Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Evaluation Of Point-Of-Care Test For Early Infant Diagnosis And Viral Load Monitoring Of Hiv-1 Infection In Western Kenya

ABSTRACT In developing countries with disproportionately high burden of HIV-1 (HIV) infections, access to early infant diagnosis (EID) and viral load (VL) HIV nucleic acid testing is limited by the prohibitive infrastructural costs of centralized testing laboratories. To increase access to HIVEID and VL monitoring, development of robust and low cost point of care (POC) technologies is a priority of current HIV diagnostic research. In Kenya, a number of POC technologies are being evaluated for...

A Delayed Vaccination Model For Rotavirus.

ABSTRACT Rotavirus is the most common cause of severe gastroenteritis infection in infants and young children, occurring even with very high standard of hygiene. The disease spreads by contact with infected faeces and might also be transmitted through faecally-contaminated: food, water and respiratory droplets. Rota teq and Rotarix are the two licensed oral vaccine intervention for rotavirus. However, it takes time for the development of vaccineinduced immunity to complete, hence the need to ...

The Influence Of Blood Meal On Susceptibility To Pyrethroids In Anopheles Gambiae From Bungoma, Western Kenya

ABSTRACT Malaria continues to be an important disease in the tropics posing a major obstacle to sustainable development. Malaria control is dependent on pyrethroid insecticides yet resistance to these insecticides in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae is receiving increasing attention because it threatens the sustainability of malaria vector control programs targeted at indoor resting mosquitoes in Western Kenya. Common mechanism of resistance reported to these insecticides is target site i...

SSA Research 66 PAGES (14426 WORDS) Parasitology Thesis
Mathematical Modelling Of Hiv/Aids Co-Infection With Tuberculosis And Pneumonia Incorporating Protection

ABSTRACT The synergistic relationship between HIV/AIDS and respiratory infections, such as tu- berculosis(TB) and pneumonia not only results in high mortality rates but is also a source of economic burden borne by many nations in the sub-saharan Africa. The search for a cure or vaccine for HIV/AIDS has yielded no conclusive results so far. Treatment fail- ure and lack of adherence to treatment schedule which results in the evolution of drug resistant strains of diseases are challenges to grap...

An assessment of the environmental impacts associated with urban agriculture. A case of gweru, zimbabwe

Abstract The study assessed the environmental impacts associated with urban agriculture in selected residential areas of Gweru Urban. Qualitative research methods were prominently utilised throughout the research and were complimented by quantitative methods. Questionnaires, structured interviews and direct observations were used in soliciting significant information relevant to the study objectives. Self-administration of questionnaires was done to 35 household units which were selected thr...

Taxonomic Studies Of Lippia Javanica (Burm F.) Spreng. (Verbenaceae) Complex In East Africa Using Morphological And Molecular Characters And Evaluation Of Its Pesticidal Efficacy On Aphids

Abstract Lippia javanica (Burm. F.) Spreng occurs naturally in eastern, central and southern Africa. It has widely been used as herbal tea, for ethnomedicinal applications and as a botanical pesticide. Lippia javanica species exhibit great morphological and chemical variations which are notable across a number of natural populations. Differences in morphological taxonomy on important characters such as peduncle length and number of inflorescence per axil have been reported which has led to th...

SSA Research 85 PAGES (18171 WORDS) Botany Thesis
Analysis Of Young People’s Career By Use Of Markov Chains: Case Study Of Kisumu City

ABSTRACT It is the desire of every person to have a career. Not much thought has been taken by young people on how they can arrive at their future careers. The reason is mainly because they are not aware. As much as many people have attained their careers through education, not much consideration has been given to the other factors within education that leads one to his or her career. The study traced one’s career from primary to present position. There are stages one follows to reach the c...

Effect Of Glycine Max, Rastrineobola Argentea And Caridina Nilotica Meals On Water Quality, Growth Performance And Survival Of Oreochromis Niloticus Fry

ABSTRACT Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), one of the main stay of Lake Victoria fisheries, was introduced in the 1950s and 1960s to boost capture fisheries. However, its production has declined dramatically over the years due to over exploitation and its consumption preference by the ever increasing Kenyan population. The decline of capture fisheries has made aquaculture production be considered as the future solution to the declining of capture fisheries and the availability of fish glo...

Evaluation Of Chlorpyrifos Ethyl Elisa Kit And Assessment Of Use And Spatial Distribution And Temporal Trend Of Selected Organophosphate And Carbamate Pesticides Residues In Water, Sediment A

ABSTRACT Heavy seasonal use of specific organophosphate and carbamate in the catchment area of Lake Naivasha is a potential cause of pollution of sediment, water and fish in the lake. However, there is lack of data on the potential pollutants, their levels in the aquatic ecosystem and monitoring strategy. The objectives of this study were to identify the commonly used pesticides and the timing of their application in Lake Naivasha catchment area through a survey; to evaluate the performance o...

Optimal Investment Strategies Of A Defined Contribution Pension Fund

ABSTRACT The issue that a pension fund manager faces is how to optimize his or her investment strategies. The question we resolved is the optimal design of the minimum guarantee in a defined contribution pension Fund Scheme. We study the optimal asset allocation strategy a given fund manager can adopt to maximize surplus (the difference between the total wealth and the Guarantee) and the payback ratio (ratio between total wealth and Guarantee). Finally, We analyze the impact of the main param...

Constraints Faced By Small And Medium Entreprise In Accessing Bank Finance In Eldoret Town Kenya

ABSTRACT Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in the economies of developed and developing countries, through creation of new jobs. Access to bank financial resources seems to be a major constraint to the growth of SMEs in the developing context. This study thus, aimed at finding out the constraints faced by SMEs in particular accessing bank financing. The study adopted the adverse selection theory of credit markets. This study adopted an explanatory and descriptive surv...

Determination Of Actuarial Costing On Non-Remitted Contribution For A Defined Contribution Scheme

ABSTRACT Income accrued from Retirement Benets Fund is an exceptionally important component of every working individual's life cycle globally. The major sources of such income are: unfunded state pensions; funded private pensions; mandatory schemes; and post-retirement work. The urgency and importance has made many countries to give it considerable attention by enacting enabling laws and policies to safeguard it. In Kenya, steps have been made by establishing the National Social Security Fund...

SSA Research 35 PAGES (7244 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
Difference In Difference Method To Impact Evaluation: A Case Study Of Fruiting Africa Project

ABSTRACT Development programs designed to address particular global challenges are facing increasing pressure to demonstrate their impact on the targeted com munities. The method mostly used to measure impact of development programs is by comparing the changes in outcomes of the program participants over time commonly know as before-and-after comparison. However, in some cases, the treatment and control groups are usually heterogeneous at baseline, making the difference in difference (DiD) me...

Survey Of Levels Of Some Heavy Metals In Soil, Sugarcane And Some Sugarcane Products From Muhoroni And South Nyanza Sugar Companies Nucleus Estates, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Sugarcane is an important cash crop in Kenya. Due to its economic value, efforts are in progress to increase its production. The efforts include intense use of fertilizers, besides the use of high-yielding varieties. The intense use of fertilizers adds heavy metals to the sugarcane growing soils. The sugarcane plants can bioaccumulate heavy metals from soils to levels above safe limits. Metal levels in soil and factors such as soil pH and soil organic matter (SOM) influence levels of...

Evaluation Ofselected Management Practices Contributing To Primary Soil Greenhouse Gas Fluxes In Smallholder Sugarcane Farming In Lower Nyando, Westernkenya

ABSTRACT Human activities (including agriculture) contribute to enhance release of primary greenhouse gases (GHGs) (CH4, CO2, N2O) into the atmosphere leading to global warming. Sugarcane is an important economic crop in Kenya being third highest contributor to gross domestic product (GDP) after tea and coffee. About 90% of Kenya‘s production is contributed by smallholders. To improve/maximize sugarcane yields, farmers convert natural vegetation to sugarcane farms; apply nitrogen fertilizer...

SSA Research 132 PAGES (37015 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis

4261 - 4275 Of 8880 Results