Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Dimensions For Assessing E-Learning Programs of Technical And Vocational Education And Training (TVET) in South East Universities of Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study assessed the dimensions of e-learning programmes of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in South East Universities of Nigeria. The study adopted a survey research design. The population for the study is comprised of 112 TVET lecturers in all the Federal and State Universities in the South-East Zone of Nigeria that offer TVET programme. Eight research questions and four hypotheses formulated to guide the study. A structured questionnaire titled extent of...

A Web-Based Undergraduate Mathematics Tutor

Abstract This work reports on the Web-based undergraduate mathematics tutor developed by the author for use by the undergraduates of the Computer science department in higher educational institution. It briefly analyses the traditional method of teaching undergraduates mathematics and uses ideas so gathered to design a new one. The new method allows students to learn mathematics interactively, and at their own pace via technologically-based system. Their understanding in mathematics will inc...

Estimation of Developed Reserves in Gas Lifted wells.

Abstract Reliable estimates of petroleum reserves are invaluable in reservoir management decisions and economic evaluation. Classical decline curve analysis techniques have been routinely used and are generally accepted in the industry to reliably estimate developed reserves up to a predetermined economic limit qec in oil wells. However Decline curve analysis techniques are based on the assumption that past production trends and their controlling factors will continue in the future and theref...

SSA Research 13 PAGES (4277 WORDS) Physics Thesis
Determination of Transition Length in Flow Through Porous Sand Material

ABSTRACT A transition length is normally observed when fluid flows through a conduit before laminar flow is accomplished. This work examined a situation whereby porous materials were filled into the conduit and fluid was made to flow through. An attempt was made to determine this transition length for flow of water through riverbed sand of varying porosities filled into a horizontal cylindrical pipe of diameter 0.345 x m with piezomefric water head, set at 0.06m. The transition length was obs...

Heavy Metal Burden Of Soils And Their Accumulation Potentials In Some Food Crops Of Selected Farms In Kogi State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Heavy metal contamination in soil may be reflected in food crops due to plant uptake and such crops when consumed may cause adverse health effects. The assessment of toxic metal burden of soils and the capacity of food crops to accumulate these metals are essential. Such studies have not been reported in literature for Kogi State, a state noted for intense agricultural activity. The aim of this study was to determine heavy metals in soils, food crops, irrigation waters and sediments ...

SSA Research 205 PAGES (49760 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Sensitisation Study of Normalized 316L Stainless Steel

ABSTRACT Austenitic stainless steels with excellent corrosion resistance and good weldability have wide applications in industry. These iron-based alloys contain a high level of chromium which form protective oxide film on the surface hence resisting corrosion. The oxide film regenerates when damaged, making the steel 'stainless'. However, carbide precipitation due to a welding process or heat treatment can cause the occurrence of chromium-depleted zones at the boundaries, leading to a phenom...

Antimalarial And Antitubercularactivities Of Crude Methanol Extract And Fractions Of The Bulb Of Crinum Jagus ( Linn.)

ABSTRACT Crinum jagus is a medicinal plant used traditionally to treat tuberculosis, malaria and other bacterial infections. However, there are limited documented scientific studies to substantiate the use of this plant. Due to increase in resistance to malaria and tuberculosis drugs, the need for the development of other drugs is pertinent. This study was designed to determine the pharmacological activities of extract and fractions of Crinum jagus. Methanol extract of C. jagus obtained by so...

SSA Research 620 PAGES (148557 WORDS) Biochemistry Thesis
Geophysical And Hydrochemical Investigations Of Abeokuta And Ikorodu Areas Of Southwestern Nigeria

ABSTRACT Most studies on groundwater in Nigeria have always been limited to either their occurrence or chemistry, with insufficient attention on potential, chemical character and evolution. This study therefore was designed to evaluate groundwater in Abeokuta (Basement Complex) and Ikorodu (Sedimentary) areas with the aim of highlighting groundwater potential, chemical characteristics and provenance in the two geologically contrasting terrains. A total of 125 Vertical Electrical Soundings (VE...

SSA Research 346 PAGES (77968 WORDS) Geology Thesis
Impact Of Tourism On The Landscape And Vegetation Along Tourist Roads In Etosha National Park, Namibia

ABSTRACT Management of tourism-based protected areas often presents challenges in balancing biodiversity conservation and tourism development. Thus, understanding the interaction of related socio-ecological systems is essential for conservation. This study assessed how tourist roads, being part of tourism infrastructural development, impacts on the conservation efforts in the Etosha National Park, one of Namibia’s hotspot for biodiversity conservation and visitor attractions. For empirical...

Diversity And Distribution Of Tylosema Esculentum (Marama Bean) Endophytic Bacteria Communities In Omitara, Harnas And Otjinene, Eastern Namibia

ABSTRACT Tylosema esculentum is a nutritious drought avoiding plant endemic to the Kalahari Desert. Our study assessed the density, diversity and distribution of endophytic microbial community structures associated with leaves, stems and tuberous roots of T. esculentum in Eastern Namibia. Culture-dependent and PCR-based 454 pyrosequencing methods were used. ANOVA with pairwise comparison revealed a significant difference in bacterial density between below and above ground. Endophytic bacteri...

An Evaluation Of Human Development Through Renewable Energy Provision In An Offgrid Tsumkwe Settlement Area Of Otjozondjupa Region In Namibia

ABSTRACT Provision of electricity in rural areas enhances the achievement of economic and social development objectives. A photovoltaic mini-grid in the Tsumkwe Settlement Area of Namibia was established to enhance human and community development in the sparsely populated rural areas of Namibia to alleviate poverty. The impact that the mini-grid has had on the target beneficiaries has not been fully quantified and qualified. This study evaluated, and documents such impacts, thus facilitating...

Understanding The Spatial Dynamics Of Informal Settlements A Spatial Analysis Case Study Of Oohambo Dha Nehale In The City Of Windhoek

ABSTRACT Informal settlements expansion and development continues to be a problem for the government and urban planners. Understanding spatial dynamics of informal settlements may therefore be a key for future success in their effective management. This research explores the possibilities offered by the advancement in GeoInformation science and spatial analysis to improve the understanding of informal settlement spatial dynamics. A geographical information system (GIS) was used to analyse th...

Urban Agriculture Projects: Case Studies In The Cities Of Windhoek, Namibia And Berlin, Germany

Abstract The protection of biodiversity within cities is becoming more crucial by the increasing number of people living in urban areas. Within this study urban agriculture projects (UAP) are analysed according to their ability to face this challenge. It was uncertain if UAP exist in Windhoek, this study proofs that they do. This research was undertaken in two cities: Windhoek, Namibia and Berlin, Germany under special consideration of two main research questions: (1) Does UAP have the abili...

Estimation Of Hydraulic Parameters Of The Shallow, Perched Ohangwena Aquifer (Koh-0) And Determination Of Its Interaction With The Deeper Regional Ohangwena Aquifer (Koh-1), Ohangwena Region,

Abstract The Ohangwena Multi-Layered Aquifer (KOH) is one of the six Aquifer Systems found in the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin, Namibia. The aquifer system is multi layered, consisting of a shallow perched Ohangwena 0 aquifer (KOH-0), semi-confined Ohangwena I aquifer (KOH-1), and confined Ohangwena II aquifer (KOH-2). Currently, a large portion of the population in the study area rely on water from KOH-0 by means of hand-dug wells. The occurrence and potential of this perched aquifer is not fully u...

Zero-Augmented Models For Exploring The Factors Affecting The Pass Rate Of Grade 10 Learners In Khomas Region In 2016

ABSTRACT The poor performance of grade 10 learners has been a big concern over the last few years and in the effort to understand this phenomenon there has been efforts to present models that explain it. Modelling semi-continuous data with the presence of excess zeros has become a common phenomenon in real life situations. Common models such as linear models cannot handle zero-inflated data. This study aimed at exploring the factors which influence Khomas Region grade 10 learners’ pass rat...

5026 - 5040 Of 8880 Results