ABSTRACT Background: Tuberculosis therapy is characterized by many side effects including hearing loss. It has been documented that the use of aminoglycosides for TB treatment is the cause of the associated hearing impairment. The consequential effect of hearing impairment on the patient is high. This has its long-term socio-economic effect (social isolation and stigmatization) on patients, families and public health in general. Hearing loss can compromise treatment compliance and also affec...
ABSTRACT The Namibian Porphyra capensis Kützing was studied as very little was known of its taxonomy, ecology, phylogeny or nutritional status. It was hypothesized that it was phlogenetically related to the South African P. capensis as they share common ancestry. DNA was extracted from thalli and partial sequences obtained from their 18SrDNA and ITS regions. GenBank sequences of interest were incorporated, alignments made and phylogenetic trees were generated using MEGA 5.1. The results show...
ABSTRACT The persistent threats of the cyber environment drives organizations to adopt risk management as a crucial practice of minimizing dangers to their information assets. However, focusing on technology alone to address these risks is no longer sufficie nt. IT governance which enables senior managers to align and integrate technology with business strategies through clear policy development and good practice of IT control is essential. The Namibian Public Service (NPS) currently lacks po...
ABSTRACT The complexity of a face’s components originates from the constant variations in the facial component that occur with respect to time. Notwithstanding these variations, humans recognize a person very easily using physical characteristics such as face, voice, gait, etc. Automatic face recognition deals with extracting these essential features from an image, placing them into a suitable representation and performing some kind of recognition on them. This study presents an assessment...
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to find the socio-economic determinants of child labour and schooling in Ghana. To this end, the 2003 Ghana Child Labour Survey data was analysed. The main techniques used were the simple logistic regression and multilevel logistic regression analysis. Results of the analysis showed that gender of head of household, marital status of parents, father’s occupation, mother’s occupation, relationship to head of household, place of residence, literacy ...
ABSTRACT Evaluation of chemical composition of C. citratus and M. spicata, gave the following proximate composition on dry weight basis: moisture; (1.67±0.29%) and (2.67±0.29%), ash; (7.52±0.30%) and (24.4±0.35%), crude lipid; (6.67±0.28%) and (6.17±0.27%), crude fibre; (24.67±0.29%) and (2.67±0.29%), crude protein;(17.44±0.12%) and (25.32±0.13%), available carbohydrate (42.03±0.32%) and (39.78±1.11%), energy value; (297.91) and (315.93) respectively. The samples contain min...
Abstract In this mini thesis, we study the application of Lyapunov functions in epidemiological modeling. The aim is to give an extensive discussion of Lyapunov functions, and use some specific classes of epidemiological models to demonstrate the construction of Lyapunov functions. The study begins with a review of Lyapunov functions in general, and their usage in global stability analysis. Lyapunov’s “direct method” is used to analyse the stability of the disease-free equilibrium. More...
ABSTRACT This research project is an assessment of built-up expansion in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto from 2007 to 2015. Data for this research project was collected from both primary and secondary sources. The primary source of data include field observation, interview and satellite imageries. While secondary data include relevant published materials such as textbooks, journal articles, dissertations, reports, and the internet. The method used is satellite image processing, image clas...
ABSTRACT Due to the pivotal role of Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF1) and Insulin-like Growth Factor 2 (IGF2) in growth regulation of poultry, the IGF1 gene (gIGF1) and IGF2 gene (gIGF2) in guinea fowl were examined as candidate genes for early growth in helmeted guinea fowls (Numida meleagris) from three populations of Northern Ghana (TPNG). Keets hatched from eggs collected from 32 sample locations comprising 11 subpopulations across three main populations located in Upper East Region, U...
ABSTRACT Background Maternal mortality has seen a significant decline in Ghana over last decade. Stakeholders and government continue to invest in strategic policies aimed to further decrease the ratio of maternal mortality. To achieve the desired results, interventions must be tailored toward specific factors in order to further strengthen the remedy to this health menace. Even though, there has been a decline over the years, international target and standards yet to be achieved. Method Ana...
ABSTRACT The resurgence of lymphatic filariasis (LF) infection after several rounds of Mass Drug Administration (MDA) has been the main reason behind constant monitoring of treatment. The MDA is designed to interrupt transmission by reducing microfilaraemia in a community to a threshold that local vectors may not be able to pick up microfilariae (MF) during a blood meal. The current study has been carried out to determine whether transmission had actually been interrupted following stoppage o...
ABSTRACT Molecular studies of ESβL-producing bacteria isolated from clinical samples was determined as well as the effects of medicinal plants on the isolates. The study was conducted from September 2013 to September 2015. A total of 480 bacterial isolates (250 from urine, 110 from wound swab & 120 from HVS & US) were used. The knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) of health workers in Imo State towards multiple antibiotic resistant bacterial isolates and extended spectrum beta-lacta...
ABSTRACT Over the previous years finite element method (FEM) has become a powerfully tool to approximate solution of differential equations and prove their existence. The purpose of this research is to introduce and describe a number of the finite element method (FEM) technique applied to problems for partial differential equations (PDEs) with special attentions to the hyperbolic problems in case of wave and damped wave equations. Another aim is to study the one boundary value problem (BVP) ...
ABSTRACT In this study, a Genetic Algorithm approach coupled with an internal Heuristic Search strategy is applied to attempt automation of course-teaching timetable generation for the University of Dodoma while trying to make the solution as general as possible. In designing the algorithm, course timetabling constraints of the institution are identified and a general encoding scheme is used to represent the problem. Then, a Genetic Algorithm is designed and implemented with a two-point cros...
ABSTRACT Data mining is the process of determining patterns, discovering correlations, trends or relationships in the area with large data sets Information Technology, medical science, biology, education, and human resources. In Healthcare, DM is useful in medical data to anticipate novel, useful and potential knowledge that can save a life, lessen treatment cost, increases diagnostic and prediction accuracy as well as save human resources. Data mining contains several techniques such as ano...