Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Safe Miner Android Application

ABSTRACT Due to the current economic situation and the growth in world demand, the mining industry is undergoing a period of spectacular development. The current need to increase production at mine sites coincides with the development of managerial capacities, the use of new industrial methods and equipment, and increased use of skilled workforce. Despite such developments, a number of researchers view the mining sector among the world’s most uncertain and hazardous industries. Therefore, t...

A Bio-Immunology Inspired Security Model to Defend Industrial Control Systems from Advanced Persistent Threats

ABSTRACT Industrial Control Systems (ICS) control critical industrial processes. For example, there are ICS networks that control electricity, water distribution, food, and pharmaceutical and beverage production. Historically, ICS networks were safe from network attacks because they were not interconnected to business Information Technology (IT) networks and the Internet. However, with the passage of time, ICS were interconnected to business networks. Because traditional IT networks are built...

Cockroaches As Vectors Of Bacteria In Hospital Environments

ABSTRACT Cockroaches have become one of the most common pests due to their wide distribution in human dwellings, kitchens, food outlets and the hospital. In hospitals their wide abundancy may be related to poor sanitary conditions, plenty of food sources, environments which are unhygienic and moist shady places. This study was carried out to evaluate the microbial fauna of cockroaches in a hospital environment as proxy to Health acquired infections. Two different species of cockroaches Peripl...

A Persuasive Souvenir System (Pss) To Increase Namibian Museums Turnout Using Rfid Technology

Abstract An advance in information technology has seen many museums in the world embarking on extensive and continuous developments that can be used to improve visitor experience. The extensive and continuous developments are done by creating an interactive environment that attracts more visitors to museums and sustains their role of imparting knowledge and cultural education (Busch & Sieck, 2015). There are abundant possibilities in addressing low museum turnout. The possibilities range from...

Big Data Analytics Framework for Agriculture

Abstract Farming is undergoing a digital revolution. Farmers are gathering information passively collected by precision agricultural equipment and manually and many farmers are using information from large datasets and precision analytics to make on-farm decisions. Big data includes extremely large data sets that may be analysed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behaviour and interactions. The use of large information sets and the digit...

Effect Of Varieties And Drying Methods On Nutrient Content And Sensory Acceptability Of Proccessed Products From “Mamung’unya” (Benincasa Hispida).

ABSTRACT “Mamung’unya” (Benincasa hispida) is a seasonal fruit widely grown in Dodoma region. To distribute its availability throughout the year, there is a need to test different drying methods for preservation. The present study was carried out to assess the effect of drying methods on nutrient content and sensory acceptability of processed products from selected Benincasa hispida varieties available in Dodoma region. A total of 120 farmers were interviewed using a structured question...

Effectiveness Of Tomato Postharvest Processing Technologies By Boiling And Solar Drying For Small Scale Processing In Morogoro Region

ABSTRACT This study determine effectiveness of tomato postharvest processing technologies by boiling and solar drying for small scale processing based on nutritional and sensory quality. Tomato sample varieties Asira, Imara and Reogrande were collected from small scale farmers in Morogoro region for tomato paste and powder development. Nutritional quality was determined based on moisture, lycopene, ß-carotene and ascorbic acid contents, titratable acidity and pH. Sensory properties were dete...

Mosquito Diversity And Virus Infectivity In Kinshasa, Democratic Republic Of Congo

ABSTRACT Mosquito species distribution patterns and their ecology is gaining importance, because global climate changes are thought to lead to the emergence of mosquito-borne diseases; which are of considerable medical and veterinary importance because of their high morbidity and mortality. This study was conducted in five municipalities of Kinshasa to determine mosquito diversity, and arboviruses infection within. Mosquitoes were collected using BG-Sentinel traps, battery-powered aspirator f...

To investigate the potential of Moringa oleifera leaf extract and broccoli (Brassica oleracea) leaf extract as Sodium sulphite replacers in preserving minced meat

ABSTRACT Minced meat is a nutritionally dense and highly perishable food, therefore there is need for preserving it. Most artificial preservatives currently used to prevent food spoilage have been reported to cause various health problems hence the need to use natural preservatives. Moringa oleifera and Brassica oleracea (broccoli) leaf extracts have proved their potential to be used as natural preservatives. The main objective of this research was to determine the antimicrobial efficacy of M...

Sero-Surveillance, Risk Factors And Molecular Diagnosis Of Peste Des Petits Ruminants Virus In South Kivu, Democratic Republic Of Congo

ABSTRACT Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is an acute viral disease of small ruminants caused by PPR virus (PPRV). For many years, the disease was mainly confined to West and Central Africa but has now spread southwards to previously PPR-free countries. The disease was first reported in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in 2012. The disease causes high morbidities of up to 100 % and mortality rates between 50 and 90% in domestic small ruminants (goats and sheep) leading to the socio economic...

The Progressive Android Based Road Rules Defensive Driver’s License Application

ABSTRACT The progressive Road Rules Defensive Driver‟s License Application will permit users to practice questions remotely using their devices. The system will give users more satisfaction and comfortability than the current system. The android based application can be accessed from any internet browser across the globe on any active internet garget. This system is used as a practice platform fort defensive driving and will create customer loyalty and build trust in between the company and...

Polymorphisms Of Kappa-Casein And Beta-Lactoglobulin Genes And Their Association With Milk Fat And Protein Contents In Tanzanian Goats

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to assess the polymorphisms of beta-lactoglobulin (-Lg) and kappa-casein (-Cn) genes and determine the effects of -Lg polymorphism on percentage of milk fat and protein contents in indigenous goat breeds found in Tanzania. Blood samples were collected from 22 - 24 unrelated animals for each breed. Genomic DNA was isolated from whole blood samples using Sepa gene extraction kit with some modifications. The -Lg and -Cn genes were amplified using ...

A Lightweight Authentication Architecture for Unsupervised Internet of Things (IoT) in Smart Home Applications

ABSTRACT The Smart Home environment is made up of different objects that have sensing capabilities and have the potential to interact with each other seamlessly. This brings a lot of convenience to the control and monitoring of the surroundings around the home environment. This reality is brought about as a result of the Internet of Things (IoT) phenomenon. The potential benefits presented by IoT technologies around the Smart Home environment can and are hampered by security issues that are y...

Malaria Vectors Composition, Abundance And Prevalence Of Malaria In Potentially High Endemic Area Of Morogoro Rural District, Eastern Tanzania

ABSTRACT This dissertation was prepared based on “publishable manuscripts” format of the Sokoine University of Agriculture. The dissertation discusses the composition and seasonal abundance of malaria vector species and disease prevalence in potentially high endemic foci in Morogoro region. Well targeted efforts that embrace area-specific situations, at least in high malaria endemic foci, are needed to preserve realized health gains and achieve elimination. This is because malaria is incr...

Effects Of Processing On Nutrient Composition, Shelf-Life And Protein-Bioavailability Of Anchovies Fish From Indian Ocean (Stolephorus Heterolobus

ABSTRACT This study assessed changes in chemical components of the sun dried and hot smoked anchovies processed by traditional and improved methods. Except for the protein-bioavailability analysis which took place once during the fourth week, the samples of fish were assessed weekly. Nutrient composition, shelf-life and protein-bioavailability of processed anchovies were assessed using changes in proximate composition and specific minerals, biochemical indices and protein-digestibility, respe...

4141 - 4155 Of 8880 Results