Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Profiles, Diversity And Antibiotic Response Patterns Of Bacterial Isolates From Fish And Processed Fish Products Retailed In Kirinyaga County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Fish contain omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA’s), vitamins and other micronutrients. However, fish and seafood rank among foods highly associated with food borne disease outbreaks especially in poor hygienic conditions while handling or processing foods. The objectives of this study were to determine the risk factors associated with fish contamination, levels of microbial contamination and molecular profiles of bacterial isolates. In addition, antimicrobial response patter...

SSA Research 158 PAGES (37243 WORDS) Microbiology Thesis
An Assessment Of The Effects Of The ‘New’ Road Safety Regulations On Passenger Service Vehicle Operations In Nairobi, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study examines the effects of the „new‟ road safety regulations on the operations of PSVs in Nairobi. Specifically, the study sought to a) examine changes in the input and output of PSV in Nairobi, b) establish changes in the working conditions of PSV drivers and conductors, c) assess changes in the quality of service of public transport, and finally, d) examine the challenges and opportunities in implementing and enforcing the„new‟ regulations. The study was descriptive,...

SSA Research 145 PAGES (32890 WORDS) Geography Thesis
Synthesis Of Silicon Nitride From Rice Husks And Sugarcane Bagasse Ashes For Adsorption Of Flouride Ions From Aqueous Solutions

ABSTRACT High concentrations of fluoride in drinking water pose serious problems associated with dental and skeletal fluorosis to humans in several parts of the world. Among various methods used for defluoridation such as electrochemical degradation, ion exchange, precipitation coagulation, adsorption offers an attractive method for the removal of fluoride in terms of cost, simplicity of design and operations. Silicon nitride is a material that is characterized by high mechanical strength, th...

SSA Research 111 PAGES (22593 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Oil Plants As Sources For Production Of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (Biodiesel) In Kenya

ABSTRACT The increased environmental awareness, the world’s petroleum supply constraints and high petroleum fuel prices have spurred efforts in many countries to search for suitable alternatives to diesel fuels. Diesel fuels derived from triglycerides (vegetable oils or animal fats) present a promising alternative. In this study, oils extracted from four plants, Jatropha curcas L., Croton megalocarpus Hutch., Calodendrum capense (L.f.) Thunb. (cape chestnut) and Cocos nucifera L. (coconut) ...

SSA Research 130 PAGES (21043 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Ranks And Subdegrees Of The Cyclic Group, The Dihedral Group And The Affine Group And Associated Suborbital Graphs

ABSTRACT For a period spanning 50 years, research on the ranks, subdegrees and properties of suborbital graphs of various groups e.g. Sn , PSL(2, ), PSL(2,q) and PGL(2,q) has drawn the attention of several mathematicians. In this study, we find the ranks and subdegrees of the actions of the cyclic group, the dihedral group and the affine group on some given sets. In addition, the properties of suborbital graphs corresponding to these actions are examined. To do these, we adopt a method that r...

SSA Research 119 PAGES (22137 WORDS) Mathematics Thesis
Using Cilantro Leaves And Stems To Remove Lead, Cadmium And Turbidity From Contaminated Water

ABSTRACT Water as a resource in Kenya is increasingly being polluted as its population increases. Ingestion of heavy metal compounds poses great risks to human health since heavy metal ions can accumulate their amounts along the food chain. Therefore, it is necessary to remove or minimize the heavy metal ions in contaminated water. A number of methods are already in operation such as ion-exchange, chemical coagulation, electrochemical methods, membrane process, using natural zeolite, ultra-fi...

SSA Research 92 PAGES (18332 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Entomopathogenicity Of Hyphomycete Fungi To Fruit Fly Bactrocera Invadens (Diptera: Tephritidae) And Their Potential For Biological Control On Mango

ABSTRACT Sustainable mango production will rely increasingly on alternatives to conventional chemical insecticides that are environmentally friendly for the management of fruit flies. The use of microbial control agents such as fungi in pest suppression is considered suitable since micro-organisms usually exert low environmental impact and are target specific. Application methods of bio-pesticides in the environment, which use minimal amount of inoculum is currently under improvement from inu...

SSA Research 116 PAGES (23546 WORDS) Microbiology Thesis
Nickel-Palladium Nanoparticles Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode As An Electrochemical Nanosensor For Quantitative Detection Of Formaldehyde In Water

ABSTRACT Formaldehyde is one of the smallest organic molecules with a wide range of uses in the society. It is used in cosmetics as a preservative. Formaldehyde and formaldehyde releasers are contained in some cosmetics; hair products, shampoos, nail products, lip and dental care products, deodorants, antiperspirants, shaving products, swipes, among others. It is also used in the pharmaceutical industry and in the manufacture of resins and adhesives, permanent press fabric treatments, tissue ...

Antimicrobial Susceptibility Profile Of Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Isolated From Urethral Discharges And Men Who Have Sex With Men In Nairobi

ABSTRACT Neisseria gonorrhoea has progressively developed resistance to previously used drugs and recently to fluoroquinolones. Currently, there have been reports of emergency of N. gonorrhoea strains with reduced susceptibility and some exhibiting extensive multidrug resistant to the cephalosporin class of antibiotics that remains to be the remaining option for management of gonorrhoea. In Kenya, published reports regarding the drug susceptibility of N. gonorrhoea is scanty because of lack o...

SSA Research 99 PAGES (25173 WORDS) Microbiology Thesis
Prevalence Of Geohelminthiases And Its Effects On Growth And Cognitive Functions In Pupils In Kibera And Korogocho Slums, Nairobi County, Kenya

      ABSTRACT Geohelminthiases are infections caused by Ascaris lumbricoides, Ancylostoma duodenale, Necator americanus, Strongyloides stercoralis and Trichuris trichiura leading to oedema, iron-deficiency, protein-energy malnutrition, electrolyte derangement, endocrine upsets and cardio-vascular failure. Resulting sequelae lead to poor health, physical fitness and anaemia. Geohelminthiases is widespread in areas with poor sanitation but empirical data on prevalence and its effects ...

SSA Research 201 PAGES (38580 WORDS) Parasitology Thesis
A Numerical Investigation Of Turbulent Natural Convection In A 3-D Enclosure Using K- Sst Model And Piso Method

ABSTRACT In turbulent natural convection transport mechanism, fluid motion is generated by buoyancy-induced density gradients resulting from internal body forces due to heating. The objective of this study was to conduct a numerical investigation of turbulent natural convection in a 3-D cavity using the k- SST model and the PISO method. The problem being investigated was computational study of turbulent natural convective flow using a primitive variable to solve time averaged momentum equatio...

Analysis Of Microbial Load And Diversity In Crickets (Gryllus Bimaculatus And Scapsipedus Marginatus) Used As A Source Of Protein For Food

ABSTRACT Crickets are drawing interest as sustainable source of protein for food and feed worldwide. However, there is little information on microbial quality of edible crickets thus the need for a profound insight into their safety. The objective of the study was to determine the microbial load of two edible cricket species Scapsipedus marginatus and Gryllus bimaculatus and to evaluate the efficiency of different processing methods (boiling, sun-drying, freeze-drying, snap freezing and deep...

Adsorbent Materials From Rice Husks And Water Hyacinth Ashes Blended With Bone Char For Removal Of Fluoride Ions From Contaminated Water

ABSTRACT Safe and readily available water is important for public health, whether it is used for drinking, domestic use, food production or recreational purposes. Consumption of contaminated water may lead to acute and chronic health effects. The most common water pollutants include heavy metals, pesticides, and anions such as fluorides, arsenic, arsenite, chromate and selenate, which cause various diseases such as brain, liver and bone ailments. Among the pollutants, fluoride is the most occ...

The Phytochemical Composition, Efficacy And Safety Of Herbal Formulations Used For Management Of Hiv/Aids In Mombasa County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya has the fourth largest HIV epidemic in the world with adult prevalence of 5.9% (2016) (UNAIDS). Currently 80% of HIV patients access ARVs, while the rest do not due to stigma and traditional beliefs. In the coast of Kenya some patients seek alternative treatments to manage HIV/AIDS. Pwani herbs clinic in Mombasa is a popular clinic that dispenses herbal medicines to manage HIV and AIDS. Unfortunately, these medicines have not been subjected to formal clinical research to ascert...

SSA Research 116 PAGES (24709 WORDS) Biochemistry Thesis
Potential Toxic Levels Of Cyanide In Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) Grown In Some Parts Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a cyanogenic plant which is toxic when consumed without sufficient processing. Cassava is characterized by presence of linamarin a cyanogenic glycoside and when acted upon by an enzyme linamarase is hydrolysed into cyanohydrin which is further hydrolyzed to give hydrogen cyanide (HCN) which is toxic. This study aimed at determination of the levels of cyanide in the sweet cassava variety grown in five different geographical regions of Kenya namel...

Edu Frontiers 70 PAGES (16850 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis

3061 - 3075 Of 8880 Results