Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Investigation Of The Alkaloids And Other Constituents Of Piper Nigeum And Peperomia Pelucida

ABSTRACT The amide alkaloids, steriods and lactones- like constituents

A Study On Handicrafts As A Pro-Poor Tourism Development Strategy In Four Craft Villages In Ashanti Region, Ghana

ABSTRACT This study examines handicraft production and the effects of local and global spatio-temporal changes on craft production and craft-based livelihoods in the Ashanti region of Ghana. It also investigates the coping and survival mechanisms craftspeople have adopted to overcome production difficulties and poverty. The study is philosophically grounded in cultural geography (cultural globalisation). Using the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework, Value Chain analysis. Participatory Wealth ...

Studies On The Development Of Rhizobium Inoculum Using Moss As Carrier For Bambara Groundnut, Vigha Subterrahea (L) Verdc.

ABSTRACT Research was carried out to develop an effective inoculum carrier of the nodule bacterium, Rhizobium sp., for the inoculation of seeds of bambara groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L.) Verde , comb . nov. = Voandzeia subterranea (L. ) T h o u a r s ] f r o m a local material. Five out of 16 strains of Rhizobium sp. isolated from soils of legume farms at eight localities within a radius of 180km from L e g o n were used in experiments to test the efficiency of the carrier that was develope...

Nrens Cloud Architecture Framework (Nrens-Caf): Enhancing Cloud Connectivity Among National Research Education Networks In Sadc

ABSTRACT The development of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) infrastructure and distribution of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) to all components of societies are of significant importance to leverage a faster socio-economic development in Africa. The continuous technological changes have influenced service delivery in various sectors. The emergence of new technologies within the education sector has prompted for a review of the way research is conducted among NRENs. Dev...

Interpretation Of Aeromagnetic And Landsatetm+ Data Over Part Of The Younger Granite Complex, Nigeria: Implication For Geothermal Exploration

ABSTRACT  Structural interpretation of Younger Granite complex of northern Nigeria using aeromagnetic and Landsat imagery was carried out to determine the depth to the magnetic basement, delineate the basement morphology and relief, delineate the structural features associated with the basin and to infer the influence of such structures on mineralization in the study area. Also, this study is aimed at determining the geothermal potentials of the area. The application of directional edge...

Modeling Of Road Traffic Fatalities In Namibia: A Generalized Linear Model Approach

Abstract Fatalities caused by road traffic accidents have become a major concern worldwide and road traffic accidents happen almost every day on Namibian national roads claiming lives of many road users. It is predicted that by 2030, road crash fatalities would be the fifth most frequent cause of death worldwide. Many efforts have been made to prevent loss of lives and to curb down the MVA expenses on compensations due to road traffic accident; however, road traffic fatalities are still on th...

SSA Research 104 PAGES (19535 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
Dynamics Of The Floodplain Fisheries Of The Zambezi And Chobe Floodplain, Zambezi Region, Namibia

ABSTRACT Floodplain fisheries are typically multi-species and in most cases harvested with a variety of gears. In the upper- Zambezi, artisanal gillnet fishers mainly target three cichlids: Oreochromis andersonii, Oreochromis macrochir and Coptodon rendalli. However, their abundance is declining because of increased fishing pressure and their stocks are becoming vulnerable to overfishing. The principal aim of this PhD thesis was to assess the fish population dynamics in a highly variable syst...


INTRODUCTION The advancements in information system technologies into today’s society have given rise to several concerns regarding data security and privacy. However, these concerns relate to protective measures taken with respect to digital privacy and the protection of unauthorised access to databases of information. Regarding information system technologies, computer games have been designed in such manner to collect, process and store personal data of the gamers. This raises several co...

Trophic Relationships Of Prey Species (Etrumeus Whiteheadi, Myctophidae And Sepia) And Their Predators (Merluccius Capensis, Merluccius Paradoxus, Lophius Vomerinus And Trachurus Capensis) Of

Abstract This study was conducted in Namibian waters that forms part of the Benguela current ecosystem. This upwelling-driven ecosystem supports high abundances of fish species, some of which have been the backbone of Namibian commercial fishery for decades. The study of the trophic relationships of prey species of commercial fish is important, as it improves understanding of the ecology of their predators and considers multi-species interactions in fisheries management. The objectives of thi...

Analysis Of Antibacterial Activity Of Terminalia Sericea And Combretum Imberbe Two Combretaceae Species From Namibia

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to investigate the antibacterial activities of stem and leaves from Terminalia sericea and the live and dead bark from Combretum imberbe. The aqueous and organic crude extracts of the two plants were tested on Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli, Shigella sonnei, Serratia marcescens, Helicobacter pylori and Gram-positive bacteria Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium perfringens using the disk diffusion method. All the crude extracts...

SSA Research 97 PAGES (16419 WORDS) Microbiology Thesis
Identification And Characterization Of Beneficial Microbiota In Beef Biltong From Namibian Central Regions

ABSTRACT Microbiota associated with beef biltong has not been assessed in Namibia and there is limited data in the literature describing the presence and role of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in biltong products which is involved in the transformation of many aroma and flavour compounds and therefore, the quality of the final product. The aims of this study were to document the steps involved in beef biltong production, determine the physicochemical parameters that may influence microbial growth...

SSA Research 114 PAGES (23254 WORDS) Microbiology Thesis
Synthesis And Characterization Of Transition And Some Group 14 Metal Complexes Containing Ligands Derived From 2-Acetylpyridine And Hydrazide Derivatives, And Their Antiplasmodium Activities

ABSTRACT The synthesis and characterization of two sets of metal complexes containing ligands derived from 2-acetylpyridine and hydrazide derivatives is reported. The first set consists of complexes containing a ligand derived from 2-acetylpyridine and S-methyldithiocarbazate while the second set is of complexes containing a ligand derived from 2-acetypyridine and thiocarbohydrazide. The ligands were synthesized via an acid catalysed condensation reaction and the metal complexes were synthesi...

Pathogenicity Of The Entomopathogenic Fungus Metarhizium Anisopliae To Ticks And The Protection Of Conidia From Ultra-Violet Radiation Damage

Abstract The potential of the entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae to serve as a bio-control agent of ticks has been studied and promising results reported. In this study, efficacy of M. anisopliae conidia formulated in either oil or water, in inducing mortalities to various developmental stages of ticks was evaluated. A fungal concentration of 108 conidia/ml induced in Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi mortalities of: 87% in eggs, 100% in unfed larvae, 72% in engorged nymphs, 91% in u...

Public Sector Data Centre Consolidation (Psedcc): Enhancing The Management Of Information Communication Technology Infrastructure In Namibia

ABSTRACT Inconsistencies in the design, security, storage, disaster controls, performance, management, budget allocations, and electricity consumption were some of the challenges faced by the Namibian Public Sector Data Centres. In addition, the above challenges had led many organizations to rationalize the way they design and manage their ICT infrastructure resources. In this study, the above challenges have led to the introduction of Public Sector Data Centre Consolidation (PSEDCC) architec...

4756 - 4770 Of 8880 Results