Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

The Geochemistry And Geochronology Of The Barby Formation In The Sinclair Area, Southern Namibia

ABSTRACT Volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Sinclair Supergroup occur in the Konkiep Terrane of Southern Namibia. Three volcanic and sedimentary cycles are recognised. The Barby Formation belongs to the second cycle which consists of the Kunjas Formation, Barby Formation and the Guperas Formation. In this work, the volcanic rocks of the Barby Formation, a key unit in the Sinclair area are described and dated. The coeval Spes Bona Syenite and the Tiras Granite are also described and dated. ...

SSA Research 102 PAGES (21002 WORDS) Geology Thesis
Antimicrobial And Antioxidant Activity Of Crude Extracts And Fractions From The Stems And Leaves Of Tephrosia Lupinifolia

ABSTRACT Tephrosia lupinifolia is used traditionally for the treatment of malaria, diarrhea, toothache and tuberculosis. Two flavonoids, lupinifolin and lupinifolinol were previously isolated from the hexane root extract of T. lupinifolia, but there are no reports on phytochemical and pharmacological studies conducted on the stems and leaves of the plant. The purpose of this study was to prepare and fractionate crude extracts from the leaves and stems of T. lupinifolia, and to evaluate their ...

SSA Research 79 PAGES (12429 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Designing And Implementing A Scalable, Secure Network Using Expert Systems.

Table of Contents LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................... iii LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................... iv DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................ v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .....................................................

Analysis Of The Namib And Kalahari Dune Sand Deposits In Namibia And Their Application In Potassium Silicate Synthesis

ABSTRACT Silica sand is a main component in the synthesis of potassium silicates that are commonly used as binding, coating, and adhesives agents. Physical and chemical properties of the sand particles such as grain size, mineralogical and geochemical compositions, determine the viability of sand in the synthesis of potassium silicates. This study analysed sand samples from dunes in the Namib and Kalahari deserts in order to 1) evaluate their suitability in potassium silicate synthesis as wel...

SSA Research 111 PAGES (21187 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Assessing The Current Status Of Local Floodplain Fisheries In The Okavango River, Kavango East Region, Namibia

ABSTRACT Globally, floodplains are acknowledged as hydrologically important, environmentally sensitive, and ecologically productive ecosystems that perform several natural functions. They provide both cultural and natural services that are of great value to society (Peel, 2012). Flooding occurs naturally along river’s and is an integral part of a healthy watercourse. It is believed that flooding may nurture life in and around rivers as the waters transport nutrient-rich sediments that contr...

Informal Food Vending In Okuryangava, Windhoek: Entrepreneurial Knowledge Enhancement Strategies And Aspirations Of The Self-Employed

Abstract This empirical study in application-oriented Human Geography examined conditions of entrepreneurial knowledge and skill enhancement strategies practiced by informal food vendors in Windhoek’s Okuryangava suburb, which are apparently required for the achievement of individual aspirations such as socio-economic resilience. Against the analysis framework of the ‘Street Vendors Success and Knowledge Gap’, the research focused on two components, namely the Social and the Human Capit...

SSA Research 108 PAGES (21159 WORDS) Geography Thesis
Optimization Conditions For The Production Of Arachidonic Acid By The Microalga Parietochloris Incisa Under Indoors And Outdoors Conditions

ABSTRACT The freshwater green microalga Parietochloris incisa is the richest known plant source of the polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), arachidonic acid (20:4ω6, AA). Accumulation of AA and docosahexaenoic acid (22:0, DHA) is necessary for brain and retina development in infants. While many microalgae accumulate triacylglycerols (TAG) in the stationary phase or under certain stress conditions, these TAG are generally made of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. In contrast, most cell...

E-Government Interoperability: A Cooperative Architecture Model To Facilitate Information Sharing In Namibia

ABSTRACT Governments face continued pressure to increase their performance with the aim to improve efficiency and service delivery to their stakeholders, customers and citizens. To improve efficiency and performance, Governments adopt e-Government models and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions as enablers and vehicles for transforming public administration. As part of the transformational process, Public Services need to transform themselves into an integrated entity that...

Shared-Component Model With Application To Mapping Gender Specific Pattern In Hiv Testing And Condom Use In Namibia

Abstract The main objective of the study was to examine gender-specific and shared spatial variation in HIV testing and condom use in Namibia for targeted health promotion interventions. The study used data from the Namibia Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) carried out between 2006 and 2007. Bayesian hierarchical spatial mapping techniques were applied to generate specific and shared spatial patterns in HIV testing and condom use. Particularly, a number of Bayesian Structured Additive Regr...

SSA Research 90 PAGES (18858 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
Screening, Isolation And Characterization Of Laccase Enzymes From Namibian Termitomyces Schimperi And Kalaharituber Pfeilii

ABSTRACT Few reports could be found on screening, isolation and characterisation of enzymes in local Fauna and Flora and little is known about laccase enzymes from Namibia origin hence there is a niche for enzyme studies in this area. This research has qualitatively screened Termitomyces schimperi and Kalaharituber pfeilii fruiting bodies for laccase enzymatic activity using α-naphtnol and 2, 2-azino-bis 3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid (ABTS). A clone of T. schimperi was also grown in...

SSA Research 72 PAGES (12462 WORDS) Biochemistry Thesis
Age Dating Of Groundwater In Perched Aquifers Okongo Area, Ohangwena Region

Abstract Knowledge of groundwater age / residence time in Okongo perched aquifer is important in understanding key issues in the evolution of groundwater, recharge rates, recharge mechanisms, resource renewability, flow rate and distribution of recharge areas. The build-up in the atmosphere of trace gases such as sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and tritium (3H) from over a centenary ago offers a convenient way of dating groundwater up to the age of 60 years. These gases are well mixed in the atmosp...

SSA Research 120 PAGES (22203 WORDS) Geology Thesis
Phytochemical Analysis, Radical Scavenging And Anti-Microbial Activity Of The Leaves Of Gomphocarpus Fruticosus

Abstract Gomphocarpus fruticosus is a wild plant that belongs to the Asclepiadaceae family and has many traditional uses. The plant has demonstrated by this study a significant level of microbial and phytochemical activity; the drug-resistant strains of microbes which have emerged in the last decade will be eradicated by the compounds this indigenous plant carries. This particular study aimed to scientifically validate the traditional uses of the plant G. fruticosus. The objectives of this st...

Determination Of The Suitability Of Mt Gamsberg In Namibia For Millimetre Wave Astronomy By Measurements Of The Precipitable Water Vapour

Abstract Precipitable Water Vapour (PWV) is the amount of water vapour in the atmospheric column above a location equivalent to the amount of liquid precipitation that would result if all the water vapour in the column was condensed. Water vapour is the main source of opacity in the Earth’s atmosphere at infrared and millimetre to sub-millimetre wavelengths. The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) is a large network of millimetre to sub-millimetre telescopes across the globe that is used to image...

SSA Research 140 PAGES (20460 WORDS) Physics Thesis
Capacity For Public-Private Sectors To Implement E-Governance (Cp-Psie): Enhancing Information And Service Delivery In Namibia

ABSTRACT e-Governance is being used by many governments around the world to improve information and service delivery to their citizens. This is achieved mainly through the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions. As a result, the capacity for Public and Private Sectors to implement e-Governance plays a pivotal role in making e-Governance a success. Through the use of qualitative and quantitative research methods, this study took an in-depth look at the current levels o...

Land Reform In Namibia Spatial Analysis And Land Degradation In The Otjozondjupa Region

ABSTRACT In Namibia, the land question remains high on the agenda of Government, which is implementing a land reform programme since 1995. The reform attempts the correction of inherited imbalances in the access to land in order to alleviate poverty and dependency. The research was guided by the theoretical framework known as 'decoloniality'; and configured around the concept of land tenure structure, considered as a central element of any agrarian system. The subject has been widely investig...

SSA Research 135 PAGES (25810 WORDS) Geography Thesis

4771 - 4785 Of 8880 Results