Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Disparities in Risk Factors Associated with Obesity between Zanzibar and Tanzania Mainland among Women of Reproductive Age Based on the 2010 TDHS

ABSTRACT The occurrence of overweight and obesity has serious health implications. The 2010 Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey data set was reanalysed to compare the prevalences of overweight and obesity between Mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar and to determine how demographic factors can predict overweight and obesity across the United Republic of Tanzania. About 7.92% of the Tanzanian women of reproductive age were obese, 15% were overweight, and 11.5% were underweight.Women fromMainland ...

Time Series Analysis For Forecasting Daily Stock Price Of Crdb And Nmb Banks In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study aimed at modelling and forecasting of the daily stock prices of NMB and CRDB on a short-term basis by using the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models and exponential smoothing models. It was guided by three specific objectives, which were: to fit models to the daily stock price data of NMB and CRDB banks in Tanzania, to select the best fitted model of CRDB and NMB by using model selection criteria and; to forecast and evaluate the forecasted daily stock p...

A Comparative Study On Performance Of Support Vector Machine And Convolution Neural Network On Tanzania Sign Language Translation Using Image Recognition

ABSTRACT Sign language has been used by Speech impaired people for communication purposes. Despite being an effective form of communication for speech impaired people, still there is a challenge for people who are unaware of sign language especially those with no such impairment to communicate with speech impaired people. Since Sign Language is a visual based language, several machine learning techniques have been used in sign language translation for better performance results. However, sign...

Carleman Estimates To Solutions Of Direct And Inverse Problems For Hyperbolic Equations

ABSTRACT A number of phenomena in modern science can be conveniently described in terms of problem for hyperbolic equation with Carleman estimates to the solution of inverse problem. The purpose of this study is to give a survey of the solution of the inverse problems for hyperbolic equation by Carleman estimates. We extend the results and prove the Carleman estimate focusing on an inverse problem for a simple hyperbolic equation. Also we derive the Lipschitz's stability by energy estimate; w...

Saccos Credit Rating Prediction In Tanzania By Using Machine Learning Approach: A Case Of Kkkt Arusha Road Saccos Ltd.

ABSTRACT Financial institutions play a vital role to enhance the socio-economic development of any country. Despite being a key player in socio-economic development, large group of people is still isolated in accessing formal financial services. Saving and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOS) are type of Microfinance Financial Institutions (MFIs) that came to solve the problem of isolating many people in attaining financial services. Loan default is a big challenge that causes weak performan...

Extraction, Purification, Characterization And Bioactivities Of Polysaccharides Isolated From Selected Namibian Mushrooms

Abstract Mushrooms are considered as one of the notable functional foods for human consumption that have been cultivated and gathered for hundreds of years. The usage of mushrooms has expanded to a wide extent not only as food but also in the area of pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals. In particular, mushrooms have been appreciated and consumed for both their nutritional value and medicinal properties. Bioactive molecules, particularly polysaccharides (PS) from mushrooms have been the subject...

Edu Frontiers 118 PAGES (22670 WORDS) Microbiology Thesis
Implementation And Performance Evaluation Of The Dual Stack Transition Mechanism At The Udom Lan

ABSTRACT This study delved on the Implementation and Performance Evaluation of the Dual Stack Transition Mechanism at the UDOM LAN. The implementation phase involved simulating the network in the GNS3 simulator in which a number of hops were varied between 1 and 6. In addition, RIPv2 and RIPng were used as the dynamic routing protocols. The protocols were configured on each router interface to enable communication between the connected routers. After the implementation and configuration, the ...

A Numerical Study On Soret And Magnetic Field Effects On Mhd Radiating And Reacting Flowpast An Exponentially Accelerated Inclined Plate

ABSTRACT This dissertation investigates the magnetic field and Soret influence on MHD unsteady free convection radiating and reacting fluid past an exponentially accelerated inclined infinite porous plate of uniform permeability with variable temperature and concentration numerically. In this model the fluid is considered a gray, emitting absorbing radiation but a non-scattering medium and a magnetic field of intensity B0 is imposed in the perpendicular direction to the plate. The governing e...

A Spatial Temporal Analysis Of Survival Among Tb And Hiv Co–Infected Patients In Erongo Region, Namibi

Abstract Namibia is among the Sub-Sahara African countries with a high burden of TB and HIV coinfection in the world. The interaction between TB and HIV/AIDS makes the diagnosis and management of the co-infection difficult. The purpose of this study is to identify risk factors, assess spatial and space-time clusters mortality among TB and HIV in Erongo Region. A retrospective cohort study from 2003 to 2017 was carried out using data consisting of 3145 subjects from all the 16 health faciliti...

Edu Frontiers 112 PAGES (26036 WORDS) Biostatistics Thesis
A Comparison Of Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Concentration Estimation By The Roche Diagnostics Direct Measurement : Comparison With Other Lepidic Cardiovascular Risk Estimation Biomark

ABSTRACT The primary target for atherosclerosis associated cardiovascular (AACV) risk prediction and treatment assessment is the lipid profile fraction of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC). The routinely used Friedewald method for LDLC estimation has an unacceptably high analytical error. In this study, patient sera LDLC was estimated using the Friedewald method (LLC) and the Roche Diagnostics direct homogeneous method (dLDLC). Serum lipid calculations of non-HDLC, HDLC/LDLC ratios,...

Edu Frontiers 194 PAGES (43934 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Infant And Child Feeding Practices: Analyses Of Exclusive Breastfeeding And Complementary Feeding In Namibia

ABSTRACT Malnutrition remains a factor, directly or indirectly, in 60% of 11 million deaths of children aged less than five years globally each year. Hence, proper nutrition during infancy and early childhood is fundamental to the development of a child’s potential for normal growth, development, and survival of infants and children, particularly in developing. This study intent was to examine feeding patterns, practices and factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding and complementary...

Edu Frontiers 85 PAGES (15752 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
An Application Of Mobile Phone In Pests Control And Diseases Management For Vegetable Crops: A Case Of Tomato Production In Kilolo District

ABSTRACT The study has intended to investigate the application of mobile phones in information dissemination regarding pests control and diseases management for vegetable crops with a consideration of tomatoes productions in Kilolo district. The study aimed at bridging the gap that exists between farmers and agricultural officers. The study involved two wards, and was mainly qualitative supported by quantitative research paradigms to collect and analyse data from tomato farmers, ICT expertise...

Synthesis, Characterization And Photoresponse Properties Of Ruthenium-Based Dye Sensitizers For Solar Cells: Computational And Experimental Studies

ABSTRACT Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs) are promising third-generation photovoltaic devices that offer the conversion of light energy into electricity at a lower cost. At the heart of this device is a sensitizer (dye) adsorbed on TiO2-photoanode, which is responsible for the harvesting of visible light energy. However, the currently used sensitizers offer little improvement to the overall cell efficiency and this constitutes the main challenge to this technology. This work reports a comb...

Edu Frontiers 139 PAGES (25090 WORDS) Biochemistry Thesis
The Influence Of Groundwater Management Strategies On Groundwater Levels Of Namibian Savannah Aquifers

ABSTRACT  Namibia has been known as water-scarce, attributing mostly to its geographic location and primarily because of the limited surface water as well as the high potential evaporation rates beyond 2000 mm/year. Groundwater therefore quickly becomes crucial, most of which is located in aquifers in the savannah biome which covers a large part of the country. This is also where most industrialization, as well as most farming, is practised. It is however unknown how these savannah aquifers ...

Edu Frontiers 217 PAGES (36637 WORDS) Geology Thesis
An Investigation Into Informal Cross-Border Trading At The Rundu-Calais Urban Bridgehead

ABSTRACT This study was conducted at Sarusungu Border Post, a socio-economic conduit at Rundu-Calais Bridgehead in Kavango East Region. The research investigated Informal Cross Border trade patterns, pro-poor benefits and hindrances of Informal Cross Border Trade (ICBT). The investigation used a qualitative approach in form of semi-structured interviews and field observation. The study had a sample of 55 participants consisting of informal traders, money exchangers, border officials and key ...

Edu Frontiers 152 PAGES (38182 WORDS) Geography Thesis

4906 - 4920 Of 8880 Results