Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Detection of diamonds using the tagged neutron method

Abstract: Current technologies for the detection and extraction of diamonds involve the repeti tive mechanical crushing of kimberlite ore, resulting in the damage of real diamonds. In particular, the breakage of large diamonds into smaller constituents decreases their value drastically, resulting in huge financial losses to mining companies. This dissertation focuses on testing a newly developed technology for the detection of di amonds in the kimberlite ore prior to crushing processes, thus...

Bismuth Oxy-halide (BiOBrmI(1-m)) solid solutions for the photodegradation of methylene blue dye under solar and UV-light irradiation.

Abstract: Continuous discharge of textile wastes such as dyes into the water bodies deteriorates the quality of water. Therefore, the removal of these materials from the wastewater should be a priority due to their carcinogenic properties, which pose a health hazard to both human beings and aquatic life. The use of advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) for example heterogeneous photocatalysis has been broadly studied due to their efficacy in the removal of such organic contaminants. Engin...

Mineral weathering, pedogenesis and characterization of expansive soils from Serowe, Central Botswana

Abstract: Expansive soils tend to be fairly high in natural fertility and their unique morphology makes them quite interesting. Soils found in Serowe, Central Botswana, commonly exhibit variable degrees of periodic shrinking and swelling which often leave visible cracks and sometimes undulating micro-topography (gilgai) on the landscape. The use of expansive soils is often constrained due to severe management problems often associated with their physico-chemical properties. Therefore, basic ...

Chalcones in the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds: pyrazoles, flavans and pyrimidines

Abstract: This study was aimed at the synthesis of a library of heterocyclic compounds. The initial reactions involved the condensation of substituted acetophenones with benzaldehyde derivatives in either ethanolic solution of sodium hydroxide or by grinding method to yield chalcones. The percentage yield of the products was substantially higher by grinding method compared to that of ethanolic NaOH conventional method. It is noteworthy that the grinding technique is an environmentally f...

The effect of substituents on the stability and fragmentation of para benzoquinone molecular anion

Abstract: Quinones form a large group of organic compounds with various applications in industry, biological systems, and pharmacology. They can capture an electron with kinetic energy exceeding zero and keep it for a longer time. The principal structure responsible for electron capturing in quinones is the para-benzoquinone, PBQ. Several studies have been carried out on PBQ and its molecular anion, but less attention has been paid to its derivatives upon capturing an electron. As such,...

A surface photovoltage study of surface defects on Co-doped TiO2 thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis

Abstract: Surface photovoltage (SPV) spectroscopy is a powerful tool for studying electronic defects on semiconductor surfaces, at interfaces, and in bulk for a wide range of materials. Undoped and Cobalt-doped TiO 2 (CTO) thin films were deposited on Crystalline Silicon (c-Si) and Flourine doped Tin oxide (SnO 2 :F) substrates by chemical spray pyrolysis at a substrate temperature of 400 °C. The concentration of the Co dopant in the films was determined by Rutherford backscattering spectro...

Synthesis, characterization of nitro or amino substituted pyridyl ligands bridged by an ester or ether bond, and their antibacterial assessment against drug resistant bacteria

Abstract: A series of ester and ether bridged compounds bearing the nitro and amino moieties were synthesized and characterized, in order to assess their ability to potentially serve as antibacterial agents against drug resistant bacteria. All the compounds were obtained at considerable yields while characterization techniques confirmed their successful synthesis. Furthermore, their antimicrobial assessments showed that all the compounds exhibited antibacterial activity against the Gram-nega...

Approximating fixed points of the composition of two resolvent operators

Abstract: Let A and B be maximal monotone operators defined on a real Hilbert space H, and let Fix, (eqution found) and μ is a given positive number. [H. H. Bauschke, P. L. Combettes and S. Reich, The asymptotic behavior of the composition of two resolvents, Nonlinear Anal. 60 (2005), no. 2, 283-301] proved that any sequence (xn) generated by the iterative method, (eqution found) converges weakly to some point in Fix(JAμ JBμ). In this paper, we show that the modified method of alternating...

The type II Topp-Leone-G power series distribution with applications on bladder cancer

Abstract: Statistical distributions are important in modeling the real life of an item and therefore proper distributions that provide useful information for sound conclusions and decisions are needed. For that reason, the demand for developing new generalized distributions have become appropriate for data that have both monotonic and non-monotonic hazard rate functions. In this paper, we develop a new distribution called the Type IITopp-Leone-G Power Series (TIITLGPS) distribution by compou...

Effect of Cd precursor on structure and optical properties of spin coated Zn0:9Cd0:1O films for optoelectronics applications

Abstract: The development of transparent conducting oxide materials has gained an increased interest in the scientific community for developing efficient low cost optoelectronic devices. The effect of Cd precursor on structural and optical properties of sol-gel synthesized Zn0.9Cd0.1O nanostructured films has been studied by using XRD, AFM, optical absorption and emission spectroscopic techniques. X-ray diffraction confirms the hexagonal wurtzite crystal structure of the deposited films and ...

Hierarchical multilevel optimization with multiple-leaders multiple-followers setting and nonseparable objectives

Abstract: Hierarchical multilevel multi-leader multi-follower problems are non-cooperative decision problems in which multiple decision-makers of equal status in the upper-level and multiple decision makers of equal status are involved at each of the lower-levels of the hierarchy. Much of solution methods proposed so far on the topic are either model specific which may work only for a particular sub-class of problems or are based on some strong assumptions and only for two level cases. In th...

Multi-source reliable multicast routing with QoS constraints of NFV in edge computing

Abstract: Edge Computing (EC) allows processing to take place near the user, hence ensuring scalability and low latency. Network Function Virtualization (NFV) provides the significant convenience of network layout and reduces the service operation cost in EC and data center. Nowadays, the interests of the NFV layout focus on one-to-one communication, which is costly when applied to multicast or group services directly. Furthermore, many artificial intelligence applications and services of cl...

Loss-tolerant prepare and measure quantum key distribution protocol

Abstract: We propose a modified version of the Bennett–Brassard 1984 quantum key distribution protocol intended to tolerate losses, certain forms of noise, and the so-called photon number splitting attack. These are the issues facing the realization of practical quantum key distribution. The modified protocol is based on quantum non-demolition measure ments for systems using weak coherent pulses. Our scheme ensures that emissions cor responding to zero photon pulses, multi-photon pulses, a...

Long-range memory effects in a magnetized Hindmarsh-Rose neural network

Abstract: We consider a model network of diffusively coupled Hindmarsh-Rose neurons to study both analytically and numerically, long-range memory effects on the modulational instability phenomenon, chaotic, synchronous and chimera states within the network. The multiple scale method is used to reduce the generic model into a discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation. The latter is explored in the linear stability analysis and the instability criterion along with the critical amplitude are der...

The burr-weibull power series class of distributions

Abstract: A new generalized class of distributions called the Burr-Weibull Power Series (BWPS) class of distributions is developed and explored. This class of distributions generalizes the Burr power series and Weibull power series classes of distributions, respectively. A special model of the BWPS class of distributions, the new Burr-Weibull Poisson (BWP) distribution is considered and some of its mathematical properties are obtained. The BWP distribution contains several new and well known...

1006 - 1020 Of 8880 Results