Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Application Of Mathematical Modelling To Diesel-Fuelled Energy Emission

BSTRACT In this thesis the Gaussian plume model is proposed as a method for solving problems related to the transportation of pollutants due to advection by wind and turbulent dif- fusion. The idea of advection and diusion is fundamental to this thesis as well as its mathematical derivations from the initial principles to the explanation of the governing partial dierential equation. Dimensional analysis technique has been employed as well as Fick's rst and second law of diusion. The concentra...

“Internet Of Things (Iot) For Optimum Bus Infrastructure

ABSTRACT Rapid population growths or rural to urban migration and importation of small cheap private cars (mishikashika) has brought a lot of disarray in the public transport sector resulting n increased accidents ,traffic jams and inefficient transportation solutions in most major cities. The traditionally safer bus system is now underutilized and also ne sprouting illegal suburbs which are densely populated are being poorly serviced in terms of transport systems .this project seeks to bring...

Computational Studies Of Lactam Tautomers By Using Hf And Dft Methods In Gas And Solvent Phase

ABSTRACT The geometries of various tautomers of different ring size lactams have been studied by ab initio Hatree–Fock (HF) and Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations at Becke, three-parameter, Lee-Yang-Parr functional (B3LYP) level by using different basis sets in both gas and solvent phase. Optimized geometries and total energies for 12 possible tautomers of studied lactams were determined. Thermodynamic properties and tautomeric equilibria between different tautomers were calculat...

Physico-Chemical Properties of Biodiesel from Jatropha and Castor Oils

Abstract - Biodiesel is becoming prominent among the alternatives to conventional petro-diesel due to economic, environmental and social factors. The quality of biodiesel is influenced by the nature of feedstock and the production processes employed. High amounts of free fatty acids (FFA) in the feedstock are known to be detrimental to the quality of biodiesel. In addition, oils with compounds containing hydroxyl groups possess high viscosity due to hydrogen bonding. American Standards and Te...

Mimosa Mine Online Diet Prescription Expert System.

Table of Contents CHAPTER1 List Of Acronomy ................................................................................................................................... 4 List of Tables .......................................................................................................................................... 7 1.0INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 9 1.1BACKGROUND OF TH...

A Control Chart Based on Two-piece Normal Distribution Using Repetitive Sampling

Abstract In this manuscript, a control chart is designed for two-piece normal distribution using repetitive sampling. The necessary measures to determine the average run lengths for in control and out-of-control process are given. The average run lengths are presented for various specified parameters and shift constants. The efficiency of the proposed chart is compared with the existing control chart using single sampling. The application of the proposed chart is given with the help of an ex...

Designing A National Adoption Policy Framework For ISO/IEC 27000 Standards Implementation In Namibia In

ABSTRACT To ensure that the information asset is protected and available to organisations, information security needs to be governed by security standards. The ISO/IEC 27000 family of standards is one such standard; it keeps information assets secure and provides an information security management best practices framework. An exploratory pilot survey conducted in 2015 with the key stakeholders namely the Communications Regulatory Authority, Namibia Institute of Standards, Internet Service Pro...

SSA Research 263 PAGES (40637 WORDS) Informatics Thesis
A Study On Reducing Poison Effect Of Hydrogen Cyanide In Cassava (Manihotesculenta Crantz) Using Mumba (Senna Singueana) Leaves Extracts

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to determine the concentrations of hydrogen cyanide in different cassava varieties from four districts of two regions namely Tanga and Mtwara and to determine how Senna singueana leaf extract reduce the amount of hydrogen cyanide in the selected samples at different temperatures of 26 °C and 36 °C. From each district most cultivated variety of cassava sample was collected in the particular area. Titrimetric method was used to determine free hydrogen cyani...

Statistical Analysis Of Letter Frequency In Swahili Language

ABSTRACT The sudy of a language is very important for the cryptanalysis of substitution and/ or permutation ciphers. In that type of ciphers one letter is substituted by another one, or its order is changed with the order of another letter also from the text. In either case the ―personality‖of the alphabets remains intact, hidden inside a different vest, but intact anyway. If it is true that the morden block ciphers hide those characteristics, given the fact that they operate at bit leve...

Parirenyatwa Group Of Hospitals Medical Diagnoses And Prescription System

CONTENTS Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Introduction....................................................................................................1 1.2 Background....................................................................................................1 1.2.1 Background of Organisation...............................................................1 1.2.2 Organisational Structure.....................................................................3 1.2.3 Vision.......................

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