ABSTRACT Introduction: Globally, by 2015 the maternal mortality ratio is estimated to be 216 per 100,000 live births. In Tanzania was approximately 556 per 100,000 live births; the leading cause was PPH approximately 25% of maternal deaths and uterine atony contributes 70% of PPH. These show that there are some limitations of knowledge and skills level on AMTSL among health care providers for prevention of PPH as it prevented more than 60% of PPH. Objectives: Assessment of knowledge and ski...
Introduction Despite the benefits of early antenatal care visits for early prevention, detection, and treatment of potential complications in pregnancy, a high level of provider adherence to first-visit antenatal care standards is needed. However, little information is available regarding provider adherence to antenatal care in Tanzania. This study was performed to assess provider adherence to first-visit antenatal care standards and to apply stratified analysis to identify associated factor...
Inflammatory fibroid polyp is a neoplastic condition affecting the gastrointestinal tract and particularly the gastric antrum. It is virtually a benign submucosal mass comprising mesenchymal cells and numerous small blood vessels with inflammatory cells and commonly eosinophils. Patients with inflammatory fibroid polyps usually present clinically with mechanical intestinal obstruction with or without intussusception. Herein, we present a case of a 48-year-old male with a known history of schi...
Abstract Informal training on approaching road traffic injuries has become increasingly important in strengthening health care provision in pre-hospital care. Despite, evidencebased practice on formal training for emergency care, as well as health policy in Tanzania on addressing those issues. Informal training is not anymore implemented in routine practice especially for first responders like commercial motorcyclists to address road traffic injuries. Study involved two hundred fifty two par...
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge, attitudes and practices on cervical cancer screening among healthcare workers in Oshikoto Region, Namibia. A descriptive quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted, using a self-administered questionnaire and interviews completed between July and August in 2017.The study participants were doctors and nurses who provide health services at general OPD (Out Patient Department), ANC(Antenatal Care Clinic) and ART(Ant Retroviral...
ABSTRACT Background: Traumatic brain Injuries represent a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, road traffic accident accounting a significant proportion of these injuries. However access to neurological care is poor in low income Countries including Tanzania. Objective: To determine the causes, severity and early treatment outcome of TBI among patient admitted at Iringa and Dodoma regional referral hospitals, Tanzania Methodology: Cross-section, prospective study, Study,...
ABSTRACT Background: Secondary Peritonitis is a familiarcondition surgeonfaces in daily clinical practice with high morbidity, mortality, and poor prognosis. Its outcome depends on the interface of many factors, including patient, surgeon's and institutional factors,etc.Early initiation of specific therapeutic procedures predicts a good outcome. There is no locally acceptable surgical outcome predictor to minimize morbidity and mortality and improve resuscitation outcome for high-risk patien...
ABSTRACT Background: Cryptococcal Meningitis (CM) is the most common central nervous system (CNS) manifestation encountered in advanced HIV/AIDS patients. In low resource settings, it has high documented mortality rate at 2 and 10 weeks because of poor management of intracranial pressure (ICP), untimely ART initiation, and inappropriate antifungal regimen used during the induction phase. Objective: To evaluate the response of intravenous fluconazole monotherapy during the induction phase in...
ABSTRACT Baby dumping and infanticide have become a social phenomenon with severe consequences that are drawing nationwide attention and condemnation in Namibia. Those women who are perpetrating these heinous acts provide numerous motives; such as fathers denying paternity, unemployment, young mothers who still want to continue with school, as well as a lack of awareness about institutional care, foster homes, and formal adoption. These young incarcerated women before and after having dumped...
ABSTRACT: Asthma is a chronic disease and often requires complex management. This study was undertaken in four pharmacies–V-Ninat Pharmacy, Videc Chemists, Tomabel Pharmacy and Josbet Chemists, all in Isolo, Lagos, to determine the level of adherence to the anti-asthmatic drugs by asthmatic patients who participated in the study. Data was collected using structured questionnaires administered to patients coming into the pharmacies. The questionnaire was administered during a one-on-one inte...
Abstract Management has become a household concept in recent times in almost ,,11 spheres of human activities - at home, at work, even at pia). It is a common occurrence to hear "things have failed due to bad management". This and other similar statements point to the fact that man is in search of something that is lacking and that thing is "the ability to get things done". The importance of management therefore came as a result of the need to get things done with increased efficiency taking ...
ABSTRACT HIV/AIDS currently is a major cause of disability and mortality especially in sub-Saharan Africa. As the population affected by HIV/AIDS increases, so does the burden of this chronic disease and the challenges associated with caring. HIV scourge in Nigeria has been overwhelming since 1992 with debilitating impacts and this study presents the extent of fear of susceptibility and the level of caregivers burden among Nigerian nurses. To direct the study, three special objectives and one...
Abstract This survey was conducted to investigate the pattern of treatment practices for febrile illnesses among one hundred and eighty five traditional healers from the Nigerian Middle belt zone ethnomedicine. Data collection was through use of the semi structure questionnaire administered by trained interviewers recruited from the study sites - Gboko and Katsina Ala Local Government Areas. A total of 176 (95.1%) reportedly diagnosed through the presenting complaints and symptoms and 3 (1.6%...
ABSTRACT A Ä? FLUXES IN NORMAL aND HYPERTENSIVE NIGERIANS RED CELL SODIUM AND POTASSIUM CONTENT AF n xuno luts in Ni Nigei Nigerians .gerians with known 1. Erythrocyte sodium, potassium and water content have been determined in 908 Nigfferians so as to: 1. establish normal va! 2. compare values ^ values in other blacks. 3. compare va itSe> in Nigerians with those of caucasians. Red cell s^Üfum, potassium and water were also deterrrrined in 7 caucasians who had been resident i N n igeria for...
ABSTRACT Menopause is a phase in women’s reproductive life often characterized with many health challenges. Previous studies have revealed that there are gaps in knowledge, wrong perceptions and level of preparedness relating to menopause among pre-menopausal women. This study explored level of preparedness for menopause among pre-menopausal women in Leyaju, Elere and Oloko (LEO) community, Ido Local Government Area of Oyo State. Study sample was calculated using Kish and Leslie formular an...