Medical & Health Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Medical & Health Sciences

Clinical And Hematological Studies in Dogs With Single And Mixed Experimental Trypanosoma brucei And Ancyclostoma caninum Infection

ABSTRACT Trypanosomosis is one of the most devastating diseases of animals caused by infection with a protozoan parasite trypanosome, which is transmitted by tse-tse fly. Besides anaemia, which is a cardinal symptom of the disease, infection also impairs the immune system of animals and renders them more susceptible to other. Under natural field condition, in areas where trypanosome and helminth parasites are endemic, mixed infection appears to be common. A study was conducted to determine t...

Cultural categorization of febrile illnesses in correlation with herbal remedies used for treatment in Southwestern Nigeria

Austral'! The elhno;;,raphic study was conducted in IWI' communities in Oyo SI;Jle in Southwestern Nigeria. The study sites consisted of it rural .uu! an urban local government area located in the rroplcnl rain forest zone of Nigeria. The study was designed to obtain information on febrile illnesses alld herbal remedies 1'01 treatment with rhc aim of identifying potential antimalarial drugs. The study revealed that fever is a general term for describing illnesses ussociatcd with elevated hody...

Trabeculectomy in young Nigerian patients

Abstract The results of89 trabeculectomies performed on 56 patients under the age of30 years were reviewed. Data collected included age, sex, type or glaucoma, number of years of glaucoma before surgery, visual acuity, intraocular pressure, complications of surgery, presence of a filtering bleb and follow-up period. Complete success, denoted by a postoperative lOP of 21mmHg or less without medical therapy, occurred in 50 eyes (56.2%). Qualified success, in which lOP was 21mmHg or less with ad...

Renal Resistive Index in Normal Adults. in-Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria: A Preliminary Report

Abstract Background Colour Doppler sonography is used for visualization of blood flow, non- invasive evaluation of vascular resistance and measurements of velocities in renal and intrarenal arteries Its usefulness in the evaluation of the kidneys ranges from the diagnosis of renal artery stenosis and renovascular disease to the assessment of intra renal hemodynamics in several different pathological conditions such as essential hypertension, acute and chronic renal failure, pre and p...

SSA Research 5 PAGES (2802 WORDS) Radiology Paper
An X—Rax Crystallographic Study Of Some Wob Extragt

The discovery of X-ray was first reported in 1895 and in 1915 its diffraction by örystals was also discovered by a number of workers including Bragg^ and Laue^ . The use of this property of X-ray to 4 determine the struoture of some simple crystals was reported the same year. This property has become a powerful tool in modern Science particularly in the.fields of Physics, Chemistry, Metallurgy and Mineralogy. It has provided an easy approach to the study of the norphology of crystals and has...

SSA Research 203 PAGES (38115 WORDS) Public Health Thesis
Psychosocial Hazards And Health Status Of Police Officers In Ibadan

ABSTRACT Police officers while maintaining law and order may experience psychosocial hazards which adversely affect their health. Work conditions can influence psychosocial well being, which in turn could influence their work performance, therefore affecting their attitude to the public. As there is little information on this subject, this study was conducted to determine the psychosocial hazards and health status of police officers in Ibadan, Nigeria. A cross-sectional study was conducted, w...

The State of Radiology Subspecialty Training in the West African Subregion: The Residents' Perspective

ABSTRACT The tremendous revolution and the significant advances in technology in the field of imaging with increasing complexity of imaging procedures has placed increased ddonthe radiologist, who must understand the anatomy, imaging modality technology, and clinical issues, as well as medics and surgical options for an conditions or disease processes. It is no longer possible for any individual radiologist to master and maintain the qx!rth and depth of hdedge, requiredtoplwidethehighestqdit...

SSA Research 5 PAGES (2494 WORDS) Radiology Thesis
Date Rape Experiences And Help-Seeking Behaviour Among Female Undergraduate Students Of University Of Ibadan, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Date Rape (DR) which is mainly experienced by young women is a public health concern worldwide and is characterised by physical, psychological and social consequences. In Nigeria, there is dearth of information on DR among Female Undergraduates (FUs) in the Universities. This study was therefore designed to determine the prevalence, context of occurence, help-seeking behaviour and level of knowledge relating to DR among FUs of the University of Ibadan. This cross-sectional survey inv...

Effects of The Methanolic Leaf Extract of Palisota Hirsuta in Post-Surgical Wound Management

Abstract This study evaluated the use of the methanolic leaf extract of Palisota hirsuta in postsurgical wound management using different wound models in rats. It also assessed the antibacterial activity of the plant extract as well as the possible toxic effects on the liver, kidney and blood. The yield of the methanolic leaf extract of Palisota hirsuta (PHLE) was 5.98 % w/w and it was dark green, pasty in consistency with a pungent smell. In the excision wound model, PHLE at 1% and 4 % sign...

Post-Training Assessment Of Diarrhoea Management With Salt Sugar Solution By Community-Based Distribution Workers In Akinyele Local Government Area, Oyo State

ABSTRACT Studies in a number of pilot Community Based Distribution (CBD) programmes have shown that CBD workers can deliver modern contraceptives and safe maternal and child health services (including treatment or management of common childhood diseases such as diarrhoea) in their communities (Weiss, 1985). CBD workers have been active in Akinyele Local Government Area (LGA) and a high number of diarrhoea episodes have been managed by them. Most efforts have been on the general assessment of ...

Morphology of The Digestive Tract of The African Catfish(Clarias gariepinus Burchell, 1822)

Abstract The teleost digestive tract is simple and comprises the following parts: oropharyngeal cavity, oesophagus, stomach, intestine, rectum and anus. These organs are involved in the breakdown of ingested food macromolecules into small absorbable micromolecules. These small molecules are necessary for the maintenance, growth and energy needs of the body (Johnson, 1994; Junqueira and Carneiro, 2005). Besides processing food, some parts of the tract have evolved into organs of respiration (p...

Edu Frontiers 110 PAGES (27709 WORDS) Anatomy Dissertation
Acetylated Starch of Ofada Rice as a Sustained Release Polymer in Microsphere Formulations of Repaglinide

Abstract Background: Acetylated starches with degrees of substitution (DS) of > 2 have been found suitable for sustained release applications because of their hydrophobic nature and thermoplasticity. The short half-life and high dosing frequency of repaglinide make it an ideal candidate for sustained release. Objectives: To formulate and evaluate repaglinide microspheres using acetylated starch of the indigenous rice species Oryza glaberrima Steud (Ofada) as polymer. Materials and Methods: Of...

Human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2 infection in some rural areas of Nigeria

~bstretT. kp revaiurec ofh umah imrmmodt~ieirncyv irtlo ryp 1 d 2 in -1 arcas of Niiaia was estbled using 1089 ma colkacd in I8 kwhs &om 1992 to mrly 1 554. llx saa wmte sted with Enzyme linked Imm~enAtss ay @LISA) and cahntd by Westun hmrmob~BgE ehniquc. Overall, 13 (13%) of ibt 1089 &ra war positive for adi00 I W:I d m-2. Prwalenec of 0.6% md 0.8% wm obtained f& HIV-1 and HIY-2 mpcrhly. Tbc hjgk~ peevabo f HfV-1 and HTV-2 (50.Wh)w ere fdin Z uhlrma and Umubum A #mgmaleaet or 12%w as oblaiae...

SSA Research 4 PAGES (1065 WORDS) Virology Thesis
Effects of Experimental Trypanosoma Brucei And T.Congolense Infection And Treatment With Diminazen Aceturate on Renal Function in Dogs

ABSTRACT This work was designed to study the effects of Trypanosoma brucei and Trypanosoma congolense infection on the renal function of mongrel dogs. Also, the effects of treatment of the infection with diaminazene aceturate were evaluated. Sixteen (16) male mongrel dogs aged between 3 and 6 months, and weighing between 2.5 and 5.2 kg were used for the study. The dogs were acquired, numbered, tagged and weighed. The dogs were kept in clean metal cages in a fly proof house and were fed once ...

3556 - 3570 Of 6427 Results