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Research Papers/Topics Medical & Health Sciences

Evaluation Of Children Participation In Physical Activities During Recess In Selected Primary Schools In Nairobi City County, Kenya

There is a global concern that children are insufficiently active to experience health benefits of physical activity (PA). The World Health Organization recommends that children should engage in at least one hour of moderate to vigorous intensity PA (MVPA) daily, or accumulate at least 12,000 steps a day to achieve health benefits associated with the PA. This study investigated the contribution of recess PA towards alleviating the burden of overweight and obesity among children in Nairob...

Adoption Level Of A Proactive Safety Program Within The Construction Phase Of Olkaria’s Geothermal Power Stations Of Nakuru County, Kenya

Kenya is among the leading countries globally with significant geothermal resources. Geothermal energy provides reliable, cost-competitive, base load power with a small carbon footprint, and reduces vulnerability to changes in climate by diversifying power supply away from hydropower. Kenya has set out ambitious targets for geothermal power plants to meet an increasing power demand with significant impact to the safety and health of the workforce. This study focused mainly on this sector...

Adoption of biogas technology and its contribution to livelihoods and forest conservation in abogeta division, meru county, kenya.

ABSTRACT Fuelwood is the predominant energy source for cooking in rural households of Abogeta division in Meru County. Previously most wood was sourced from Mt. Kenya forest reserve. However, since enactment of a legislation prohibiting cutting of trees in the national forest reserves in the year 2005 by the Government of Kenya, there has been a serious shortage of wood fuel in Abogeta hence need for an alternative energy source. Biogas technology can greatly impact peoples’ livelihoods pa...

Health Information System Feedback In Selected Public Health Facilities In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Health Information System (HIS) is important in policy making and improvement of health care. Developed countries across the world continue to improve HIS as a means of promoting uptake of Universal Health Coverage (UHC). However, in developing countries especially Africa, HIS is not considered important factor in achieving UHC. In Kenya, it remains a significant challenge to determine level of feedback from health dispensaries, county hospitals and national hospitals yet the facili...

Utilization Of Voluntary Counseling And Testing Services By Health Care Providers In Eastern Province, Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite the many advancements made in health in the world, many countries continue to exhibit negative trends concerning the health of their people largely due to the AIDS pandemic. Voluntary counseling and HIV Testing (VCT) is an essential component of an effective response to the AIDS pandemic world wide. VCT services can serve as an entry point to HIV care and support. However, it has become increasingly apparent that workplace programmes on HIV have overlooked hospital workers e...

Edu Frontiers 110 PAGES (22188 WORDS) Public Health Thesis
A Survey Of Drinking Water Quality And Community Awareness Of Water Related Health Risks In Nyeri Town, Kenya

ABSTRACT Poor accessibility to safe water is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in developing countries where mechanisms to monitor and enforce regulations for quality water are inadequate or lacking. The aim of this study is to determine the microbial and chemical quality of water in Nyeri Town and assess the health risks associated with the water used and the preferred water. Water supply system in Nyeri Town consists of Municipal piped water, natural river and stream water running d...

Edu Frontiers 107 PAGES (22637 WORDS) Public Health Thesis
Factors Influencing Health Care Seeking Behaviour For Childhood Malaria In Makuyu Division Of Maragua District, Kenya

ABSTRACT  Malaria is a life threatening parasitic disease of major Public Health concern especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, where it kills more than 1 million children every year. The main objective of the study was to investigate the factors that influence health care seeking behavior for childhood malaria in Makuyu Division of Maragua District, Kenya. To achieve a desired representation, simple random sampling of the households with under fives was carried out. About 306 mothers/caretakers ...

Assessment Of The Healthcare Providers Knowledge And Capacity To Detect Rift Valley Fever Infections In Maragua Sub-County Of Murang’a County Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Rift valley fever (RVF) is a zoonotic mosquito-borne viral disease found in Africa and other continents and is documented in Kenya since 1910. Mosquito and other insect bites, contact with body fluids during slaughter, milking, treatment and examination and consumption of under-cooked contaminated animal products transmit the disease. In epizootic areas, RVF causes abortion in majority of pregnant ewes and cows while high mortality occurs among newborn lambs making diagnosis easy. I...

Determinants Of Disclosure On Hiv Sero-Status Among People Living With Hiv And On Antiretroviral Treatment At Mombasa County Referral Hospital, Kenya

ABSTRACT It is estimated that Kenya has 1.6 million people living with HIV and 88,000 new adult infections annually. The country has adult HIV prevalence rate of between 5.6 - 7.2% and incidence rate of 0.4 – 0.7%. Recent studies on HIV disclosure among adult sexual partners revealed HIV 70-80% disclosure rates. A number of studies on HIV and AIDS have been undertaken in Kenya. However, determinants of disclosure among persons living with HIV remain unclear. The objective of this study was...

Edu Frontiers 137 PAGES (22414 WORDS) Public Health Thesis
Utilization Of Unskilled Birth Attendants’ Services Among Women In Mbirikani Division, Loitokitok District Of Kajiado County, Kenya

ABSTRACT  Utilization of unskilled birth attendants’ (UBA) services by women in Mbirikani division of Kajiado County was studied. The study described the proportion of women who utilized UBA services, determined factors that influenced the utilization, established the levels of awareness and acceptance of the 2007 RH policy action on TBAs and suggested ways to engage UBAs in RH. 328 women, 15 TBAs and 3 key informants were sampled in the cross sectional study. Questionnaires and interviews...

Edu Frontiers 101 PAGES (21946 WORDS) Public Health Thesis
Adoption Of Energy-Efficient Woodstoves And Contribution To Resource Conservation In Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Biomass energy provides 68% of Kenya‘s national energy requirements and it is expected to remain the main source of energy for the foreseeable future. The current biomass demand in Kenya is estimated at 40.5 million tonnes against a sustainable supply of 16 million tonnes. Many of the rural households use traditional stoves which have low energy efficiency leading to using more woodfuel, increase in indoor air pollution and also putting alot of pressure on the biomass sources. The...

Trend Analysis And Therapeutic Management Of Mental Disorders In Central And Eastern Uganda Between 1970-2005

ABSTRACT The consequence of political and bloody civil strives in Uganda exposed people to health damaging psychological. physical. chemical. biological and mechanical stressors. with estimated 35% Ugandan suffering from some form or mental disorders. There is dearth of in formation on the impact on the trend evolution and pattern or mental disorders in the two regi ons. This study aims to determine the epidemiology of mental disorders and their patterns of presentation in Eastern and Centra...

Perception Of The Ishaka – Bushenyi Municipality Community Towards Mentally Ill Patients

TABLE OF CONTENT declaration ............................................................................................................................ i dedication ............................................................................................................................ ii Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................. iii Definition of terms .......................................................

Use Of Electronic Equipment In Facilitating Learning Among Medical Students At Kampala International University School Of Health Sciences

ABSTRACT: Aim To determine the availabiltity, utilization of electronic equipment for learning purpsoses among medical students. Methods In a survey involving 200 students from the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences of Kampala International University-Western Campus was done and a self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data. Results: It was found that majority of the students(86%) owned at least one electronic equipment and of those 35% owned more than one type of electronic equi...

Assessing The Knowledge, Practices And Attitudes On Cervical Cancer Screening Among Females Aged (21-50) Years In Ishaka Bushenyi District

ABSTRACT Introduction: Cervical cancer remains a leading cause of death among women in low-resource settings, and virtually every case of cervical cancer is caused by HPV (Ferlay et. al; 2004). It is the third most common cancer in women worldwide and according to WHO (2008), 275 000 deaths were recorded out of the estimated 529 000 new cases. Specific objective of this study was to determine the practices of females aged 21-50 years towards the prevention approach, early detection and manag...

1711 - 1725 Of 6426 Results