ABSTRACT Background: Definite knowledge of the anatomical indices of adult proximal femur of indigenous Ghanaians will better inform procurement of best-fit prostheses imported from abroad, where these are made for populations with different anthropological indices. This development should forestall the occurrence of misfit femoral prostheses and attendant health hazards in Ghana. AIM: This study generated clinically relevant anatomical dimensions of the proximal femur in Ghanaian adults for ...
A B S TR A C T The main purpose o f th is re tro s p e c tiv e com parative stu dy o f random ly selected women was to assess the partograph as an aid to p a rtu ritio n and to p ro vid e fu rth e r inform ation to s u p p o rt more w idespread use o f th is instru m ent and id e n tify any areas w here im provem ent could be made. Two g ro up s o f women expecting th e ir f ir s t babies were stu die d. The p re -p a rto g ra p h group comprised 65 women who d elivered in 1988 before the p a...
ABSTRACT Hepatitis B infection is one of the most important occupational hazards for clinical staff of hospitals. Despite the availability of an effective hepatitis B vaccine, information is scanty on the acceptance of this vaccine and factors influencing decision to accept it. This study was therefore carried out to identify pattern of acceptance of hepatitis B vaccination among clinical staff at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria. A cross-sectional survey involving 438 clinic...
ABSTRACT People living with HIV and AIDS are likely to experience stigmatization and ostracism when they open up about their sero-status at work. The HIV Focal Point is a system where a staff member, referred to as a focal person is assigned to deliver HIV related services. It offers distinct opportunities and advantages as a key delivery point for HIV prevention, treatment and care programme for specific groups of people. Yet, many programmes do not explain the operational issues concerni...
ABSTRACT Women who test positive for HIV during pregnancy continue to increase in Ghana. The experiences of pregnant women diagnosed with HIV during antenatal clinic visit were explored. The descriptive qualitative design was used to obtain narrative accounts on test experiences, coping strategies and availability of support for HIV positive pregnant women. Respondents were purposively selected from Ridge Hospital in Accra. Required data saturation was attained with a sample size of 10 res...
ABSTRACT Introduction One of the strategies aimed at enhancing the utilization of skilled care in low-income countries is improving knowledge of obstetric danger signs and birth preparedness. SubSaharan Africa has the highest number of teenage women who are pregnant (20-40%). In Ghana, teenage pregnancy and early marriage contribute to high maternal and child mortality. This study sought to determine the level of birth preparedness and knowledge of obstetric danger signs among expectant te...
ABSTRACT Background It can be estimated that Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) continues to affect the health state of individuals worldwide. This study was a comparative study on the Cognitive function of perinatally acquired HIV-Infected and un-infected at Ridge Hospital. The study provides insight into the cognitive function of children infected with HIV perinatally so that appropriate psychotherapeutic or psycho-educational interventions ca...
ABSTRACT Lay counsellors play critical roles in mental health service delivery in Ghana. There is a shortage of professionally trained mental health practitioners. Lay counsellors deliver basic counselling and psychoeducation services in schools, churches, health settings and communities. Given the critical role of lay counsellors in mental health delivery in Ghana, it is imperative to understand how these lay counsellors deal with ethical dilemmas in their everyday practice. Unfortunately...
ABSTRACT Bilaterial orbital rhabdomyosarcoma mimicking Burkitt's lymphoma in an Il-year old girl is reported. The patient presented with bilateral proptosis and rightcervical lymphadenopathy. Despite consultations at a number of hospitals, a definitive diagnosis was not made until presentation at the. University College Hospital, Ibadan, where cytological examination of a fine needle aspiration biopsy specimen of the tumour and the lymph node revealed. changes that were consistent with those ...
ABSTRACT Studies have shown that there is an increasing prevalence of high-risk sexual practices among alcohol users which can lead to Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). In Nigeria, knowledge relating to STIs, alcohol use and sexual practices among female alcohol handlers is sparse. The study was therefore aimed at assessing the knowledge of STIs, sexual practices and alcohol use among this category of women in Ibadan North-East Local Government Area (LGA). The study was a cross-section...
ABSTRACT Infertility remains a global health challenge with devastating psycho-social consequences in many African communities. Adoption that may serve as an alternative strategy for the affected couples is not widely practiced. This study was conceptualized to assess the acceptability of child adoption as a management option by Nigerians. Twelve focus group discussions were held involving three communities stratified into inner core, transitory and peripheral, within Ibadan metropolis, Sout...
ABSTRACT Background: Family planning use allows individuals and families to attain their desired number of children and to control the spacing of pregnancies. This is done through the use of contraceptives methods and the treatment of fertility. The use of family planning has a lot of benefits to every nation. Rapid population growth has brought about overcrowding in our cities, increased environmental pollution due to human activities and put a lot of pressure on our limited natural resou...
ABSTRACT Ectopic pregnancy remains an important cause of maternal mortality and morbidity as well as early foetal wastage in Nigeria and in other developing countries. We report 3 different cases of repeat ipsilateral ectopic pregnancy seen in the gynaecological emergency unit of the University College Hospital, Ibadan. Cases of repeat ectopic pregnancy often gives rise to diagnostic dilemma, and this becomes more difficult when it occurs at an ipsilateral location.
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Cleome rutidosperma (DC.) (Family: Cleomeceae) is a low-growing herb used for the treatment of epilepsy in African traditional medicine. This study presents the anticonvulsant, sedative effects and safety profile of the hydro-ethanolic extract of the whole plant of Cleome rutidosperma (CRE) in murine experimental models. METHODS: Preliminary phytochemical screening of the extract was conducted using standard colorimetric assays. The general effect of the extract, CRE (1...
ABSTRACT A retrospective study was carried out on 60 children under 12 years of age with penetrating eye injuries. This formed 28.7% of all penetrating eye injuries seen in the University College Hospital, Ibadan.