Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Genetic Diversity Of Vernonia Schreb. Species In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Vernonia Schreb. is a genus in the family Asteraceae. It has over 1000 species which may be trees, shrubs, woody climbers or herbs. Some of the species are economically important as sources of food and herbal medicine as well as for industrial purposes. Despite the economic importance of the species, the existing taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships among the taxa are not totally resolved. The objective of this study was to assess the genetic diversity of Vernonia species in Nig...

Exploratory Behaviour And Food Retrieval Habit Of Amitermes Evuncifer Silvestri (Isoptera, Termitidae Temitinae)

ABSTRACT. The study revealed that there was a quantitative recruitment in colonies of Amiternes evuncifer, whenever food was discovered by the scouting foragers. Discovered food stimulated the termites to accelerate their running speed, to and from the food source. Increased trail-laying activity, accelerated movement and carrying of food by the returning workers facilitated recruitment of other confederates from their nest. These activities equally directed the recruited termites to the food...

Evaluation Of The Therapeutic Effects Of Aloe Vera Gel On Alloxan Induced Diabetic Animal Models

ABSTRACT Aloe vera gel (AVG) extract is commonly used as a home remedy for some diseases, including diabetes mellitus. This study investigates the effects of pure Aloe vera (Aloe babardensis) gel on some biochemical, haematological and histological parameters in diabetic rats. The animals were divided into six groups of six rats each (n=6). Diabetes mellitus was experimentally induced in rats by intraperitoneal administration of a single dose of alloxan monohydrate (170 mg/kg BW.) following ...

Evaluation Of HIV Testing Methods And Development Of HIV Testing Algorithms In Lagos, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The absence of regulatory control of HIV test kits in use, non-availability of HIV testing algorithm and absence of regular and constant evaluation programme for HIV testing kits stimulated the authors' curiosity to carry out both operational and experimental studies on the commercially available HIV test devices circulating in the Nigerian market. A scientific approach to address the setbacks in HIV testing methods contending with HIV serodiagnosis and surveillance, as well as deter...

Certain Geometric Aspects Of A Class Of Almostcontact Structures On A Smooth Metric Manifold

ABSTRACT The classication of Smooth Geometric Manifolds still remains an open problem. The concept of almost contact Riemannian manifolds provides neat descriptions and distinctions between classes of odd and even dimensional manifolds and their geometries. Among the classes that have been extensively studied in the past are the Hermitian, Symplectic, Khalerian, Complex, Contact and Almost Contact manifolds which have applications in M-Theory and supergravity among other areas. The dierential...

Enrichment And Molecular Characteristization Of Atrazine Degrading Actinomycetes Isolated From Polluted Nigerian Commercial Farmlands

ABSTRACT Microbes capable of degrading atrazine were isolated by traditional enrichment technique from composite soil samples collected from four agricultural farmlands with long history of atrazine use in Nigeria. The estimated atrazine degrading populations from Obasanjo, Ladipo Daniel, Agbowa - Ikosi and Itokin farms were 1.6 x 10* cfu/mg, 8.0 x 10^cfu/mg, 5.0 x 10* cfw/mg and 1.2 x 10 cfu/mg of the soil samples respectively. The soil sample from Obasanjo farm was selected for further stud...

Response Of Benthic Fauna To Mangrove Degradation And Restoration In Gazi Bay - Kenya

bstract The recovery towards a natural state of a restored Rhizophora mucronata mangrove ecosystem was investigated by assessing the sediment physical characteristics, densities, community composition and diversity of benthic macro-endofauna and meio-endofauna from a natural, a 10 years reforested, a 5 years reforested and a degraded (clear felled) mangrove ecosystem. The natural forest was used as a reference (baseline state) while the degraded site was to provide information on the effects ...

SSA Research 294 PAGES (59772 WORDS) Zoology Thesis
Online Buying Behavior Among Maasai Mara University Students Using Logistic Regression Model

ABSRACT Primarily, the project has focused on finding out the Online Buying trends and behavior of Maasai Mara university consumers with an age range of 18- 25 years. The proposed primary objective of the study was further divided into secondary objectives with an aiming of finding detailed information on the research topic. Precisely, information regarding buyer’s buying frequency, average spending, and famous product purchase was gathered. Since the objectives were quantifiable, a quantit...

SSA Research 31 PAGES (4458 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
The Use Of Extracts From Acacia And Mangrove For The Preservation Of Animal Tissues

ABSTRACT The oldest system of tanning relies on the chemical action of vegetable materials containing tannin and tannic acid on the protein constituents of skin or hides.

Research Barn 89 PAGES (18330 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Extraction And Characterization Of Insect Repelling Essential Oil From Plants.A Case Study Chamomile, Garlic And Custard

Abstract Plant-based repellents have been used for generations in traditional practices as a personal protection measures against host seeking insects like mosquitoes. Knowledge on traditional repellent plants obtained through ethnobotanical studies, is a valuable resource for the development of natural and environmental safe products. Recently, commercial repellents containing plant based ingredients have gained increasing popularity among customers. These are commonly perceived as ‘safe�...

SSA Research 46 PAGES (8038 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Kamusi online

ABSTRACT The project presented here gives a user an online easy use and access to a Kamusi which is for convenience and technologically oriented type of study and research. This project aims at making Swahili language available for use to the entire world and for the perfection of the language and its masterly. The online Survey conducted shows that there is need for a better Kamusi. Available ones do not have pictorial representations and therefore on launching; this will be one of...

An Automated Room Temperature Controller

ABSTRACT This project work presents the design of an automated room temperature controller system. This system allows the user to set a desired temperature which is then compared to the room temperature measured by DHT11 temperature sensor. With the help of Atmega 328 based on Arduino microcontroller, the system responds by turning ON and OFF the two (2) loads (fan or a heater) automatically depending on the temperature difference in the room. The fan is triggered ON when the room temperature...

SSA Research 36 PAGES (5860 WORDS) Physics Thesis
Determining The Performance Of Local Bean Varieties In Lowland Areas. The Case Study Of Narok South

ABSTRACT The local bean varieties most common among farmers of Narok south is depended upon by other residents of Narok county and other regions within the country as their main source of food which has got high protein content and as well as source of income .This research was mainly aimed at determining the best performing local bean varieties in lowland areas of Narok south. It also aimed at determining if there exists a significant difference between blocks which are the yearly mean yield...

Seasonal Responses Of Total Antioxidant Level In Cultivated Tea To Fertilizer

ABSTRACT The research was conducted to find out whether applying fertilizer to tea at specific season of the year will affect the level of antioxidant. The main objective of the research was to determine the correlation between the level of antioxidant in tea and the season at which fertilizer was applied. Secondary data was obtained from James Finlay Kenya Limited with the authority of Applied Research Department. Trials of NPK fertilizer were conducted during the four seasons of the year: d...

SSA Research 22 PAGES (4349 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
Modelling Volatility Of Kes/Usd Exchange Rates Using Time Series Models (A Case Study Of The Kenyan Exchange Rates)

ABSTRACT Research work examines the accuracy and forecasting performance of volatility models for the KES/USD exchange rate return in Kenya using the EGARCH and TARCH. In fitting these models to the daily and monthly exchange rate returns data collected from CBK which extended from the period January 2008 to December 2015, In this study, performance of Time series models ( asymmetric EGARCH and TARCH models) in forecasting the volatility behavior of Kenya FOREX market was examined. Daily FORE...

4216 - 4230 Of 8880 Results