Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Zimbabwe National Water ICT Workshop Management System

ABSTRACT Zimbabwe National Water Authority ICT workshop was facing challenges with computers pilling up in the workshop due to technicians not being held liable for repairs. Several alternatives were considered to develop the system which included outsourcing, in-house development, improving the current system and in-house development proved to be best amongst the alternatives. A feasibility study was carried out using the economic, operational, technical and social feasibility technique...

Individual Life Premium System

Abstract The nature of business is based on overpowering the firm’s opponents so to acquire high yield in all fields involved. Interviews, observation and questionnaires were the gears used in collecting the essential data with the aim of trying to observe how the modern system worked. This system targets at helping Zimnat Premium Policy clients in getting accredit premium payoffs and replaces the manual processes involved in the collection of client details and capturing transactions. ...

Use Of Molecular Methods To Detect Shedding Of Mycobacterium Bovis In Cattle Faeces And Milk

ABSTRACT Bovine tuberculosis (BTB) is a chronic bacterial disease caused by Mycobacterium bovis. It affects cattle and occasionally other animals and human. Several techniques exist for detection of BTB in animals. In Tanzania, Single Intradermal Comparative Tuberculin Test (SCITT) and abattoir meat inspection are the commonly used methods for screening of BTB. This study has used molecular biology method namely; RD4 Real time PCR (RD4 Rt PCR) to detect shedding M. bovis in milk and faecal sa...

Hjp Bricks Online Ordering System.

BSTRACT This project focused on the development and implementation of an online ordering system for HJP Bricks private Limited. The main aim was to eliminate some manual processes in the ordering and selling of bricks at the organisation. The feasibility study was done with major focus on technical, economic, and operational feasibility. Costs involved in the development, maintenance and use of the system were estimated and weighed against the benefits. The results of the feasibility study we...

Tetracycline Residues In Raw And Cooked Chicken Eggs In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Dar Es Salaam

ABSTRACT Tetracyclines (TCs) are used in poultry production for prevention and treatment of diseases. The misuse of this drug or poor observance of drugs withdrawal period, may result into unacceptable residue levels in poultry products. Presence of tetracycline residues, just like other antimicrobial drugs, in poultry products, such as, eggs is a concern to the public health. In order to determine tetracycline residues, a total of 291 eggs randomly collected, 3 eggs from 97 layer chicken far...

A Preliminary Evaluation Of Chloro-Nicotinyl Aphicides As Planting-Hole Treatments Against The Tobacco Aphid Myzus Persicae Nicotianae.

Abstract A field trial was done to examine the efficacy of chloro-nicotinyl aphicides applied as soil applications, and to determine the optimum rate for fipronil, acetamiprid and calypso for control of the tobacco aphid Myzus persicae. The tobacco variety KRK26 was used in this experiment. The plants were initially exposed to natural infestation by the tobacco aphid. At eight weeks after planting (WAP) the plants were artificially infested with cultured aphids after an assessment of nat...

Compliance Of Fortified Sunflower Oil And Palm Olein With Requirements For Retinyl Palmitate Content

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to assess compliance to fortification of sunflower oil and palm olein with retinyl palmitate. Fortified sunflower oil and palm olein samples were collected from large scale edible oil manufacturers and at selling outlets in Dar es Salaam region. Mean retinyl palmitate levels in fortified sunflower oil samples from manufacturer A collected at production site and at selling outlets was 12.42 and 10.19 mg/kg, respectively. In fortified palm olein samples levels ...

Designing a Health Information System Adoption Roadmap for Quality Healthcare in Namibia

ABSTRACT The Ministry of Health and Social Service (MoHSS), as part of the government of The Republic of Namibia and with the help of Non-Governmental Organisation (NGOs), has implemented Health Information Systems (HIS) within its different directorates to maximise the quality of care. Healthcare Information Systems offer benefits such as improving service delivery, providing real-time information, reducing organisation and personnel costs, and improving the quality of patient care. However,...

Isolation, Identification And Antibiogram Of Salmonella Enterica From Chicken Eggs Collected From Selected Wards In Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Eggs provide protein to human. However, consumption of contaminated eggs with pathogenic Salmonellae (Salmonella enterica) imposes negative impacts to human health causing salmonellosis. The present study aimed at isolation, identification and antibiogram testing of Salmonella enterica from chicken eggs in Morogoro Municipality. A total of 570 raw, boiled, cracked, clean, and faecal soaked chicken eggs (120 local and 450 exotic) were collected from selected areas and examined from No...

Response To Antiretroviral Therapy In Hiv- Infected Patients Attending Care And Treatment Centre In Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania

BSTRACT Access to antiretroviral therapy and Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) care is increasing in resource-limited settings like Tanzania. This study was conducted to evaluate prevalence and risk factors associated with treatment failure, in HIV patient on Anti Retroviral Therapy (ART) for more than six months in Dar es Salaam. A cross-sectional observational study that involved 70 conveniently sampled and consented HIV-infected patients who were on antiretroviral therapy for more than si...

A Survey Of Integer Factorization Algorithms

ABSTRACT Fast integer factorization is a problem not yet solved for arbitrary integers. Integer factorization methods are algorithms that find the prime divisors of any positive integer. The goal of this dissertation is to survey integer factorization algorithms and specifically the General Number Field Sieve algorithm. In this work, we outlined integer factorization methods. In particular, we consider the General Number Field Sieve (GNFS), the current fastest known algorithm for factorizin...

Bacterial Contaminants Of African Indigenous Leafy Vegetables And Their Antibiotics Sensitivity Characteristics: A Case Study Of Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A study was conducted in Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania to investigate the bacterial load found on African indigenous leafy vegetables, their sources and their sensitivity to commonly used antibiotics. A total of 126 samples of fresh African indigenous leafy vegetables (amaranth, nightshade and sweet potato leaves), water used for irrigation from rivers and shallow wells and manure fertilised soils were collected at farm sites and market outlets for bacteriological analysis. Bacteri...

Compliance Of Small And Medium Scale Pineapple Processing Enterprises With National And International Standards In Rwanda

ABSTRACT Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) processing fruits play an important role in the national economic development of Rwanda. Although these SMEs have received assistance from the government, they still face many constraints that hinder their development. For example, their access to both local and export markets is limited due to poor quality of their products. A study was conducted using a cross-sectional study design, to assess the compliance of the food SMEs with national an...

Seroprevalence And Genetic Characterisationof Peste Des Petitsruminants Virus In Selected Areas Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is an acute, contagious, fatal disease of domestic and wild small ruminants caused by PPR virus (PPRV). A cross-sectional study was conducted to (i) detect PPRV infection, establish the viral lineage and identify the possible source of its introduction and spread in Morogoro district between November 2014 and January 2015 and (ii) determine presence of PPR in selected villages of Ngorongoro district. Clinical samples of six goats from Morogoro urban a...

Effects Of Enzyme Maceration On Physicochemical Properties And Micronutrient Bioaccessibility Of Strychnos Cocculoides Products (Juice/Porridge)

ABSTRACT Information on the nutritional content and health-promoting properties of African indigenous fruits is very limited. Although the limited available literature does point towards wealth in essential nutrients, micronutrients and antioxidants there is still a need to fill the gap to ascertain health and nutritional claims that have been passed on from previous generations. Studies on the impact of processing of the fruit pulp on physicochemical, nutritional properties, and digestibilit...

4126 - 4140 Of 8880 Results