ABSTRACT Source direction-of-arrival estimation problem has received much attention in recent years following its significant role in array-signal processing and wide range of applications such as radar, wireless communication, sonar, seismology among others. Direction finding has been solved by several techniques such as Maximum likelihood estimator, MUltiple Signal Classification, Estimation of Parameters via Rotational Invariance Technique and Cram´er- Rao bound using array of sensors in ...
Abstract It is well known that in a nite ring with identity, every element is either a zero divisor or a unit. The classication of nite rings is not fully settled. Dierent studies have generated interesting results on certain classes of nite rings. It is worthwhile to note that completely primary nite rings have proved to be useful towards the classication of nite rings. This is due to the fact that a nite ring has a unique maximal ideal if and only if it is a full matrix ring over a complete...
ABSTRACT Education progress plays a very important role in determining the future of a pupil and even in planning for the schools and education sector as a whole. Primary Education forms the basis of implementing Poverty Reduction Strategy by the government through the acquisition of basic literacy skills, which increases opportunities for employment and ability to be self-reliant, hence the need to monitor the pupils general progress from the time of entry in class one to graduation after th...
Abstract Ecosystem nutrient availability depends on the balance between rates of nutrient inputs and losses. Nutrients may be lost through fire and displacement of ash, herbivory, leaching and volatilization. The main pathways through which nutrients may be acquired are weathering of rock and atmospheric deposition. Symbiotic and free-living diazotrophic bacteria and blue green algae also contribute N. In ecosystems with limited occurrence of N2-fixation and occurring on low-nutrient bedrock,...
Abstract The numerical range of an operator on a Hilbert space has been extensively researched on. The concept of numerical range of an operator goes back as early as 1918 when Toeplitz defined it as the field of values of a matrix for bounded linear operators on a Hilbert space. Major results like convexity, that is the Toeplitz-Hausdorff theorem, the relationship of the spectrum and the numerical range, the essential spectra and the essential numerical range, have given a lot of insights. M...
ABSTRACT Microbial diversity and function in agro-ecosystems is influenced by various aspects linked to soil and agronomic practices for example, tillage, irrigation, crop rotation and application of organic and inorganic inputs. Farming systems practices may affect the dynamic interactions existing between soil, plant and microorganisms in different agricultural biomes. Due to limitations associated with conventional microbial cultivation strategies, only a fractional number of cultivable sp...
ABSTRACT Experiences of early antiretroviral treatment failures are increasingly linked to escalating pretherapy HIV resistance mutations. Regular update of epidemic status and impact of pretherapy resistance are needed in resource limited countries, including Kenya. Since pretherapy resistance survey has not been conducted and factors associated remain unknown in the high-HIV prevalence western Kenya region, this study aimed to establish the prevalence of pretherapy antiretroviral resistance...
ABSTRACT The street food industry plays an important role in developing countries by meeting the food demand of the urban dwellers. There is an increase of food vending in Kisumu city due to poor economy and un-employment. Street foods are frequently associated with diarrheal diseases. The contribution of street-vended foods towards food borne infections is unknown in the city. Moreover, limited studies have been conducted in Kisumu city on pathogens associated with street-vended foods, poten...
ABSTRACT Global digitalisation has perpetuated the use of mobile devices for both personal and workrelated activities. As such, some African organisations have been allowing their employees to utilise their personally owned mobile devices to carry out work-related activities all in the name of convenience, reliability, mobility, and reduced maintenance costs. The Directorate on Corruption and Economic Offenses (DCEO), being an anti-corruption agency in Lesotho is embracing the BYOD benefits....
ABSTRACT Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in the economies of developed and developing countries, through creation of new jobs. Access to bank financial resources seems to be a major constraint to the growth of SMEs in the developing context. This study thus, aimed at finding out the constraints faced by SMEs in particular accessing bank financing. The study adopted the adverse selection theory of credit markets. This study adopted an explanatory and descriptive surv...
ABSTRACT Tea production is the mainstay of many people in Kenya. The contribution of tea sector to the Kenyan economy is enormous as it accounts for about 4% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Favourable product prices act as a trigger for any commercial activity over time and also suggest sustainability of the activity. Tea is a very significant crop in Kenya and it is one of the major agricultural exports of the country. However, the industry has experienced many challenges such as stiff comp...
ABSTRACT Sugarcane smut disease caused by a fungus Sporisorium scitamineum is a limiting factor to cane production in Kenya. It is threatening the sugar industry due to its effect on cane quality and yields. Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) is known to have microbial organisms associated with its rhizosphere with potential antagonistic activity against the fungus, however numerous studies on rhizosphere microbial diversity and their antagonistic activity against fungal plant pathogens hav...
Abstract Microtubules are hollow cylindrical protein structures found in all eukaryotic cells, and essential in several cellular processes, including cell motility, cell division, vesicle tra±ck- ing and maintenance of cell shape. The building block of microtubules, tubulin, is one of the proven targets for anticancer drugs. A microtubule exhibits a remarkable prop- erty, termed dynamic instability, in which it is able to switch stochastically between two distinct states. In one state, the m...
ABSTRACT An estimated 198 million malaria cases were reported worldwide of which 128 million were in African region while 16 million were reported in Kenya by the end of 2013. The prevalence of malaria in Vihiga, Kenya was 52% and this is greatly driven by Plasmodium falciparum drug resistance, ecological and agricultural factors supporting malaria transmission and vector proliferation. Influence of host genetic factors like blood group, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) and haemoglobi...
Abstract Indigenous Knowledge (IK) is the unique, traditional, local knowledge existing within and developed around the specific condition of women and men indigenous to a particular geographic area. Forms of expressing IK include folklores, songs, stories, festivals, outfit and proverbs. Proverbs are grounded upon years of experience and close observation of life and natural phenomena. Some research posed proverbs to be the bedrock of civilization of a society. By implication, almost all so...