Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Seroprevalence Of Toxoplasma Infection In Goats And Sheep And Associated Risk Factors In Mvomero District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A cross sectional study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of toxoplasmosis in small ruminants and associated human and animal exposure risk factors. Serological detection of Toxoplasma antibodies was done in 300 goats and 100 sheep sera by ELISA test (Interlab, São Paulo, Brazil). Information on risk factors was collected by interview method, using structured questionnaires. The overall prevalence of toxoplasmosis was 27 and 12% in sheep and goats respectively. Dairy goat...

Development and Improvement of Diesel Oil Characteristics for Varied Petrochemical Industries Applications

The presence of aromatics in fuel deters ultra-low sulfur fuel production. Consequently the researcher’s interest has involved the de-aromatization of fuels. Dearomatization would ultimately improve the quality of the fuels in terms of density, cetane number, viscosity etc. In this study, solvent extraction was adopted to de-aromatize a feedstock sample of 20.1 % aromatic and 166 ppm sulfur using acetonitrile. The extraction was performed at low temperatures 25, 35 and 45 °C and ambi...

Secure E-voting System using Symmetric Encryption

Secure Voting System‘ is heart of any democracy. There are number of nationwide voting system adopted all over the world, but each of them has their own shortfalls. The remote Internet voting systems still suffer many problems. These are some reasons that, manual voting is still in practice in many developing and developed nations in this internet era. Thus, complete, strongly secured and user friendly ‗E Voting System‘ is need of time. The aim of this thesis is to design a secure ...

Design Reality Gaps In Open Source Information Systems Development: An Action Research Study Of Education And Healthcare Systems In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This thesis, Design-Reality Gaps in Open Source Information Systems Development: An Action Research Study of Education and Healthcare Systems in Tanzania, presents a theoretical and empirical informed analysis of Free Open Source Software (FOSS) development in the domain of health and education information systems in Tanzania. Historically, FOSS development has been driven by user-developer communities who are also the users of FOSS applications. The use of Foss applications in ...

Association of some Amino Acids in Serum with Insulin with Secretion among Sudanese patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus - study in Khartoum state

A great number of people all over the world suffer from diabetes. Understanding the mechanisms by which amino acids regulate insulin secretion in vivo may reveal novel sites for targeting drugs for the therapy of type 2 diabetes in the future. A descriptive analytical cross-sectional and hospital based study was done. The objectives of this study were to determine in the levels of selected amino acids in patients with diabetes type 2 and to measure the serum levels of insulin in Sudanese...

Biological Assessment Of Tropical Riverine Systems Using Aquatic Macroinvertebrates In Tanzania, East Africa.

In Tanzania, and in East Africa in general, bioassessment methods for monitoring and assessing riverine ecosystems are not yet in place. This thesis describes the development of a macroinvertebrate-based bioassessment method for assessing the degree of anthropogenic disturbance in Tanzanian rivers. The hypotheses that, ‘macroinvertebrate assemblages reflect disturbance in river systems’; ‘rivers with similar abiotic features have similar macroinvertebrate assemblages’; and ‘spatio-t...

Development Of An Interactive E-Learning Management System (E-LMS) For Tanzanian Secondary Schools

ABSTRACT e-learning, as defined to be the use of information and communications technology (ICT) for supporting the educational processes, has motivated Tanzania to apply ICT in its education system. Tanzania secondary schools in rural areas are geographically and socially isolated. Rural Tanzania secondary schools face a number of problems including ways in getting learning materials, as well as inadequacy in qualified teachers. The impact of these problems is poor performance in National E...

Transfer Functions and Mathematical Modeling of Dynamic Systems with MATLAB

This study introduces the mechanical elements that are the main components in the dynamic modeling of mechanical systems. It discusses the electrical elements of voltage and current source, resistor, capacitor, inductor, and operational amplifier. We derive mathematical models for electrical systems. The transfer function, enables connecting the input to the output of a dynamic system into the Laplace domain for single-input, single output, multiple-input and multiple output systems. It ...

Novel Ruthenium Indenylidene Catalysts: From Homogeneous To Heterogeneous

The olefin metathesis was discovered incidentally and independently in 1950s by different researchers on their attempt to polymerize olefins by the Ziegler process [1-5]. The earliest discoveries were the basic exchange olefin metathesis of the inter-conversion of propylene, ethylene and butane-2 as well as ROMP of norbornene and cylcopentene. However, the connection between the two types of reactions was not immediately apparent mainly because different catalysts and conditions were generall...

Evaluation of Technological Path and Quality Control System Case Study in Giad Batteries Factory

There is a big industrial growth in Sudan with economical development, so there is a big need for transportation trucks and Vehicles. The batteries are very important part of these vehicles and it's under control of ISO since Sudan is a member of COMESA. SARIA factory had been chosen as field of application of this study, because it is the pioneer and the singlet one in Sudan. Based on the above economical and technical considerations, the goal of thesis is evaluation of the technologi...

Performance Enhancement of Power Consumption in Cloud Computing

The power consumption of physical and virtual machines is a major challenge for small to large scale cloud computing data centers. Tow states of the virtual machine, active state if selected by cloudlet and idle state ifnot selected. Two typed of works  applied which are existing work and proposed work. In existing work non-power aware data center, the power consumption used time-shared data center that discarded cloudlet file size to selected VMs. To performance enhanced of power consu...

Molecular Diagnosis And Characterisation Of ORF Virus In Symptomatic Goats In Coast And Dar Es Salaam Regions, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Orf virus (ORFV) is a member of the parapoxvirus genus that causes orf, a zoonotic and epitheliotropic highly contagious disease mainly affecting sheep, goats, wild ruminants and humans. In the present study, an outbreak of a disease in goats with clinical signs suggestive of orf in 11 flocks with a total of 259 goats was investigated between May and June 2015. Eight villages in districts of Bagamoyo (2), Ilala (1), Kinondoni (1) and Kisarawe (4) in Coast and Dar es Salaam regions o...

Molecular Epidemiology And Antimicrobial Susceptibility Of Thermophilic Campylobacters In Broiler Production In Morogoro Municipal, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Since the discovered of Campylobacter in 1913, is known to cause diseases in human. Investigations were done in broiler poultry by culture method, biochemical molecular technique followed by antimicrobial susceptibility of thermophilic Campylobacter sp in Morogoro Municipal, Tanzania. The objectives of the study were to establish prevalence of thermophilic Campylobacter by molecular and biochemical approach followed by antimicrobial susceptibility at each stage of broiler production...

Locating an Emergency Hospital to Reduce Arrival Time of Sick andInjured in a Manne Time by using Geoinformatic

The aim of the study is to find the best location for an emergency hospital in the West Nile, which is easy to reach and reduces the time of arrival due to its economic, social and vital importance. The use of GIS techniques' as information systems Geography plays an important role by providing an environment for planning, organization and decision-making. In this research addressed the identification of current and new hospital locations to ensure the accessibility and accessibility o...

Evaluation Of Antimicrobial And Antioxidant Properties Of Tanzanian Honey From Two Agro-Ecological Zones

ABSTRACT A study was conducted to assess the quality of Tanzanian honey based on antioxidant properties and antimicrobial activities on bacteria and fungi in relation to its physicochemical properties. Two types of honey samples (stinging and stingless bees’ honey) were collected from central zone (Singida and Dodoma) and western zone (Tabora and Shinyanga). Honey samples were analysed for anti-microbial activities, anti-oxidant properties (total phenols, vitamin C) and physico-chemical pr...

4051 - 4065 Of 8880 Results