Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Epidemiology Of Foot And Mouth Disease, Brucellosis And Leptospirosis At The Livestockwildlife Interface Area In Maasai Mara, Kenya

ABSTRACT Intact ecosystems can regulate the transmission of infectious diseases by maintaining the diversity of species in equilibrium. However, human driven land use change is a major driver of environmental change and can affect the emergence and the transmission dynamics of infectious diseases. This study investigated how land use change, and hence the extent of wildlife-livestock interactions affect the transmission dynamics of infectious diseases in the Maasai Mara ecosystem in Kenya, us...

SSA Research 159 PAGES (37619 WORDS) Microbiology Thesis
An Investigation of the Latent Semantic Analysis Technique for Document Retrieval

Abstract Latent semantic analysis (LSA) application in information retrieval promises to offer better performance by overcoming some limitations that plagues traditional termmatching techniques. These term-matching techniques have always relied on matching query terms with document terms to retrieve the documents having terms matching the query terms. However, by use of these traditional retrieval techniques, users’ needs have not been adequately served. While users want to search through i...

Connecting People Using Latent Semantic Analysis For Knowledge Sharing

Abstract A shift from technology-oriented knowledge management to people-oriented knowledge management is indispensable. To achieve this, organizations must understand the nature of knowledge. In this work, knowledge has been found to be both a process and a collection of artifacts. This makes knowledge and the knower to be two inseparable entities. Consequently, the appropriate way to share both the explicit and the implicit knowledge components is through people-with-people connection. Howe...

Statistical Thermodynamics Of High Tctwo Band Superconductivity In Mgb2

ABSTRACT Thermodynamic properties of the multiband high critical temperature superconductors have been describedpreviously with simple standard BCS expressions corresponding to and bands, but the microscopic mechanisms that allow superconductivity to persist at high temperatures remain unknown. Studies on two band superconductors have previously been described through one band model; this approach has not adequately addressed cases of inter-band scattering for superconductors at high temperat...

SSA Research 110 PAGES (19801 WORDS) Physics Thesis
A Scinda-Gpsstudy Ofequatorialplasma Bubblesover Kisumu, Kenyaduring2013 -2014 Period

ABSTRACT The ionosphere is the ionized portion of the atmosphere that stretches from about 50 km to 1000 km above the ground. It plays a very important role in the solar effects felt on Earth. Despite various studies having been carried out on occurrence of Equatorial plasma bubbles (EPBs) in Africa, more research needs to be done within East Africa since the ionosphere is a highly variable medium resulting from ionizing radiation from the Sun and changes from region to region. The problem in...

SSA Research 101 PAGES (21027 WORDS) Physics Dissertation
The Effects Of Indigenous Catalytic Additives On Quantity And Quality Of Biogas And Bio-Slurry Produced From Uncooked Kitchen Wastes..

ABSTRACT Biogas production in third world countries is still un-optimized and produce very minimal outputs. Optimization of biogas quality by increasing the temperature of the bio-digester is quite technical. On the other hand, commercial enzymes used to increase biogas quantity are also expensive and substrate-specific. T. brownii and Acanthaceae spp. extracts were successfully used to hasten saccharification and fermentation of cellulose during the preparation of traditional alcohols. This ...

SSA Research 111 PAGES (27257 WORDS) Mathematics Thesis
Synthesis And Bioassaye Of Chilo Partellus Female Sex Pheromones And Their Analogues

Abstract Synthetic sex pheromones could provide valuable alternative means of pest control in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies. Their uses could include population monitoring with pheromone traps to guide other control methods, by mass trapping and mating disruption. (Z)-ll-Hexadecenal (Z-11-C4Hg CH=CH (CHZ) 9 CHO) and (Z)-llhexadecen- l-ol (Z-ll-C/H",CH=CH(CH1 )oCH10H), the major components of '1 £ J £. spotted stalk borer, Chilo pert el Lue (swinhoe) fernale sex pheromone, were...

Impact Of Climate Change On The Spread Of Malaria Among Children Under Five Years In Vihiga County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Vihiga County for a long time has been known to be an endemic malaria region. The presence of many rivers and high temperatures, is ideal for mosquitoes breeding and maturity. However, the impact of changing climate and increasing malaria prevalence in the region have received little attention. Temperatures have increased over the past decades and rainfall decreased. Mosquitoes are temperature sensitive whereby high temperatures exacerbate their breeding. Therefore, this study aimed ...

SSA Research 135 PAGES (26887 WORDS) Geography Thesis
Application Of Logistic Regression Model To Determine Factors Causing Maternal Mortality: A Case Study Of Migori County Referral Hospital (2007-2015)

Abstract Kenya is one of the major contributors to the poor maternal health status in Africa with maternal mortality ratio of 488 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births translating to 7,700 maternal deaths annually [23]. There are regional disparities in maternal mortality among the 47 counties with county with the highest maternal mortality has almost 20 times maternal deaths of that with the lowest. Migori County is one of the counties with the highest burden of maternal mortality in the c...

Production Of Antiseptic Soap From Psidium Guajava Linn Leaf Extract

ABSTRACT; Amritphala (psidium guajava l) is a small size tree in myrtaceae family, traditionally used in treatment of several diseases such as inflammation, diabetes, hypertension, wounds, pain and fever. When it comes to skin care, the astringents of guava enhance the skin texture and tighten loosened skin. The guava leaves works more effectively than any other skin nourishing lotions in the market. Decoction of immature leaves and fruits can be applied on the skin to prevent tightening and ...

Online Birth Registration System

ABSTRACT A birth certificate is becoming one of the crucial documents a Kenyan must possess. For instance, it is becoming a requirement for standard eight pupils and form four students to produce a birth certificate, in which a copy will be send to Kenya National Examination Council, for them to be registered as candidates. Similarly, most institutions require a birth certificate for identification purposes if one is not an adult also when processing identification card you have to produce th...

Empowering Women To Aleviate Poverty Through Accessibility To Information: A Case Of Narok Town

ABSTRACT Information and knowledge play an important role in enabling rural women to achieve economic empowerment through poverty alleviation. The general aim of this study was to determine the contribution of information in the empowerment of rural women. In a bid to achieve this objective, the study sought to assess the roles of information in increasing women access and control of economic resources, in assisting women contribute towards economic decisions at the household and community le...

Quantum Entanglement Properties Of Polarization States Of A Semi-Classical Optical Parametric Oscillator

ABSTRACT Entanglement is a fundamental feature of quantum mechanics which originated from the 1935 paper of Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen (EPR) and has been demonstrated in many quantum systems for development of quantum technology. Entanglement of photons occurs through polarization states generated in nonlinear parametric processes. The Optical parametric oscillator (OPO) constitutes a nonlinear process in which a pair of entangled photons (signal and idler) is generated when a light mode fr...

Simulation Of Gravimetric Capacity, Structural And Electronic Properties Of Vanadium Disulphide As Anode Material For Lithium-Ion Bettery

ABSTRACT Various energy sources are utilized at present with a challenge of energy storage in many cases. The existing rechargeable storage batteries which include sodium-ion and lithium-ion have some limitations in their gravimetric capacities. This can be improved by incorporating Vanadium disulphide (VS2) due to its metallic properties at ground state. In this work we investigate the adsorption of lithium ions on the VS2 layered material. Research shows that intercalating lithium ions on a...

SSA Research 70 PAGES (11810 WORDS) Physics Thesis
Effects Of Management And Rainfall Simulation On Soil Respiration And Soil Carbon Store In A Moist Kenyan Savanna, Ruma Lambwe Valley

ABSTRACT The demand for agricultural land is driving the conversion of moist Kenyan savannah into agroecosystems (grazing fields and croplands) and together with altered rainfall patterns, is likely modifying soil moisture, soil respiration and carbon store in the ecosystem. Nevertheless, the carbon dynamics of moist savannas plus of the converted ecosystems are poorly understood yet planning for sustainable use of the ecosystem need to be based on scientific knowledge. While previous studie...

SSA Research 89 PAGES (24280 WORDS) Botany Thesis

4276 - 4290 Of 8880 Results