university female students is high. Unplanned pregnancies can be prevented by effective use of contraceptives. Aim of the study: To determine the factors contributing to the prevalence of unp...

Assessing The Incidence of Hypertension Among Patients with Above Normal BMI at Mitooma Health Centre IV in Western Uganda

ABSTRACT The association of obesity and hypertension has been recognized since the beginning of the 20th century, when BP was first measured in populations. This relationship between body weight and BP was demonstrated prospectively in the Framingham Heart Study in the 1960s (Kannel et al,1967) The nature of the linkage between BP and body weight remained obscure until the mid1980s when basic clinical and population-based research significantly clarified many aspects of the relationship betw...

The Perception, Attitude And Frequency Towards Condom Use Among Students In Kampala International University Western Campus, Bushenyi District

ABSTRACTBACKGROUNDThe role of male condom for both contraception and prevention of STis was established in Europe during the eighteenth century (Lewis, 2011). Its major role was family planning and control STis (Omach P, Osma Benjamin, et al. 201 la). In sub-Saharan Africa, family planning has saved lives of women and children and has improved their quality of life (World Health Organization, 2012). In Uganda, condoms have played a central role in the official HIV prevention strategy for...

Assessing the Practice of Breast Self Exam Among Adult Females in Ishaka-Bushenyi District

ABSTRACT This was a descriptive cross-sectional study, employing quantitative method of data collection from adult females of Ishaka. The specific objectives of the study was to assess whether female adults of Ishaka residents have the knowledge of breast self-examination and its importance, to establish whether female residents of Ishaka practice breast self examination, and to establish the frequency of breast changes or breast masses among the women who practice breast self-examinatio...

Socio Economic and Environmental Factors Associated with Malaria Prevalence in Bushenyi-Ishaka Municipality, Bushenyi District, Uganda

ABSTRACT Malaria is among the top causes of morbidity and mortality in sub-Sahara Africa. It has high prevalence and case fatality rates especially the most vulnerable groups; pregnant women and children below the age of five years. Despite efforts put up in the fight against malaria, prevalence is still high especially in Uganda where the prevalence is as high as 19%, with regional variations of course. Bushenyi has been on record as to have high malaria prevalence rates and data on factors ...

Factors Affecting Exclusive Breast Feeding at Comboni Hospital and Its Catchment Area in Busheny District.

ABSTRACT The objective of the study was to establish factors affecting exclusive breast feeding in Comboni hospital and its catchment’s areas in Uganda. A total of 100 respondents were interviewed randomly and a total of 150 questionnaires issued. The age intervals were ranging from 18-43 years, education levels were between P.5 – P.7 who had 14%. The Banyankole by tribe of respondents were 78(78%). The lack of education on the importance of breastfeeding contributed to the poor numbers o...

Prevalence Of Alcohol Use Disorders Among Patients In The Psychiatry Unit Of Kampala International University Teaching Hospital In South Western Uganda

ABSTRACT Globally, the estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO) indicate that, there are 2 billion people worldwide who consume alcoholic beverages (WHO, 2016). And the burden of alcohol use is public health concern (WHO, 2011). In South, East and West Africa, prevalence of alcohol abuse ranges between 10%-70%. (WHO, 2001).Uganda has previously been reported that, annual per capita alcohol consumption was 23.7 litters (WHO, 2014).Bushenyi Ishaka in western Uganda, produces many tradit...

Factors Contributing to Poor Feeding Patterns Among the Children Aged Under Five Years Admitted to Lira Regional Referral Hospital Lira District

ABSTRACT Background The issue of healthy eating or feeding has long been an important concern to individuals and communities. Feeding is the process of taking in food by an organism to provide them with nutritional needs necessary for growth and energy Objective To assess the factors contributing to poor feeding pattern among children under five years admitted in pediatric ward Lira Regional Referral Hospital Methods The study was a descriptive cross-sectional study in which both quantitative...

The Level of Art Adherence Among Hiv and Aids Patients Attending Kilembe Mines Hospital Art-Clinic, Kasese District

Table of Contents DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................................... ; APPROVAL .................................................................................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ...............................................................................................................................................

Hygiene and Skin Infections Among Children Below 15 Years in Rukindo Primary School, Bushenyi-Ishaka Municipality, Bushenyi District, Western Uganda

ABSTRACTBackground and objectives: Skin infections are among the common diseases in children of Africa. Among the factors contributing to high prevalence of skin infections, poor hygiene is the most apparent factor yet can be controllable. Schools are organized communities where children from different families with different social status spend much of their time. The role of school is important for cognitive, creative and social development of children. Education regarding proper sanitation...

A Study to Assess the Challenges Faced in Labour Ward at Narok District Hospital.

ABSTRACT  Title:  Assess challenges faced in the labour ward at Narok District HospitalBroad objective: To determine challenges faced in the labour ward at Narok District Hospital.  Methodology: A cross sectional study was done at Narok District hospital on staff and women attended to in labour ward. Convenience sampling patients was used with a sample size of 75, data collected using interviewer administered questionnaires, entered and analyzed on Microsoft excel and presented...

Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of HIV/AIDS Prevention Among First Year Diploma Students Doing Clinical Medicine at Kampala International University, Western Campus.

ABSTRACTBackground: Good knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) of HIV/AIDS prevention are essential in order not to acquire HIV infection and to prevent the disease from spreading. A proper and well functioning prevention of HIV requires clear and relevant information and instruction from health care providers who have been trained in that field. Study objective: To assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of HIV/AIDS prevention among first year diploma students doing clinical med...

Assessment Of Factors Contributing To Puerperal Sepsis Among Mothers Attending The Obstetrics And Gynaecology Clinical Services At Fortportal Regional Referral Hospital.

ABSTRACT Topic: Assessment of factors contributing to the prevalence of puerperal sepsis among mothers attending the obstetrics Ward at FortPortal regional referral hospital, western Uganda. Background: Puerperal sepsis is one of the leading causes of preventable maternal morbidity and mortality. It is still ranked as 3rd major cause of maternal death in our country. Aim: The objective of this study was to assess the factors that predispose a mother to the development of puerperal sepsis, to ...

Prevalence Of Complications And Risk Factors Among Diabetic Patients In Medical Ward Of Ishaka Adventist Hospital-bushenyi

ABSTRACT Diabetes Mellitus affects more than 30 million people worldwide. It is said to be the fourth or fifth leading cause of death in most developed countries, newly industrialized nations and is epidemic in many developing countries. The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence risk factors and complication among patients with diabetes mellitus seen in medical ward department at Ishaka Adventist Hospital A cross sectional study descriptive in nature was employed. A cluster s...

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