ABSTRACT Titanium dioxide or titania (TiO2) being one of the most promising semiconductors for many photoelectrochemical applications, its utilization remains typically confined to ultraviolet (UV) light absorption because of its wide band gap (3.2 eV for anatase and 3.0 eV for rutile), where by UV only accounts for 4-6% of the solar radiation. There is a need to shift the absorption threshold of the UV-region response of TiO2 into the visible region (accounts for ~45% of the total energy of...
ABSTRACT Juttadinteria albata is a leaf succulent plant species endemic to the southern Namib in the Succulent Karoo in Sendelingsdrif near the Orange River. The proposed strip mining for diamonds at NAMDEB‟s new Sendelingsdrif mine may contribute to the loss of up to 39% of J. albata population. This may increase the risks of extinction for J. albata and species which may be interacting with it. The aim of the study was to investigate the biology of J. albata for ecological restoration po...
Abstract The progression of HIV infection to AIDS and then to death can be considered as a Markovan stochastic process. Disease progression can be broken down into a finite number of intermediate states, based on CD4 counts. The four states of the Markov process of HIV/AIDS progression are commonly defined as: S1: CD4 count > 500 cells/microlitre of blood; S2: 350 < CD4 count ≤ 500 cells/microlitre of blood; S3: 200 < CD4 count ≤ 350 cells/microlitre of blood; S4: CD4 count ≤ 200 cells...
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to determine the physicochemical, nutrients, predominant microflora mainly looking at lactic acid bacteria and spoilage bacteria in Oshikundu samples collected from Omusati, Oshana, Ohangwena and Oshikoto regions. Oshikundu is brewed from pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L. R.Br.,) meal locally known as Mahangu, malted sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench), bran and water. Oshikundu pH ranged between 3.33 ± 0.127 in Oshana region and 3.60 ± 0.014 in Oshikot...
ABSTRACT Drug treatment of malaria is being hampered by the emergence of drug resistant strains of malaria parasites. Rapid methods for monitoring patients' response to treatment, applicable to field conditions, would aid management and control of drug resistant P. falciparum infect ions. In this study, mutation specific polymerase chain reaction assays using 3'-mismatched oligonucleotide primers which annealed to the wild or mutated parasites gene encoding dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylat...
Abstract Natural organic matter (NOM) is a generic term for a mixture of organic, slightly watersoluble components found in soil, sediment and natural waters, which represents severe challenges for the process control in water treatment plants as well as water distribution systems. The effective removal of NOM during drinking water treatment requires a good understanding of its character. The current study aimed to identify and quantify NOM present in the Windhoek Goreangab Operating Company...
ABSTRACT Small mammals host diverse communities of both ectoparasites (e.g. fleas and ticks) and endoparasites (e.g. bacteria and viruses). Some parasites are vectors of diseases that infect both humans and wildlife. The main objective of the study was to discover and molecularly characterize novel Hantaviruses and Arenaviruses and to determine the prevalence and intensity of fleas on small mammals in selected areas of Namibia. Small mammals were trapped from six different regions and screen...
ABSTRACT Diospyros lycioides and Euclea divinorum commonly known as muswiti and mutakula respectively in Zambezi region are indigenous to Namibia and belong to the family Ebenaceae. The twigs and roots from these plants are commonly used as chewing sticks in Namibia. If properly used, the chewing sticks have proven to be effective in removing dental plaque due to mechanical cleaning and enhanced salivation. Chewing sticks from other plants have been shown to display antimicrobial activities ...
Abstract Oshikundu/Ontaku is a nonalcoholic, acidic, opaque fermented beverage. It is comprised of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br) meal/flour, commonly known as mahangu, malts of pearl millet or sorghum (Sorghum bicolour (L.) Moench) and/or brans (pearl millet). Brewing of oshikundu remains an art in households with no empirical improvement of a controlled fermentation flow process to give a consistent product. Some of the major limitations to the formal commercialisation of thi...
INTRODUCTION The damming of the Volta River in Ghana has stimulated an interest in the fisheries potential of the new lake.
ABSTRACT Malaria is on the decline in Namibia and the country is moving towards pre-elimination of the disease. However, some communities preferring traditional medicines and not accepting allopathic medicine may prevent elimination. Ethnomedicines need to be integrated into mainstream malaria case management to achieve malaria elimination by 2020. To do so, they need to be documented and validated to allow their safe and effective use. Seven indigenous plants were investigated for antiplasmo...
ABSTRACT Maternal mortality is a major health concern in Namibia as it is the case in most countries. The rate at which women are dying due to pregnancy related causes is high and the cause as well as risk factors are not well explored. The main objective of this research was to identify the causes and risk factors associated with maternal mortality in Namibia and thus the study described the socio-demographic characteristics and three delays that lead to maternal deaths in Namibia. The paper...
ABSTRACT This study explored the impact of small-scale mining activities on the environment in two regions in Namibia: Erongo (examples: Uis, Neu Schwaben, Xoboxobos) and Omaheke (example: Otjinene). Limited research is done on the activities of small-scale mining in Namibia which results in unavailability of data. Although recent studies reveal that about 5 000 to 10 000 Namibians work as small-scale miners, information about mining activities in Namibia remain a rare commodity. Small-scale ...