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Research Papers/Topics Medical & Health Sciences

Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of Blood Culture Isolates of Neonates with Sepsis, Ho Municipality

ABSTRACT Background: Globally, 4 million neonatal deaths occur annually, with one-third of such deaths occurring as a result of infection. In 2011, there were 7.2million deaths in children below 5years globally, and a proportion of 40% of these deaths occurred in neonates. Sepsis was reported to account for one-third of these deaths. Presently, multi drug antibiotic resistance is rapidly increasing in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs), particularly in developing countries and poses a th...

Experiences, Psychological Distress and Coping among Teachers of Students with Learning Difficulties

ABSTRACT The study investigated teachers’ experiences, psychological distress and coping strategies adopted in educating children with learning problems. A mixed-method approach was adopted for the study. One hundred and forty-seven participants were sampled from special and inclusive schools for the quantitative study. Participants responded to items on questionnaires measuring psychological distress and coping. The qualitative study involved one-on-one interviews with 10 teachers. The qu...

Infant And Young Child Feeding Practices: A Study Among Mothers In Obuasi Municipality

ABSTRACT Background: Optimal Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices are established recommendations for feeding children 0-23 months to achieve ultimate growth and development. Ideal nourishment throughout the first 2 years of a child’s life is predominantly significant, as it leads to high intelligent quotient and lowers morbidity and mortality. Any damage caused within two years of life is reversible but beyond is irreparable. Inappropriate feeding practices are known to be among...

A Qualitative Study on the Ethical Dilemmas Faced by Practicing Clinical Psychologists in Ghana

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate ethical dilemmas experienced by 20 clinical psychologists in Ghana and the various measures they employ in the resolution of these dilemmas. The qualitative method using a semi structured interview guide and two vignettes were used to investigate ethical dilemmas faced in professional practice.  The main dilemmas include those arising from third party and privacy interferences, dual relationships, fees, motive as against moral issues, po...

Factors Associated with Placental Malaria in Upper West Regional Hospital-Wa, Ghana

ABSTRACT Background Placental malaria (PM) poses life-threatening complications to pregnant women as they are at increased risk of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. Despite several interventions put in place to reduce malaria in pregnancy in Ghana, latest studies in the northern part revealed one out of every two pregnant women delivering in a hospital have PM. The study determined the proportion of women with PM in the Upper West Regional Hospital (UWR) and its associated fa...

Activity of Natural Cocoa on Markers of Brain Health in Exercise Trained Rats

ABSTRACT Exercise training enhances healthy brain function by regulating inflammation and oxidative stress and promotes the production of growth factors including brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). BDNF is essential for neuronal growth and survival in deleterious neurological conditions such as stroke, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Moreover, dietary nutrients in cocoa reduces oxidative stress and inflammation and may have a protective effect that affects the growth and survival of...

Pub Network 154 PAGES (31133 WORDS) Anatomy Thesis
Estimation of the Cost of Infant Feeding During the First 6 Months of Life in New Juaben Municipality.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Many studies have proven that breast milk is the most important infant feed, and in the first six months of life, it is adequate for sustenance. Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) for the first 6 months of life has been recommended by World Health Organization (WHO) as the best infant feeding strategy. Breast milk provides infants with the antibodies and nourishment needed to begin a healthy life. Mixed feeding with breast milk and other fluids/foods is common in Ghana, st...

Health Of Ga-East: Utilization Of And Expenditure On Health Services In Madina Township

ABSTRACT Background: Since independence, Ghana has made several efforts to ensure that its population has access to appropriate health care at an affordable cost. A vital measure to increase affordability is to reduce the out-of-pocket payments for health care which is recognised as one of the barriers to access, especially in poorer countries. The National Health Insurance Scheme was therefore introduced in 2003, to address issues of inequities in financial access to health care. Objectiv...

Influencing Of Motivation On Health Worker Performance: A Case Study At Korle Bu Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT Background: Studies have shown that motivation improves performance of health workers. However, when health workers are not motivated enough their performance and delivery of care is affected. Therefore, ensuring health worker motivation is important, if health workers are to perform their optimum best and effectively deliver health services. Objectives: The main objective of the study was to determine the influence of motivation on health worker performance. Methods: This st...

Workplace Violence Against Hospital Staff In Selected Hospitals In Greater Accra Region: A Study Of The Prevalence And Related Factors

ABSTRACT  Workplace violence is a globally recognised workplace hazard in the health sector however, there is a lack of research on the phenomenon in Ghana. Workplace violence  includes physical and psychological violence and involves acts such as assault, threats, verbal and sexual abuse. These can all have deleterious effects on victims. Thus, this study sought to determine the prevalence and factors relating to violence perpetrated against hospital workers in the Greater Accra Regional H...

The Prevalence Of Exclusive Breadfeeding In Fosu Sub-District

ABSTRACT  Studies have shown that human milk and breastfeeding of infant provides advantages with regard to general health, growth and development for infants. Mothers who breastfeed their babies may also gain health benefits. In addition to health benefits to mothers and infants, breastfeeding provides significant social and economic benefits to nations and individuals. Researchers have found out that both mother and infant can maximise the benefits if they practice exclusive breastfee...

Influence Of Religiosity, Sexual Attitudes And Sexual Sensation Seeking On Sociosexuality In Accra, Ghana

ABSTRACT Sociosexuality is a sexual risk behaviour, which poses public health concerns. This study aimed at determining some predictors of sociosexuality among young adults in Accra, Ghana. A sample size of 315 (164 = males, 151 = females) was recruited for this study. Participants completed questionnaires assessing dimensions of sociosexuality (i. e. sociosexual behaviour, sociosexual attitude, and sociosexual desire), sexual sensation seeking, sexual attitudes, dimensions of religiosity, a...

Assessment of The Quality of Newborn Care Practices in The LA Dade Kotopon Municipality

ABSTRACT Background: Several neonatal deaths have been reported in developing countries such as Ghana despite a marginal decrease over the years. Majority of these deaths occur due to inappropriate or poorly practiced newborn care specifically safe cord care, optimal thermal care and early and exclusive breastfeeding. There is limited information about the quality of essential newborn care practiced by mothers in the Greater Accra region. This information is needed to inform policy makers an...

The Use of Social Media And Risky Sexual Behavior Among Students in The University of Ghana

ABSTRACT Introduction: Behaviours established during youthful and early adult life such as risky sexual behaviours (RSBs) have undesirable effects on the future wellbeing and overall health of adolescents and young adults. Engaging in risky sexual behaviours such as early sexual initiation, multiple partner sexual relationships, unprotected sex, and sex in exchange of money or gifts often lead to undesirable consequences such as contracting sexually transmitted diseases or having unintended ...

HIV Status Disclosure And Quality of Life Among Persons Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) Accessing Care at The Volta Regional Hospital

ABSTRACT Background: Cases of Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is on the rise. However, the availability of antiretroviral drugs has to a larger extent increased the survival of these patients in recent times. The increased survival often presents challenges to the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) mainly due to adverse drug effects and or the prevailing socio-economic and cultural challenges associated with the disease condition...

4321 - 4335 Of 6426 Results