Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Investigating The Perfomance Of Lateral Flow Devices In Diagnosis And Genetic Characterization Of Foot And Mouth Disease Virus In Tanzania

ABSTRACT A study on rapid detection and diagnosis of foot and mouth disease (FMD) field outbreaks was carried out in field settings using a Svanodip® foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV)- antigen (Ag) test lateral flow device (LFD) in Serengeti and Ngorongoro districts of Tanzania. Epithelial tissues from cattle (n=80) were collected from different villages and tested at penside using Svanodip® FMDV-antigen test to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of LFDs relative to gold standard re...

Application Of Social Media Analytics To Business Intelligence In Namibia

Abstract Keywords: social media, analytics, framework, Namibia Social media use within the business and branding spheres has exploded globally over the past few years. While Namibian SMEs are actively involved in social media marketing, there is a lack of deeper knowledge of audience analysis, campaign analytics and proper strategic planning for full benefit extraction. This is compounded by the relative lack of locally produced and published research within the field of social media that exp...

Prevalence And Antibiotic Susceptibility Patterns Of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa In Clinical Isolates: A Case Study Of Bulawayo Metropolitan Province.

ABSTRACT Pseudomonas aeruginosa is gram negative bacterium which causes nosocomial infections in patients and is highly resistant to most antibiotics as it possess numerous mechanisms of resistance. These mechanisms possessed by P. aeruginosa make it difficult to treat in infections thus being of medical concern. A study was carried out to determine the prevalence and antibiotic susceptibility patterns of P. aeruginosa isolated from wound pus and urine samples. A total of 1200 primary culture...

A Strategy for Coordination in Agile Software Development Projects for Effective and Efficient System Delivery, A case of Econet Wireless Private Limited.

ABSTRACT Agile software development offered a deceptively simple means to organise complex multi-participant software development while achieving fast delivery of quality software, meeting customer requirements, and coping effectively with project change. There is little understanding, however, of how agile software development projects achieve effective coordination, a critical factor in successful software projects. Agile software development provides a unique set of practices for organisin...

ZB Financial Holdings Virtual Banking and Loan Application Systems

ABSTRACT ZB Financial Holdings Virtual Banking and Loan Application system is a system that enables customers to log into the system and be able to carry out all the transactions such as having the access to view their account balances, view all latest transactions and be able to download bank statements in portable document format. Data was gathered by the use of interviews, questionnaires and observations and this brought out the expectations of the customers and the employees as well as th...

Android Mobile Health Application (mHealth) System

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to come up with a Mobile health (m-Health) application system. This system allows patients’ to communicate directly via an android mobile system through notifications or messages and at the same time enables them to perform electronic booking of appointments, receive e-prescription and accessing after visit summaries from the hospital or clinic. The development of this system comes out after the identification of numerous problems which are associated ...

An Investigation Into The Use Of Information Communication Technology (Ict) In The Teaching Of Geography At ‘O’ Level In Mhondoro Ngezi District Secondary Schools.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate into the use of Information Communication technology in the teaching of Geography at ‘O’ level in Mhondoro Ngezi District Secondary Schools. Descriptive survey design which utilized mixed approach method was used. Questionnaires were administered to thirteen teachers teaching Geography at selected schools. School heads of three schools were interviewed. Purposive sampling technique was used to select teachers for study. The findings re...

Proposed Service Providers’ Directory using Unstructured Supplementary Service Data [USSD] application platform

Abstract The source of contact details of public and private organizations used to be the telephone directory. The telephone directory would contain the physical location of the organization as well as the telephone number. With the advent of the mobile phones whose use has grown exponentially, the fixed network market share has declined drastically. And so is availability of the telephone directory. This proposal is to develop a service provider’s directory accessed by mobile phone using t...

SSA Research 31 PAGES (3709 WORDS) Physics Thesis
Occurrence of antibiotic residues in milk. A case study of Gweru 2014.

ABSTRACT The aim of the research was to determine the occurrence of antibiotic residues in milk in Gweru. The population consisted of twenty-eight farmers. Ten farmers were randomly selected from the population. The average volume that the farmers supply to dairy processing companies was twenty thousand liters during the time of sampling. Raw milk was sampled in two hundred and fifty mls sterile sample bottles. The samples were frozen up to the time of analysis. Detection and quantitation of ...

A Geographical Information System for ZETDC

ABSTRACT The main motive behind the research was to derive an answer to the discovered problems of the current system of the Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution (ZETDC) with regards to the way the fault reports were being carried out and the quality of services offered. The conduction of research through research methodologies such as questionnaires, observations as well as interviews led to problems identification such as being more manual since it does not allow the ZETDC ele...

Online enquiry and bill payments management system for a local authority

ABSTRACT Plumtree Town Council is an urban local authority located in Plumtree town in Matebeleland South district of Zimbabwe. It is situated 100 km away from the City of Bulawayo along Bulawayo Botswana road and railway line, 10 km from the border. It services local residents, outlying farmers in Bulilima and Mangwe rural districts as well as tourists as it is a border town. Like other local authorities it is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Construction Rural and Urban Plan...

Asset Management And Faults Rectifying System

ABSTRACT The purpose of this project, the Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC) Assets management and faults rectifying system was based on the provision of an indepth and detailed records of newly acquired assets and faults reports. Assets acquired are maintained and monitored by the system. Automatically the system schedules attention on assets that needs maintenance and those that require to be disposed. Faults rectification process was instigated as a result o...

Gcc E Procurement System

ABSTRACT This research is aimed at development of an E Procurement System that is meant to assist the procurement department in procurement decision making processes. The researcher had proposed the idea of introducing a new system after discovering problems that were being experienced as a result of manual processes, some of the problems include; delays in procurement decision making, there was no a website to update suppliers about new tenders at Gweru City Council, there is no system in pl...

Gweru Hospital Telemedicine App

Abstract In line with National Development Priorities and the UN Millennium Development Goals as documented in the Zim-Asset blueprint under the Social Services and Poverty Eradication cluster, the health care system is not greatly benefiting from the wide spread use of ICT solutions countrywide. Every process in the medical sector requires the patient and the health practitioner to be in the same room regardless of the nature of visit. Thus unnecessary meetings like consultations, education,...

Epidemiological Study Of Rift Valley Fever Virus In Kigoma, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Rift Valley fever (RVF) is an acute, zoonotic viral disease, caused by a Phlebovirus belonging to the Bunyaviridae family. RVF virus (RVFV) historically has been responsible for large explosive outbreaks of severe human and animal disease throughout Africa and recently in the Arabian Peninsula. In animals, it mainly affects domestic ruminants such as sheep, goats and cattle. RVFV outbreaks among livestock are economically devastating and often characterized by large sweeping abortion...

4186 - 4200 Of 8880 Results