Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Structural Complexity Framework And Metrics For Analyzing The Maintainability Of Sassy Cascading Style Sheets

ABSTRACT One of the most popular languages in the web domain is Cascading Style Sheet (CSS). The language has evolved over time with the latest development being the introduction of CSS preprocessors which has made it possible to write CSS codes in a faster and efficient way. Therefore, the migration from CSS to CSS preprocessors by the frontend developers has been tremendous. There are several CSS preprocessors available in the industry with the Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets (SASS) beco...

Estimation Of Variation About The Mean Using Geometric Measure

ABSTRACT A measure of dispersion is a statistical tool used to define the distribution of various datasets mainly from measures of central tendency. Some notable measures of dispersion from the mean are; average deviation, mean deviation, variance, and standard deviation. However, from previous studies, it has been established that the aforementioned measures are not absolutely perfect in estimating average variation from the mean. For instance, variance gives estimates which are of different...

SSA Research 89 PAGES (17450 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
Macro Invertebrate Diversity And Physicochemical Factors As Indicators Of Water Quality Within Nzoia Sugarcane Company Nucleus In Western Kenya

ABSTRACT Sugarcane production is important in our day to day life though it causes water pollution which reduces the water quality. Despite its threat to water quality, not much is known about the impacts of agronomic inputs on macro invertebrates in Nzoia sugar Company Nucleus ecosystem. Nzoia sugar company nucleus receives water from Kuywa River which is a tributary of Nzoia River and discharges a diverse array of pollutants to the river. Studies on Nzoia sugar company nucleus to determine ...

Effect Of Combustible Material And Force On Porosity Of Ceramic Membrane

ABSTRACT Ceramics are inorganic, nonmetallic solids and crystalline amorphous materials whose molecules are held together by covalent bond and /or ionic bonds. They are usually; hard, brittle, stable to high temperatures, less dense than metals, more elastic and have very high melting points. Ceramics are mostly made from clay soil. Ceramic water filtration involves the use of a porous ceramic (annealed clay) medium to filter microbes and other contaminants from water. The ceramic water filte...

SSA Research 44 PAGES (7487 WORDS) Physics Thesis
Statistical Thermodynamics Of High Tctwo Band Superconductivity In Mgb2.

ABSTRACT Thermodynamic properties of the multiband high critical temperature superconductors have been describedpreviously with simple standard BCS expressions corresponding to and bands, but the microscopic mechanisms that allow superconductivity to persist at high temperatures remain unknown. Studies on two band superconductors have previously been described through one band model; this approach has not adequately addressed cases of inter-band scattering for superconductors at high temperat...

SSA Research 110 PAGES (19801 WORDS) Physics Thesis
Internet of Things Based Greenhouse

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to develop a system that can help farmers and garden enthusiasts to manage their greenhouses by the use of a network of sensors connected together and controlled by a central hub. This complies with the world vision of connecting as much devices together as possible that has been dubbed the Internet of Things phenomenon. The system makes use of sensors that a controlled by a central controller that sends the data to a server that streams the data to an ...

Uni-Col Web Erp (Higher Learning Institutions Web Erp

ABSTRACT I present a web ERP system for higher learning institutions. It is called UNI-COL WEB ERP.This system is developed as a web application and also a mobile application for students’ portal that runs on android, windows and IOS operating systems. The system targets higher learning institutions, i.e universities and colleges. I have implemented the following modules/sub-systems: student portal, finance system, library system, i-voting system and m-voting system, HR system, employee por...

Natural Radioactivity Levels In Rocks And Sand From Tyaa River In Mwingi, Kitui County

ABSTRACT The variability of background radiation from primordial radionuclides has led to the exposure of human beings to radiation doses of different ranges. Prompt or delayed harmful effects as a result of radiation exposure have been reported in areas with enhanced levels of radioactivity. The residents of Kitui County near Tyaa River and the surrounding regions heavily mine sand and rocks from its riverine for construction purposes despite the scanty information on the potential harm in c...

SSA Research 117 PAGES (26704 WORDS) Physics Thesis
Effectiveness Of Teaching Þÿ P R E P A R A T I O N S O N S T U D E N T S Achievement, Attitude, Motivation And Classroom Interactions In Mathematics In Public Secondary Schools, Makueni Distr

ABSTRACT As more and more Kenyans attach great value to education, there is need to look at use of instructional products on academic performance of students. Enough evidence abounds to show that students have problems in understanding concepts and skills, which are not systematically presented in mathematics. This study was designed to investigate the instructional potential of instructional plans in the teaching and learning of vectors in mathematics. The study adopted the Solomon Four-grou...

SSA Research 127 PAGES (24498 WORDS) Mathematics Thesis
Influence Of Human Resource Management Practices On Growth Of Sacco Societies In South Rift Region

ABSTRACT Human Resource Management (HRM) practices will continually attract the attention of researchers in pursuit of better ways to counter the emerging challenges that can undermine the growth of the organizations. The research will be carried out to examine the influence of human resource management practices on the growth of Savings and Credit cooperative societies (Sacco societies) in South Rift Region. The study will examine the relationship among the factor variables which are; select...

SSA Research 52 PAGES (10481 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
Application Of Markov Chain Model In Transition Of Girls In Public Secondary Schools; A Case Study Of Kisumu West Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Transition is a very important factor in determining success of a student in secondary school. It forms a basis for implementing poverty reduction strategy by the government through acquisition of basic literal skills to increase opportunities for employment. Girls have not had an efficient transition from form one to the next form in secondary schools because of choices of secondary school types they enroll in. This research uses a Markov chain model to compare and predict the perce...

Selected Physiological And Growth Response Of Four Soy Beanvarieties To Aluminium Chloride Stress

ABSTRACT Soy bean v arieties commonly gro wn in Kenya`s acidic soils that contain aluminium are SB 97, SB 19, SB 20 and SB 123. Soy bean grains have high protein content, vitamins and used to manufacture industrial products. Aluminium toxicity affect growth and physiology of plant growth . The effects of aluminium chloride solution on plant growth, uptake of mineral nutrients and di stribution in vegetative parts of soy beans are still not fully understood. The objective of this study was to ...

SSA Research 108 PAGES (31569 WORDS) Biochemistry Thesis
Research and Development of a mobile voice over IP application which is hosted by open source software running on inexpensive backend servers

ABSTRACT Voice over IP has been driven by the convergence of voice and data on a single transport medium. This means cheaper service usage fees for the user if the offering is costed properly. But for a service provider there is still an increase in expenditure, solely related to spending on infrastructure such as call servers, phones and gateways. This study is aimed at analysing a different strategy of deploying VoIP, by starting at a lower base, meaning hosting the VoIP application on ine...

Application Of Markov Chain Model In Career Progression Of University Academic Staff:A Case Study Of The Moi University - Eldoret, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The use of Mathematical models for manpower planning has increased in recent times for better manpower planning quantitatively both in public and private sectors. In respect of organizational management, numerous previous studies have applied Markov chain models in describing title or level promotions, demotions, recruitment, withdrawals, or changes of different career development paths to confirm the actual manpower needs of an organization or predict the future manpower needs. The ...

Effect Of Concentration Of Reactants And Deposition Temperature On The Optical Properties Of Iron-Doped Cadmium Stannate Thin Films Deposited On Glass Substrates By Spray Pyrolysis

ABSTRACT Thin films (TFs) have numerous applications in the modern technological world, ranging from energy production in TF solar cells/ photovoltaic (PV) cells to liquid crystal displays (LCDs) in television screens and in smartphone touch screens as transparent conducting oxides (TCOs). The most commonly used TCO material is indium tin oxide (ITO). However, ITO has two main drawbacks. Firstly, indium is expensive and secondly, it is rare. These drawbacks call for relatively cheaper compoun...

4246 - 4260 Of 8880 Results