ABSTRACT To begin with DSW didn’t have a proper software to capture and report its daily activities expediently, the espousal of the M&E department in the organisation reviewed a high frequency of data discrepancies and anomalies in the company records, which then triggered the company to have an interest on investing in a more current, secure, fluid and comprehensible system that is partially intelligent to gear up the decision making process while being able to be associated with any of t...
ABSTRACT The continued expansion and growth in global technologies has led to the development of many new electronic health information management systems to improve efficiencies and quality of care within the field of medicine. Maasai Mara University is a growing world class university. There is a necessity for competent administration in the university’s health unit. This project suggests the computerizing of all the records about patients, staff and drug/equipment supplies in the health ...
ABSTRACT Let R be a completely primary nite ring of characteristic pk, where p is a prime and k is a positive integer. Such nite rings have been studied extensively in recent years and the tools necessary for describing completely primary nite rings have been available for some time. However, their characterization is not exhaustive. Several attempts have been made in the recent past in the characterization of the unit groups of this class of rings though not in general. The characterization ...
ABSTRACT The classication of Smooth Geometric Manifolds still remains an open problem. The concept of almost contact Riemannian manifolds provides neat descriptions and distinctions between classes of odd and even dimensional manifolds and their geometries. Among the classes that have been extensively studied in the past are the Hermitian, Symplectic, Khalerian, Complex, Contact and Almost Contact manifolds which have applications in M-Theory and supergravity among other areas. The dierential...
ABSTRACT Predator-prey models describe the interaction between two species, the prey which serves as a food source to the predator. The migration of the prey for safety reasons after a predator attack and the predator in search of food, from a patch to another may not be instantaneous. This may be due to barriers such as a swollen river or a busy infrastructure through the natural habitat. Recent predator-prey models have either incorporated a logistic growth for the prey population or a time...
Sickle cell anaemia is the most common single gene defect among black population. The two main levels of control are early prenatal diagnosis and premarital counselling and screening. Early prenatal diagnosis is performed on the chorionic villi, which is usually contaminated with DNA from the maternal decidua cells during sampling. Co- amplification of the maternal and fetal DNAis a major challenge during molecular diagnosis using the ARMS PCR protocol. The outcome would be laboratory misdiag...
ABSTRACT Covenant University location navigation system (CU Naviloc) built on the Android platform is a mobile based system which can be easily accessed from an android mobile device across any location, downloadable on Google play store and deployable anywhere in the world. In this study,Computer-aided design as well as building Information modelling (CAD/BIM) system applications were introduced to the simulation of Covenant University, a smart and compact campus whose edifice elaborates th...
ABSTRACT Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) is the main high protein legume crop in the cropping system of western Kenya. The crop is mainly grown by small-scale farmers for food and cash. Despite its importance, common bean yields are low (
ABSTRACT Waste generated by several agricultural activities has many alternative uses. Unfortunately, much of it is burnt in the open fields, resulting in environmental pollution. In view of the economic and ecological importance of agro wastes, microfungi were isolated from decaying agro wastes samples and screened for pectinolytic activity using a plate assay method containing pectin alone. The effects of carbon, nitrogenous sources and pH on pectinase production by the strains with maximum...
ABSTRACT The study is aimed at modelling drug addiction circle to provide a wide picture of the source of the hard drug addiction problem so as to get to know how to solve the menace that is eating up young adults. A schematic review technique is employed where data from a variety of research articles is analyzed and a collection of the findings described. The logistic model is to be used to describe what happens to the university students since they enrolled till they finish their course and...
ABSTRACT Understanding the science and management of the environment and the nexus between environmental change, human livelihoods and vulnerability to hazards is fundamental for sustainable natural resources use. Natural resource degradation has implications for rural livelihoods and poverty, natural resource management, and vulnerability to disasters. The coast of Ondo State, Southwest Nigeria qualifies for description as a hotspot of ecosystems changes and natural resource degradation. Thi...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the potential of .a microcomputer as a tool of information handling. Specifically, this involved developing software packages for use on an Apple II Plus microcomputer. The Willow Bend Demonstrational Farm in Union, West Virginia, was chosen. A farm records and budgets model was developed. Receipts and expenses from the Electronic Farm Accounting records were used to test the model for use by the farm operators in West Virginia. Enterpri s...
ABSTRACT In this thesis we show the retlexivity of a Banach space, that is spaces embedded in their biduals.The concept is realized for the case that the canonical embedding into its bidual is surjective.We characterize u-ideals in Banach spaces having retlexive properties. We show that u-ideal achieves its norm on closed unit ball and for any retlexive Banach space X; u-ideal is always a closed ideal. We also show that u-deal contained in Jacobsonradical is a zero ring.
ABSTRACT Anopheles gambiae, the major Afro-tropical malaria vector is resistant to pyrethroid insecticide and this is threatening the impact of malaria control efforts using insecticides. In this study, the major malaria vector species from stagnant water bodies and their susceptibility status to pyrethroid insecticide was determined in some areas of Lagos state, Nigeria. Anopheles larvae were sampled from three areas of Lagos, namely Akoka, Idiaraba and Okobaba and raised to adulthood in the...
ABSTRACT Oil spills have become a major environmental hazard constituting serious social problems in Nigeria, especially in the oil producing communities. The geoelectric technique of geophysical investigation has been used to evaluate possible pollution of the groundwater by hydrocarbon as a result of oil spills in six oil producing communities comprising of Olch, Olomoro, Uzere, Aficsere, Ekakpamre and Uvwiamuge within the western Niger Delta. A total of one hundred and thirty nine vertical...