Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Effects Of Chemical Reaction On An Unsteady Hydromagnetic Natural Convection Flow Of A Rotating And Radiating Fluid Past A Vertical Porous Flat Plate In The Presence Of Heat Sink

ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of chemical reaction on an unsteady hydro - magnetic natural convection heat and mass transfer flow of incompressible, viscous, rotating and radiating fluid past an infinite vertical porous flat plate in the presence of heat sink. The Rosseland approximation is used to describe the radiative heat flux for optically thick fluid in the energy equation. The system of non - dimensional partial differential equations governing the...

Chemical Analysis and Nutritional Assessment of Defatted Garcinia Mangostana Seeds Used as an Additive on the Feed of Fish(Clarias Gariepinus)

Abstract - Chemical analysis and nutritional assessment of defatted Garcinia mangostana seeds (DGMS) were undertaken to determine its suitability as an additive at 0.00g, 18.00g, 36.00g, 54.00g and 72.00g inclusion levels in diets and performance of Clarias gariepinus post juveniles. Proximate analysis of DGMS showed that the defatted seeds were high in carbohydrate (71.00 ± 0.79%) but low in protein content (8.10 ± 0.22%). The mineral element analysis detected different minerals with potas...

SSA Research 12 PAGES (7107 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Enviromental audit of the tunukanbo forests of the niger delta Nigeria

The environmental audit of the Tunu/Kanbo area of Niger Delta, Nigeria was carried out to assess the impact of logging and timber exploitation in the area. The audit showed a high loss of endangered, threatened and economic forest species in the area; e.g Terminalia superba. The unlawful logging and “forest abuse” common in the area is detrimental to conservation of biodiversity attempts and ideals. It is recommended that regeneration efforts be put in place and intensified so as to esche...

Comparative Study Of Pagerank And Hits Algorithms For Reciprocal Link Prediction In Online Social Networks

ABSTRACT Online Social Networks (OSN) provides active space for digital human interaction and are used daily. Human engagement is reflected by exploiting the dynamics of OSN, where the fundamental problem is to infer future interactions on the network, called link prediction. Most studies have employed classical algorithms which consider node similarity but neglected the link analysis algorithms which consider topological structure. This study focused on the comparative study of predicting r...

Marshall–Olkin Power Lomax Distribution For Modeling Of Wind Speed Data

Accurate collection of wind speed records is significant for numerous wind power applications. The present investigation aims to highlight the use of the Marshall–Olkin Power Lomax (MOPLx) distribution for wind speed data. We examine the actual wind speed records gathered from three stations Bahawalpur, Gwadar, and Haripur. The dataset is demonstrated by using MOPLx distribution and compare its modeling performance with renowned probability distributions, for example, Weibull– Lomax, powe...

Performance Characteristics Of Fungal Degraded Rice Bran And Palm Kernel Cake Substituted In Clarias Gariepinus Feeds

ABSTRACT Fish farming enterprise has increased in recent times due to public demand for fish protein. However, rising costs of fish feed ingredients have greatly reduced the profit margin of local fish farmers. Cheap, readily available and locally sourced ingredients may be better substitutes to the costly fish feeds. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of fermented Palm Kernel Cake (PKC) and Rice Bran (RB) as substitutes in the diet of Clarias gariepinus. Fungi were isolate...

SSA Research 268 PAGES (67864 WORDS) Microbiology Thesis
Geochemical Characterisation Of Soils And Sediments From Onitsha Metropolis, Southeastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT Studies on the distribution, sources and impacts of Heavy Metals (HMs) and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soils and sediments of Urbanised Industrialised Cities (UICs) are integral part of environmental monitoring programme globally. Results from such, have been used to design appropriate mechanisms for the sustainable use of environmental media. However, several Nigerian UICs, such as Onitsha, the most industrialized city Southeastern Nigeria, have not been adequately st...

Starch And Cyclodextrin Based Adsorbents For Removal And Preconcentration Of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons And Phthalates In Water

ABSTRACT The release of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and phthalates from anthropogenic sources into the aquatic environment is of public health concern. The C18 bonded silica and styrene-divinyl-benzene polymer adsorbents which are used for preconcentration and remediation of PAHs and phthalates polluted water are expensive and non-biodegradable. Hence, there is need to source for alternative adsorbents. Starch and cyclodextrin based polymers have been reported to be cheap and biod...

SSA Research 322 PAGES (81282 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Earthworm Diversity And Abundance In Selected Dumpsites In Ibadan, And Toxicity Of Contaminated Water On Associated Fauna

ABSTRACT Huge quantities of wastes which are indiscriminately disposed into uncontrolled dumpsites and flowing waters around residential areas are generated from Ibadan, metropolis. These may adversely affect soil, surface- and ground-water qualities and the fauna. Limited information exists on toxic effects that wastes from these nondesignated sites have on associated fauna. Earthworms are one of the dominant fauna in soils and are pollution bioindicators. Therefore this study was designed t...

SSA Research 286 PAGES (77219 WORDS) Zoology Thesis
Anopheles gambiae Complex: Molecular Forms and-Occurrence of The KDR Rural Southwestern Nigeria

ABSTRACT. An investigation focusing on themolecular forms-of Anopheles gambiae complex and occurrence of the .knockdown resistanceIkdr gene) was carried out from June to July 2001 and August to September 2002 at Igbo-Ora, NigeriJusirig aspirator and DNA analyses; Of the 127 An. gambiae s. I. analysed.fhere were 66 (51:9%):.:tv1and61 (48.03%) S forms, both recorded in An. gambiae s.s. andAnopheles arabiensis. The forms were virtually sympatric throughout the study. Two of the An. gambiae s.s.e...

SSA Research 10 PAGES (4311 WORDS) Zoology Thesis
Review Of Applications Of Partial Differential Equations In Mathematical Physics

ABSTRACT This dissertation consists of four chapters. The first chapter is about general review of partial differential equations. The second chapter is devoted to the numerical solutions of partial differential equations. The third chapter is about applications of partial differential equations in mathematical physics and the fourth chapter is about mathematical modeling with partial differential equations.

Evaluation Of Quality Of Service And Quality Of Experience On Hardware And Virtual Software Router

ABSTRACT The growth in demand of multimedia applications such as file transfer, audio, video and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) traffics have introduced the high need of good Quality of Services (QoS) through network devices like routers which led to the effect on Quality of Experience (QoE) to end-users. The QoS and QoE of the video streaming, file application and VoIP calls services on the low-cost Virtual Software Router (VSR) such as Vyatta and high-cost Hardware Router (HR) such as...

The Importance Of Bushmeat In Household Income As A Function Of Distance From Protected Areas In The Western Serengeti Ecosystem, Tanzania

Abstract Bushmeat hunting is widespread in villages adjacent to protected areas in Western Serengeti. However, little information is available about the role of bushmeat income in the household economy as a function of distance from the protected area boundary, preventing the formulation of informed policy for regulating this illegal trade. This study was conducted in three villages in Western Serengeti at distances of 3 (closest), 27 (intermediate) and 58km (furthest) from the boundary of S...

A Review And Solutions Of Some Problems In Heat Conduction With Internal Body Interactions

ABSTRACT Present work determined with analytical solution of steady state onedimensional heat conduction problems in cylindrical and spherical coordinates and simplifications of general forms of heat equation are often possible . Also ,discussed on Newton's law of cooling on two ways conduction and radiation the result obtained that Newton's law of cooling is consequence of conduction and not radiation . Through internal body interactions in cylindrical coordinates with boundary conditions t...

4996 - 5010 Of 8880 Results