ABSTRACT Radiation exposure during diagnostic X-ray examinations has been widely reported as one of the sources of cancer induction. Information on X-ray machine and exposure parameters are crucial to risk assessment, which in turn are important for optimization of radiation protection measures. The documentation of radiation risk in Nigeria is sparse and hence the effectiveness of radiation protection measures at diagnostic centres has not been well established. This work was aimed at measur...
Abstract A modification of Biot's pornelastic differential equi~tionsis made to include nrarrix-fluid interaction mech~ismsw hich assume n solid-fluid relaxation hnction coiipli~igc c~eflicient. Vulucs of physical propcrtics of scdi~iicntsn .rc incorporuted'into cqilationswhicl~d cfinc phnsc yelocity nnd attei~uatibnf or pcirous media which are dependent on the co~~posidteen sities of various medin (silt, and lnediu~na nd coqfse sand). The results enable us to coinpare tlie .atenuation and ve...
ABSTRACT Amaranth is an underutilised crop with great potential as a source of essential nutrients. It also contains bioactive compounds with potential health benefits. However, its characterisation for agronomic and nutritional traits is limited. Likewise, information on its hepatoprotective potential is scarce. In this study Amaranthus accessions were characterised using phenotypic and molecular markers. The quality of its seed protein and hepatoprotective activity of its Ethanol Seed Extra...
Abstract: Ten mushrooms species collected within the premises of University of Ibadan were examined for infestation of various insect and fungal pests .Insects belonging to the orders; Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera, and Collembolla were encountered both at the larval and adult stages of life on the collected mushroom samples. Infestation by the order Coleoptera (adult beetle) on Pleurotus squar-rosulus was found to be higher in incidence, with a total number of 17species which were found a...
ABSTRACT Environmental pollution caused by persistent and bioaccumulative toxic chemicals is a global issue in view of its effects on biota. Researches abound on the sources and concentration of soil pollutants but there is paucity of information on their sorption/desorption in Nigerian soils. This is necessary for accurate prediction of toxicity and effective remediation strategy. Therefore, this study was aimed at assessing the sorption/desorption of selected organic and inorganic pollutant...
Abstract This study highlights the distribution of hydraulic conductivity (K) in the regional aquiferous Ajali Formation of SE-Nigeria on one hand and assesses the possible influences of textural and geochemical characteristics on the hydraulic conductivity on the other hand. The investigation approach involved field sampling and collection of 12 sandstone samples from different outcrop locations, followed by laboratory studies such as grain-size analysis (GSA), constant head permeameter test...
ABSTRACT Recent developments indicated increasing gene-pool depletion for most medicinal plants in Nigeria despite their pharmaceuticals and therapeutic potentials. Initial socio-economic study involving three countries (Nigeria, Ghana and Republic of Benin) identified ten most frequently used medicinal plants. This list was superimposed on a vegetation map of Nigeria for the production of a distribution map ahead of an eco-geographic survey for population and phenological studies. Sample sit...
ABSTRACT Eighty-eight divalent metal complexes derived from dihydrazides of oxalic, malonic, succinic, adipic, phthalic and :erephthalic acids, with manganese( 11), cobalt(ll), nickel(ll), copper(IJ), zinc(ll), cadmium(ll), mercury(ll) and magnesium tetrafluoroborates have been prepared. The effect of 1 :1 and 1:2 metal to ligand reactant ratios have been examined. The complexes have been characterized on the basis of their analytical data, magnetic susceptibility, electronic and IR spectral ...
Abstract A simulation study on the effect of the “bull’s eye” in ductile iron on stress concentrations was done in this work. Using the model of graphite nodules in a cavity, a two dimensional plate strip was subjected to plane stress conditions. The results were compared to the traditional theory of modeling the graphite as holes (cavity) in the iron matrix. In plane stress conditions, while the graphite in the hole model showed the hole as areas of stress concentration and therefore v...
ABSTRACT Osun River is important for domestic, recreational and other activities. It flows along a channel that may be polluted by inputs from industrial, agricultural and other anthropogenic activities thereby limiting its normal use for drinking, fishing, recreation and other purposes. Available literature on the river quality is limited in scope, frequency of sampling and duration of studies. Therefore, a study of the river and its tributaries was carried out to determine the spatial and t...
ABSTRACT Exposure to certain hexavalent chromate compounds (HCC) causes lung and colon cancers. Their mechanisms of cytotoxicity are unclear, but believed to be affected by ascorbate and particle size. However, their role is not clearly defined. Co-exposure with sodium arsenite (SA) is common, but its effect on HCC toxicity is unknown. Current therapy has side effects, necessitating the search for antidote from unexplored natural products such as Rauvolfia vomitora (RV). This study therefore ...
ABSTRACT This dissertation contains materials on numerical solutions to partial differential equations only appropriate for senior level undergraduate. The reader based on this dissertation should have had introductory courses in Calculus, linear algebra and general numerical analysis. A formal course in ordinary or partial differential equations would be useful. In our study, it should be understood that, there are many procedures that come under the name numerical methods. We shall see how...
ABSTRACT Attribute sampling plans on quality indices like AQL and MAPD gives the way for Sustainable Quality Region especially for the product at initial stage of production, where the exact quality of the product was not well designed. Optimum information on Acceptable quality level (AQL) and Maximum allowable percent defective would be better for protecting both consumer and producer in terms of SQR along with AQL or MAPD. New single sampling plans were developed by suggesting a unique mon...