Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Evaluation Of Taro Leaf Blight (Phytophthora Colocasiae) Disease Incidence, Severity, Environmental Effects And Relationship Between Resistance And Agronomic Traits Of Selected Taro (Colocasi

ABSTRACT Taro (Colocasiae esculenta L. Schott) popularly known as ‘nduma’ is an aquatic plant grown for its edible leaves and corms. It is mainly cultivated in Western and Central Kenya but its production is constrained majorly by Phytophthora colocasiae, a taro leaf blight (TLB) disease. The disease causes destruction of leaf and corm. Knowledge pertaining to taro association with the disease incidence, severity, index, Rainfall, R.H, temperature, interrelationship between agronomic trai...

SSA Research 206 PAGES (45514 WORDS) Botany Thesis
Modeling The Effects Of Interference In Fertility Rate: A Case Study Of Rwanda, Indonesia And Kenya

ABSTRACT Many studies have been done on fertility for many years. However, very little has been documented in the existing literature concerning modeling of fertility in the presence of interference, yet interference to fertility is a common phenomenon. In this study fertility data sets for Rwanda, Indonesia and Kenya were modeled before and after interference. The parameters of the model were estimated by the maximum likelihood estimation method. The model life table approach was used to det...

Potentials For Mycoremediation Of Petroleum Products By Fungi Isolated From Irvingia Gabonensis Seeds

ABSTRACT The Petroleum Industry has a huge potential for the pollution of the environment at every stage of its operation, hence the need to constantly fashion out new strategies for maintaining the sanctity of our environment. Fungi associated with diseased Irvingia gabonensis (Baill) seeds found in the open markets were suspected to possess the ability to degrade the hydrocarbon substances contained in these seeds. These fungi were isolated bimonthly from the diseased seeds of I.gabonensis...

Concurrent Intestinal Parasitoses With Cryposporidium Species Among patients With Gastrointestinal Disorder In Lagos, Nigeria

Abstract Cryptosporidium, a protozoan parasite that causes gastrointestinal illness, is transmitted by ingestion of oocysts excreted in human or animal stools. Cryptosporidiosis presents with severe diarrhoea in HIV/AIDS patients and self-limiting in immunocompetent individuals. The parasite is yet to receive sufficient public health attention in Nigeria. This study was undertaken to investigate association of Cryptosporidium oocysts with other intestinal parasites in patients with gastrointe...

Isolation And Identification Of Mycotoxigenic Fungi In Maize In Narok Town, Kenya

Abstract The aim of this study was to identify the occurrence of fungal contamination in different samples of corn (zea mayes) grains in Narok Town. A total of 30 samples were analyzed by direct plating method on a quarter strength potato dextrose agar and focusing on mycotoxigenic fungi.pure cultures of Aspergillus isolates were sub cultured and transferred onto differential media; malt extract agar, czapek yeast extract and czapek dox agar for species identification. The colony were purifie...

SSA Research 46 PAGES (8382 WORDS) Zoology Thesis
Unsteady Mhd Heat And Mass Transfer Over An Infinite Porous Flat Plate With Convective Surface Boundary Conditions

ABSTRACT Unsteady MHD heat and mass transfer over an infinite flat plate with convective surface boundary condition problems have received little attention yet they are of great importance in many scientific and engineering fields particularly in the manufacture and maintenance of ship propulsion unit and thermal energy storage processes in nuclear plants. Every research work that would give results aimed at improving the efficiency of the modern marine vessels is of significance to the field...

Norms Of Generalized Derivations On Norm Ideals

Abstract The norms of inner and generalized derivations on dierent kinds of al- gebras have been determined. However, the norms of their restrictions to norm ideals have not been fully explored. For instance, the concept of S􀀀universality having been introduced by Fialkow in 1979, has not been fully characterized yet it plays a critical role in the study of norms of derivations. In this study, we have investigated both the algebraic and the norm properties of a generalized derivation. Spec...

Chemometric Analysis,Speciation And Remediation Of Potentially Toxic Metals In The Sediments Of The Lagos Lagoon System

ABSTRACT The Lagos lagoon system is the main water body in Lagos State and it is highly polluted. It receives enormous amount of domestic and industrial wastes from rivers and creeks. In this study, three main Lagos trans-urban streams Odo-lyaalaro, Shasha and Ibeshe creeks that empty into the Lagos Lagoon were examined. For the study, samples were collected bimonthly for a year and the physicochemical properties of both the water and sediments were determined. The pseudototal heavy metal con...

Characterization Of Isolated Microfungi And Their Enzymes For Cellulosic Waste Bioconversion

ABSRACT Eight cellulolytic microfungi were isolated from wood-wastes obtained from Okobaba sawmills, Ebute-Metta, Lagos. The microfungi include two pathogenic fungi, Aspergillus Aavus and Aspergillus fumigatus, and three different strains of the black aspergilli, Aspergillus niger, (designated herein as A. niger 1, A. niger 2 and A. niger 3). The other isolates are Fusarium solani, Penicillium chrysogenum, and Trichoderma harzianum. The filamentous fungi, A. nigeri, P. chrysogenum and T. har...

Identification Of Crop-Growing Seasons Of Semi-Arid Kenya By Analyses Of The Soil Tloisture Patterns

ABSTRACT Identification of Crop-Growing Seasons of Semi-Arid Kenya by Analvses of the Soil Moisture Patterns. (May 1984) David Kasina }1usembi, B.S., University of Nairobi Chairman of Advisory Cormnit tee i- Prof. John F. Griffiths Eight stations wit~ over 30 years of rainfall record were selected in the dry region of Kenya, east of 37°E longitude, to study the nature of the crop growing seasons during the short and the long rains (October through June). The rainfall data were reduced to soi...

Survey Of Levels Of Some Heavy Metals In Soil, Sugarcane And Some Sugarcane Products From Muhoroni And South Nyanza Sugar Companies Nucleus Estates, Kenya

ABSTRACT Sugarcane is an important cash crop in Kenya. Due to its economic value, efforts are in progress to increase its production. The efforts include intense use of fertilizers, besides the use of high-yielding varieties. The intense use of fertilizers adds heavy metals to the sugarcane growing soils. The sugarcane plants can bioaccumulate heavy metals from soils to levels above safe limits. Metal levels in soil and factors such as soil pH and soil organic matter (SOM) influence levels of...

SSA Research 139 PAGES (45021 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Analysis Of Pyrethrum Plant Extract And Its Anti-Aphid Effect On Growth, Yields, Chlorophyll And Phytonutrient Contents Of African Nightshades

ABSTRACT African nightshades (Solanum scabrum) is one of indigenous vegetables widely consumed in Kenya. It is used for food, income and for medicinal purposes, but faces low yields due to severe damage by aphids. Yield losses due to aphids is estimated to about 84-96% in Kenya. Aphids have developed resistance to synthetic pesticides. There is need to search for ecofriendly alternatives such as the use of botanicals like pyrethrum which are cheaper. Pyrethrum extracts are known to control in...

SSA Research 104 PAGES (28873 WORDS) Botany Thesis
A Mathematical Model For The Optimal Control Of Trypanosomiasis In A Cattle Population.

Abstract Trypanosomiasis is a debilitating disease which is a major constraint to livestock production in sub-Saharan Africa. It leads to loss of productivity in animals and without treatment it is frequently fatal. The economic and social repercussions it causes in areas where it is endemic, makes its control a priority operation. In this study we formulate three models; a basic model to understand the transmission dynamics of the trypanosomiasis in a cattle population, a model with treatmen...

SSA Research 128 PAGES (33149 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
Biological Control Of Ceretocystis Paradoxa Dade C.Moreau Causing Black Rot Of The Oil Palm (ELAEIS GUINEENSIS JACQ) Sprouted Seeds Using Trichoderma Spp

ABSTRACT Biological control of Ceratocystis paradoxa using Trichoderma spp. were conducted on oil palm spouted seeds. Eighteen spp. of fungi belonging to ten genera were identified as fungi associated with diseased sprouted seeds. Out of these genera, Aspergillus spp. occurred most frequently and in relative abundance at 25.9%, Trichoderma spp. (23.4%), Ceratocystis paradoxa (11.1%), Fusarium spp (9.9%), Penicillium spp. (8.7%), Rhizopus sp. (7.4%) and Curvularia sp. (4.9%) respectively. Pest...

4321 - 4335 Of 8880 Results