ABSTRACT: This project is about building a minimal web framework in PHP for developers who use framework for building complex application. I had the opportunity to work with PHP and some of its framework in production level. Some of these frameworks are awesome to work with but depending on the kind of project a developer will be working on, you end up tweaking the internals of the framework which a developer with less knowledge of the framework will find it very difficult to do. There is als...
Abstract Many people make use of electronic devices such as personal computers, laptops, cameras, mobile phones, gaming consoles, and a whole range of electronic devices to make their lives much more productive, entertaining and also to bring about significant change in the world. Just as the population of people who do so is increasing at a geometrical rate, so also is the rate of theft or loss of those devices, and more times than often, there is always a slim chance of recovering those los...
ABSTRACT The widespread usage of the internet has made email an indispensable tool for communication within organizations. Today, email is used by support centers as one of the mediums for providing solutions to the daily internal problems’ organizationsface. An example is the Ashesi Support Center which is the hub for solutions for all problems and questions relating to IT, facilities, logistics, and other issues on the Ashesi University campus. In dealing with problems, the Ashesi support...
Acknowledgement I would first like to thank God Almighty for the strength and wisdom given me to undertake this project. I would also want to thank my family members for their immense support. During times when I felt tired and unable to continue, their words of encouragement kept me going. My special gratitude goes to my supervisor, Dr. Ayorkor Korsah who saw me through from the beginning to the end of my project. During the initial stages of this study when I was confused and uncertain, she...
Abstract Education is one of the basic needs of a child. The knowledge imparted through education is key to the recipient’s growth and skilfulness. In most cases, education is attained by attending a school (face to face) where several subjects are taught. Of all the subjects taught in schools, mathematics is a fundamental subject that cuts across all disciplines, hence a significant field for all school-going children. For some children, they find it easy to understand basic mathematical c...
Abstract Community health nurses of the CHPS program find themselves operating in remote environments sometimes, and are cut off from the training sessions and specialist interaction that colleagues in urban areas are exposed to. This means for them that they are unable to provide quality healthcare to the communities they serve in some instances. Because of this, there is little faith in the program by the community members who tend to travel long distances to urban areas, where they believe...
ABSTRACT The internet has become an unavoidable tool for development and communication in Ghana and so it is ignorant to avoid the increasing disregard for ethics and privacy on the internet and the lack of awareness of how our data and personal information are protected. This thesis research is aimed at gathering information on the awareness of Ghanaian internet users on these issues and making recommendations for software and application developers and policy makers on these issues.
ABSTRACT Social networking sites (SNSs) are a 21st century phenomenon which has come to stay. There exist over a hundred social networking sites created for various reasons which support a wide range of interests. With over a thousand alumni since Ashesi’s first graduate class in 2005, there is no Ashesi platform for both students and alumni to connect with one another to build relationships. The available platforms have either Students or Alumni but not both parties. Although there are pop...
ABSTRACT In computer science, practical assignments ensure that students put the theory they learn in class into practice by writing computer programs to solve problems. Practical assignments also play a critical role in assessing students’ understanding of course materials. For course facilitators, grading programming assignments is a time-consuming task. The course facilitators must run each student’s submission. Moreover, some students copy the code from their friends and change the le...
ABSTRACT Considering the importance of roads to a community, stakeholders (Governments, Motorists etc) need up-to-date information about the state of roads for decision making . This problem inspired Vorgbe’s (2014) work in implementing a machine learning classifier that could accurately classify roads as “good”, “fair” or “bad”. This information can then be visualised on Google Maps. However, with his algorithm failing to accurately classify some roads, this project seeks to ev...
ABSTRACT The study examined the role of anthropogenic disturbances, temperature, precipitation and evapotranspiration in the range shift of aquatic plants, fish and bird communities in six wetlands. It was conducted over a 2-year period. The dominance ratio approach was used to determine the range shift of plants. Ordination techniques were used to determine the influence of environmental factors on biological data-set. Of the 40 species of plants sampled, obligate species constituted 35%, wh...
ABSTRACT This research work focused on the effect of climate change on cocoa yield in some selected cocoa districts in the Eastern, Ashanti, Western and Central Regions of Ghana. For sustainable cocoa production, weather, which is an uncontrollable variable, is an important factor whose effect on cocoa is difficult to quantify in a field environment. This research has two components; effects of climate change on cocoa production in Ghana and coping strategies of cocoa farmers. The Heckman’s...
ABSTRACT The total investment cost of a pipeline network to transport carbon dioxide (CO2) from power plants for enhanced-oil-recovery (EOR) in oil fields in Texas Gulf Coast as CO2 mitigation has been estimated. The impact of the CO2 capture and transport on power generation cost, including the benefits of atmospheric CO2 mitigation has also been determined. 14 power plants comprising 55.7% of installed capacity in Texas Gulf Coast were selected. Geographical-informationsystem was used to op...
Pengembangan Teknologi Kimia untuk Daya Alam Indonesia Yogyakarta, 5 2014 Hak Cipta ada pada Program Studi Teknik Kimia Teknologi Industri UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta Jl. SWK 104 (Lingkar Utara) Condongcatur, Yogyakarta (55283) Dilarang mengutip sebagian atayhu seluruh buku ini atau diperbanyak dengan tujuan komersial dalamre bentuk apapun tanpa seign Program Studi szeknik Kimia Fakultas Teknologi Industri UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta, kecuali untuk keperluan Cetakan I : Maret 2014
ABSTRACT Bambara nut was subjected to different treatments prior to mechanical dry dehulling and milling into flours. Physicochemical properties of the flours and sensory attributes of moin-moin prepared from the flours were compared with that of moin-moin from fresh pastes from cowpea and Bambara. The functional properties investigated included foam-ability, foam-stability, gelation capacity, dispersibility and dehull-ability while proximate chemical composition of the flours was also invest...