ABSTRACT It is known that forest degradation affects NTFPs thus dependants on such forest resources. To ascertain this claim, the study was designed to examine the effect of land cover change on selected non-timber forest products from different land use types in the moist semi-deciduous forest and their likely effects on livelihoods in the northern part of the Birim Central Municipality. Employing the cross-sectional approach, remote sensing/GIS, questionnaires and semi-structured inter...
Abstract Sentiment analysis has proven to be one of the most challenging tasks in natural language processing (NLP). Many AI systems have been developed which can detect the polarity of a sentence (degree of positivity, neutrality or negativity). But more information such as the emotion of the author can be detected. Our task here is to build an artificial agent – or an AI system – that is capable of detecting polarity in a document as well as the emotion of the author. Generally speakin...
ABSTRACT Cyber threats are currently on the rise, which has caused individuals, industrial control systems (ICSs), critical infrastructures (CIs), and nations to be subjected to attacks with great losses. Among the cyber threats used for these attacks is the advanced persistent threat (APT) which tends to use highly sophisticated tools to attack targeted organizations or a nation’s critical infrastructure. The capabilities of big data can be leveraged in conducting advanced analytics by ga...
Abstract Internet connectivity is one of the fundamental requirements for a successful mobile learning environment. However, within the context of Africa, availability and access, let alone cost, still pose a great challenge in higher education, especially in distance learning. Consequently, there arises a dire need for a native mobile learning application framework that would serve as an alternative to web-based learning environments in localized contexts such as Africa, where the problems...
Abstract The study explores the potential effects of the remote application of cyclic magnetic field to the female anopheles mosquitoes that carry malaria parasites. The goal is to develop a theoretical basis that can guide the cyclic activation of the magnetic field to induce the inactivity of the malaria parasite without killing the mosquitoes. The model considers the hemozoin within the malaria parasite as a cluster of magnetic nanoparticels. The potential effects of the applied magnetic ...
ABSTRACT We have studied a model for a non-collinear but coplanar antiferromagnetic spin texture on a two dimensional kagome lattice structure in the presence of DzyaloshinskiiMoriya Interaction (DMI). We observed some interesting topological properties in our system i.e. the presence of non-trivial edge state in the wave function. This non-trivial edge state, which mainly surfaced in the presence of the DMI, showed robustness against the external magnetic eld and thus can be further studied ...
INTRODUCTION Questions about controllability and stability arise in almost every dynamical system problem. As a result, controllability and stability are one of the most extensively studied subjects in system theory. A departure point of control theory is the dierential equation
ABSTRACT In this study, the complex interaction of surface runoff with the biomechanics of soil water transport and heat transfer rate is theoretically investigated using mathematical model that rely on the two phase flows of an incompressible Newtonian fluid (stormwater) within the soil (porous medium) and on the soil surface (runoff). The flow and heat transfer characteristics within the soil are determined numerically based on Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer model for porous medium coupled with...
ABSTRACT Chemical method is the most efficient and flexible method of hydrate control in offshore operations. In recent times, polymers and surfactants have been used to influence the kinetics of hydrate growth and coagulation. However, the traditional polar solvents are still relevant because of their ability to melt hydrates. Due to the large volume of polar thermodynamic inhibitors usually required in the field, this work examines the effect of hybrid hydrate inhibitors (HHI) comprising b...
ABSTRACT Density-Functional Theory (DFT) offers a simplification to electronic structure problems by using the electron density instead of the wave-function. Unlike the wavefunction which is a function of 3N variables (excluding spin) for an N-electron system, the density depends only on three variables, irrespective of the number of electrons in the system. While DFT, in principle, gives an accurate description of ground state properties, practical applications of DFT are based on approximat...
ABSTRACT A year-long campaign that accounted for seasonal differences have been conducted to examine the levels, chemical composition and sources of ambient particulate matter in multiple neighbourhoods of varying socioeconomic status in Accra, Ghana. Between September 2007 and August 2008, simultaneous measurements of PM2.5 and PM10 aerosols at five monitoring sites in four neighbourhoods (Asylum Down, East Legon, Nima and James Town/Ussher Town) were done for one 48-hour period every six d...
The cardinal goal to the study of theory of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) is to insure or find out properties of solutions of PDE that are not directly attainable by direct analytical means. Certain function spaces have certain known properties for which solutions of PDEs can be classified. As a result, this work critically looked into some function spaces and their properties. We consider extensively, L p − spaces, distribution theory and sobolev spaces. The emphasis is made on sob...
ABSTRACT The development of inexpensive, non-toxic, high efficiency and earth-abundant solar absorbers is critical for terawatt scale implementation of photovoltaics. Cu2SnS3 is a promising earth abundant absorber material that is attracting attention recently for optoelectronic application including photovoltaic solar cells. However, very little is known about the relationship between structural and optical properties such as the absorbance, reflectivity, refractive index, extinction coeffic...
ABSTRACT Recent breakthrough in mobile technology, wireless communication and sensing ability of smart devices promote the ease to detect real-world learning status of students as well as the context aware for learning. Targeted information can be provided to individual students in the right place and at the right time. This work is one of the three major modules of our Smart Learning Framework, others include Multimedia Module Contents (MMC) and Learning Style Index (LSI). However, this mod...
Abstract Graphene is an effectively two dimensional form of carbon atoms arranged in honeycomb lattice. Due to its lightweight, high electron mobility and other special electronic properties it is considered both an academically interesting and industrially promising candidate for various electronics applications. Many investigations focused on graphene require theoretical simulations to be performed over a large number of unit cells of graphene. For simulation scenarios where ab-initio meth...