The effects of chemical reaction on a transient MHD mixed convection flow with mass transfer past an impulsively fixed infinite vertical plate under the influence of a transverse magnetic field have been presented. The medium is considered to be non-scattering and the fluid to be non-gray having emitting-absorbing and optically thick radiation limit properties. The dimensionless governing equations of the flow and mass transfer with boundary conditions are solved numerically by using the Ritz...
Abstract A multicomponent system of k components with independent and identically distributed random strengths X1, X2, . . . Xk , with each component undergoing random stress, is in working condition if and only if at least s out of k strengths exceed the subjected stress. Reliability is measured while strength and stress are obtained through a process following an exponentiated moment-based exponential distribution with different shape parameters. Reliability is gauged from the samples usin...
ABSTRACT This study sought to evaluate and propose mechanisms to secure relational databases against security vulnerabilities. The study was influenced by the fact that recently, there have been many data breach incidences reported across the world. These haveresulted from vulnerabilities found in database management systems. When these vulnerabilities are exploited, the outcome is the data breach incidences that lead to loss of customer trust for businesses and imparement of national securi...
ABSTRACT Data mining practicesin medical sciences have brought about improved performance in analysis of large and complex datasets.Data mining facilitatesevidence-based medical hypotheses. Nowadays, health diseases, especially obstetric fistula, are drastically increasing. According to CCBRT report, approximately 3,000 women suffer from obstetric fistula annually. Since efforts to eradicate obstetric fistula have been inadequate,the researcher was motivated to employ MLA in BIO informatics ...
Abstract As the adoption of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools in production and service rendering sectors increases, the demand for digital data storage with large storage capacity also increases. Higher storage media systems reliability and fault tolerance are among the key factors that the existing systems sometimes fail to meet and therefore, resulting into data loss. Forward error correction is one of the techniques applied to reduce the impact of data loss problem in ...
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to determine the effect of learning objects in teaching and learning computer appreciation. The study was based on a mixed research design comprising quasi-experimental, descriptive survey, and interview using a focus group discussion guide. The area of the study is Enugu state. Data were collected from 66 students, 34 in the experimental group, 32 in the control group and 6 computer studies teachers. The Computer Appreciation Achievement Test (CAAT) was u...
ABSTRACT Ionizing radiations resulting from either natural or artificial radioactivity are useful but associated with them are health risks which increase with exposure. The natural radioactivity levels in soils of some locations in Jos and Abeokuta are significantly higher than the world average. Enhanced internal and external radiation exposures to man may result from physical presence in, and ingestion of food items grown in these areas. Scientific data are sparse on the radionuclide conte...
ABSTRACT: Tuberculosis is a global burden with one –third of the world’s population infected with the pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis and an annual 2 million deaths from the disease. This high incidence of infection and the increased rate of resistant strains of the organism (MDR- and XDR- TB) have called for an urgent need to develop new anti-tuberculosis drugs from plants. The crude extract of Uvaria afzelli Scott Elliot (Annonaceae) root bark, and leaves and root bark of Tetracera ...
Abstract Thls artlcle introduces Monte Carlomethds which are duerent from conrentio~nl ~mieticanl lethods andshow bow some of the methods can be applled in Physlcs,ro simrclate or solve physical proble~its. thtwr~hco rrilvrrer ~vrgrrrr>rr' (wrltten In FORTRAN In thls ca.r@, by ruing a few cxnml~lrrt oltchinff ,n doi.11 arid c/ns.~l[:olI 'lr~!!:ricrsh r~t~.rrr~s ~g r~lrfihess. A functional approach to probab//ity and statisticscl is describeJJor the p,1rynre o/tbn work r*.st~nd of comp/eto tre...
Abstract Subsurface samples from the Akinside 1582 well, located within the eastern Dahomey Basin were evaluated to determine the lithofacies, depositional environment, and hydrocarbon potential of the basin. The sediments within the interval 138-197m consist of limestones, shales, mudstone and glauconite; thus representing sediments belonging to the Ewekoro and Akinbo Formations. The limestones are greyish, highly indurated, partly recrystallised and reveal six microfacies notably biosparite...
ABSTRACT A sequence of conglomerates, sandstones, slltstones, claystones carbonaceous shales and mudstones which rims the Oban Massif in the Calabar Flank, constitutes the Early Cretaceous (probably Aptian) Awi Formation In the southeastern Nigeria. Field studies and laboratory analyses were conducted on these sediments to determine their provenance and depositlonal environment. Field observations show that the sediments are grently dipping (.< 16°) in a southwesterly direction. They vary in...
ABSTRACT Clays have some properties which make them good adsorbents. The adsorption of heavy metal ions by clay usually affects its thermal properties and these properties have direct influence on seed germination and crop growth. In this study, the variation of thermophysical properties of clay with adsorption of some heavy metal ions at different concentrations was investigated. An Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) was used to determine the concentrations in the samples. A known mas...
ABSTRACT Cultivation of Jatropha curcas L. for production of biodiesel as an alternative source of energy is crucial for sustainable development in Nigeria. Pests and pathogens especially fungi have been reported to be a major constraint to commercial cultivation of J. curcas in Asia and some West African countries. However, this is yet to be fully investigated and documented in Nigeria. Fungal pathogens infecting J. curcas in southwestern Nigeria were therefore investigated. Two hundred plan...
ABSTRACT The major purpose of this study was to determine the teacher initiatives for utilizing ICTs in teaching and learning in Colleges of Education in Delta State. Four research questions were answered and four null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The population for the study consisted of 2035 made up of 610, 723 and 702 teaching staff from Federal College of Education (Technical), Asaba, College of Education, Agbor and College of Education, Warri respectively, the t...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the effect of exposure to crude oil on rats experimentally infected with Trypanosoma brucei brucei. Thirty (30) adult male albino rats weighing 165 ± 15.0g were used for the study. They were kept in metal cages in a fly-proof house and fed with proprietary rodent diet and given water ad libitum. The rats were divided into five groups (AE) of six rats each. Groups A and B represented the uninfected-unexposed and infectedunexposed controls respectively, wherea...