ABSTRACT Background: Sickle Cell Disease is one of the most common inherited genetic blood disorders affecting humans world-wide. Sickle cell disease predominates in Africa including Uganda (WHO, 2011). Recent data in Uganda shows Northern Uganda is among the regions with the highest prevalence of 19.2% (MoH Uganda, 2014). Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study involving a total of 120 adult patients attending general OPD in Lira Regional Hospital between the Months of Februar...
ABSTRACT Introduction/Objectives: Fluegge a virosa grows wild in tropical Africa, Arabian Peninsula, tropical Asia, Japan, Australia and Polynesia, and it can also be domesticated. The different parts of the plant have many folkloric usage for diverse ailments including pain, fever, malaria, sexual dysfunction, diabetes, epilepsy, antiarrhythmic, HIV -related illness among many others. The root is claimed to be the most potent part of the plant. In view of the claimed therapeutic potentials, ...
Abstract A cross sectional retrospective study was conducted in Ishaka, Bushenyi municipality, Bushenyi district from January 2014 to June 2014 to determine knowledge and attitudes of mothers towards the utilization of antenatal care services in Ishaka Bushenyi municipality, district, western Uganda. The study found out that 38(60.3%) of the respondents have heard about comprehensive ANC services and 39.7% of the respondents have not heard about comprehensive ANC, that majority of the respon...
ABSTRACT The study on man’s socio-economic activities on protected areas was carried out on Mount Elgon national park and was specifically aimed at identifying communities and their socio-economic activities, the impacts of these activities on the park and the sustainable park management approaches. The study used simple random sampling for the community members and purposive for the knowledgeable about park management, methods of data collection were questionnaire, interview, observation a...
ABSTRACT Knowledge: is familiarity or understanding of something such as facts, information, description, or skills which are acquired by experience, education, perceiving discovering and learning. (Edward bliss 2013) Attitude: this is the positive or negative evaluation of people, objects, events, activities ideas or environment. (Richard, 2013) Immunization: is the cornerstone of diseases prevention worldwide, however, despite the advantages; immunization has still remained a major pro...
ABSTRACT. Maternal mortality ratio in Uganda has been declining over the past years but has remained unacceptably high at 438 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. This is majorly accounted for by the 5 direct obstetric complications; haemorrhage, sepsis, obstructed labour, complications of abortion and hypertensive disorders in pregnancy contributing over 85% of the deaths. In light of this fact, the researcher therefore assessed health facility readiness in Arua district to deal with the...
Abstract The research study was carried out in Tiriri Health Centre IV, Katine Sub County in Soroti District. The researcher opted to identify the factors contributing to severe malaria among children aged 0 – 5 years, in which interventions can be directed to alleviate these factors for a lasting solution. Soroti is one of the districts in Uganda surrounded by several wetlands and swamps, people therefore live around swampy areas most affected by moist land with water logs. This kind of vi...
Abstract It has been proven in several randomized clinical trials that safe male circumcision reduces the risk of HIV transmission from female to male by 60%.The national target for Uganda by 2015is to circumcise 4.2 million adults’ men. There is need for a pragmatic approach and effective model to achieve this target. The objective of the study was to determine the factors hindering the scaling up of circumcision numbers in men above 18 years in Buwoya village in Iganga district , Uga...
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The perspectives of Medical Students, who will later graduate to be Health Care Providers, will generally influence how often they will use/ recommend the use of the male pill to the society. The study was done in KIU-WC in 2013(September) to investigate the perspectives of Medical Students at KIU-WC on the proposed male contraceptive pill. BROAD OBJECTIVE To find out the perspective of Medical Students at KIU-WC towards the proposed male contraceptive ...
ABSTRACT Introduction Globally, abortion mortality accounts for at least 13% of all maternal mortality. Maternal mortality is 600,000 deaths per year due to pregnancy-related causes, and 99% of these deaths are in developing countries (WHO 2008). Abortions occur at a rate of 54 per 1,000 women aged 15–49 and account for one in five pregnancies. (Prada, E et al 2005). Methods It was a retrospective cross-sectional study conducted in Kampala international university teaching hospital and I...
ABSTRACT Type 2 Diabetes mellitus (formerly known as non-insulin-dependent or adult-onset diabetes mellitus) is a condition that results from the body’s ineffective use of insulin. Management of type 2 diabetes mellitus requires compliance to dietary regimen, lifestyle changes and drugs. The purpose of this study was to determine compliance to dietary recommendations among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus attending selected hospitals in Nakuru County. Data was collected in 4 hospitals...
ABSTRACT Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training has received global recognition as a tool for improving knowledge and performance of health workers after their basic training, and consequently improving health service delivery. In Kenya, Middle Level Health Training Institutions (MLHTIs) produce the bulk (over 80%) of health workers at CPD training level. However, information on whether monitoring and evaluation (M&E) mechanisms for CPD training activities are available and utiliz...
ABSTRACT It is estimated that in 2008, 358,000 maternal deaths occurred in the world. It is also estimated that in Kenya, 7,700 women die annually due to pregnancy related complications. This translates to approximately 21 women each day or approximately one Kenyan woman every hour. Out of every 10 women, 9 of them receive skilled ante-natal care but only 4 receive skilled birth attendance. The objective of the study was to assess the determinants of birth preparedness among women attending m...
ABSTRACT Preterm birth interventions (PTBI) are basic and specialized care packages designed to improve Preterm birth outcome (PTBO) hence increase the survival rates of babies born preterm. Without PTBI, the survivors of PTB are at risk of facing lifelong disability and poor quality of life affecting the individual and family leading to productivity loss and socio-economic constraints. Globally PTB leads in causing neonatal and child mortality rate (CM R )). Accounts for one million deaths y...
ABSTRACT Malaria is a major public health problem worldwide with increasing cases and deaths in sub-Saharan Africa. Sickle cell disease conditions relate geographically with malaria endemic areas. Fetal hemoglobin (HbF) moderates the clinical severity of sickle cell disease (SCD) and also provides protection against malaria. Consequently, it provides survival advantage but the data is limited. Designing a study linking HbF with protection against malaria infection has been a challenge due to...